10. Another One

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After an hour or so of laying and waiting you huffed, deciding that it was time to move, you stood and teleported yourself back to your room. You hopped back into the tub to actually wash up before draining it and getting dressed, wondering what 'reasons' Loki had for not wanting to have sex and shrugged. You toweled off your hair before throwing it up in a loose bun, getting out a sunny-ish outfit, then smirked finding an outfit Nat brought back for you from a mission in Marrakech that had a cardigan and decided to try it out

You crossed the shawl over yourself, hiding the many marks left across your chest, and smiled in the mirror. It was such a simple hookup but such loving tender touches left you feeling almost floaty. You smiled and stepped out, beginning to walk to the common area for some food, realizing you had basically two workouts with no sustenance, you were a bit worn down.

You rounded the corner to the common room, the wall looking basically untouched by what had transpired months ago. You blushed a little at the idea of the same guy you threw back fifty feet just went down on you because he heard you'd never had the pleasure "I really should make that up to him, I never really apologized." you murmured as you headed down the hall.

You smiled as Hill exited the common area "Hey, (Y/N) I heard about what happened..." she trailed, looking at you with sympathy as you smiled at her 'You poor thing...' she thought, you fought off an annoyed scowl "No matter what you heard, I assure you I'm perfectly fine, thank you." you said, giving her a half hug before continuing.

You sighed, hating feeling like a burden to the team. Hell, your first field op as an Avenger (Not really either) you got kidnapped. You were punishing yourself enough the last thing you wanted is to be surrounded by pity, despite knowing they mean well and they couldn't control their feelings, you just shoved it down more.

In the common area, Clint and Bucky were eating and reading a file at the island as Thor and Loki sat on the couch, with Thor's foot propped up on Loki's lap as he was healing it. Thor talked about the mission and the serpent they'd fought that nearly took out Miami as Loki only worked. Loki glanced over at you although didn't meet your eyes or greet you, to which you frowned until you realized that he didn't say anything because others were in the room. 

You sighed a little, remembering the stigma of distrust Loki had draped himself in before you arrived, no one was really comfortable with him besides Thor and those whose trust he'd worked hard earning. You two were so comfortable with each other, any suspicions dissolved with the heat and stare of sweet promises to come.

You went to pour three cups of coffee, giving Clint and Bucky a quick good morning and half hug. You walked to the brothers "Good Morning your highness'" you teased, handing Thor his mug "Ahhh, yes, usher me into Valhalla" he joked, sipping the coffee and adjusting again.

Loki groaned then took the cup from you, grazing your hand a minute "Thor I will light your boat myself if you don't stop moving and let me heal you" he threatened before sipping his coffee and setting it down. You frowned a little then went to sip yours when 'I've had my fill of sweetness, but some cream would be lovely pet' you shivered a little then went to the kitchen, grabbing the half and half out of the fridge before coming back to watch Loki's hands hover over the wounds that slowly closed up in front of you.

You blinked as you poured the creamer in his cup, watching him work "So... How exactly do you work that?" you asked him, gesturing his hand. He groaned a bit, not opening his eyes or moving his hands "With intense focus and silence" he said curtly. You pouted "Oh but no coffee?" you asked, going to take it away, he pulled one hand away to smack your hand "Not on your life" he said, still healing.

You smirked and looked at Thor who shared a look before sipping your drinks and watching him work. As he finished he looked over at him "Anything I missed? I won't fix anything you were too stupid to check for first." he said. You turned your head, helping him look before gesturing at a scar that hid under his leg "The underside of his calf has another bite mark" you said, earning a nod from Thor.

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