28. The Beast

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In the morning you were jostled awake by the roaring of an animal, it sounded like a bear, so you grabbed your pistol and hurried out of the tent to see Stephen knocked out and Nightwolf growling at a bear. You cocked your gun and shot up into the air, making the bear face you "Ahhh!! AHHH!" you kept screaming at it and waving your arms before it eventually ran off. You sighed a little then walked over to Stephen, purposefully keeping your eyes off Nightwolf "What happened?" some leaves shifted behind you "It snuck up on us and knocked Stephen out, I think he didn't know it would bother us." she said.

You carefully looked at Stephen, assessing his injuries before turning him over "Shit, he's got a concussion" you said before holding the back of his head where the wound was and began healing it. You could feel Nightwolf behind you "Woah... What are you?" she asked seemingly in awe at your magic "(Y/N)... Just (Y/N)" you said as the magic faded. You nudged Stephen a little "Stephen... C'mon Doc wake up." you said, he was fine but you needed him for this mission. After a moment, nothing, so you sighed "Nightwolf, I'm going to put some trust into you, okay? I need to get him to another Doctor, with my powers it'll take minutes." you explained.

She cleared her throat "Minutes? Uh... Okay, what do you need?" she asked as you looked at the horizon, the sun's rays were beginning to peak over those hills, you cursed, the beast would be awake soon. You grabbed Stephen "Just stay here, okay? I swear to you I will be right back," you said then teleported you and Stephen to the lab. Bruce was asleep on his desk, Tony was at a desk, and Vision was at a computer. As you teleported in they all (Sans Bruce) looked up and walked over "What happened?" Vision asked "Bear attack, he's got a concussion, I healed the wound but I don't know if I helped it at all." you said.

Vision picked up the doctor and laid him down "Are you kidding me? All that magic and he gets taken out by a bear?" Tony teased, flicking Strange's temples. Tony came around then froze and cleared his throat "Eh... (Y/N) did you just wake up?" he asked, you arch a brow before you stopped to realize you were still in your underwear and your shirt was hiked up. You pulled it down and flushed "Gotta go back!" you yelled before teleporting back to the camp where Nightwolf awaited. You nudged your head at her then cleared your throat, trying to make your blush calm down "He's safe with my colleagues... So I guess its just you and I." you said, avoiding looking at her "I'm sorry, I feel like he got hurt protecting me..." she trailed off. You shook your head "Don't worry about it, really." you said. 

You looked at the camp to assess the damages... Your sniper rifle, the food, and some camping gear were intact... However, your uniform and the equipment it was resting on did not. You sighed "Great..." you trailed off then stood "Okay, I guess we're doing this," you said, cocking your pistol, grabbing your sniper rifle and a couple of ration packs before standing, still in underwear, but fully loaded "Okay, so he only comes after humans... Fun." you said. Nightwolf sighed "Yes... But if you'd like, I have an idea." she said, making you arch a brow "I'm listening."

After a bit of explaining, It was a good idea but there was a small risk factor, basically, you were bait, since you were now the only human left. Nightwolf would make sure he found you by finding him first, luring him over with your uniform in her mouth and you'd jump down on top of him and teleport you two. You sighed a little. "Then, once I'm back and get healed, I'll talk to Fury about bringing you back to the compound and you can talk to Stephen about getting this cursed fixed," you explained. You two were back to back so you could speak "Okay... But how do I know you'll come back? I have no assurance." she said, you chuckle "Smart, very smart... Here" you said, taking off your necklace with Loki's ring on it.

You pressed your lips together in thought before handing it to her "This ring... Is very precious to me" she said, you heard sniffing "I can tell you've worn this a lot." she said, you laugh "Yeah you could say that." you said. You sniffled and looked around "Okay, and I'll just ask you to wait here for us, okay?" you asked, feeling her bob behind you as she nodded. You smiled "Okay... Now go," you said before standing and turning, she changed, grabbed your uniform then nodded a 'Good Luck'. She darted off at the mountain, you huffed "Man I hope she's on our side... Still though, Werewolves are a thing... I gotta tell Serena'' you murmured, waiting patiently.

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