23. Love

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You dozed in and out as the two of you sat, listening to each other's exhausted breath and the hum of the water tub jets. His fingertips stroked your outer arm gently, trying to calm the adrenaline he could feel in your body. Every so often his lips gently met your hairline, holding for just a moment before he slowly retracted his lips and turned his head. You two were just enjoying the sensation of each other's skin, your presence, your beings. He took a deep breath "Alright" he said, his serious tone made your smile fall "Time to get out." he said. You shook your head "Who says?" you asked, he nudged his head "Says me, your fingers are doing that prune thing" he said. You raised them out and sighed "So? It just means I have better grip" you said, trailing your hand up to his bare thigh, you traced down only to have your hand snatched up.

He smirked down at you as he held your hand high "You seem to think you're my good girl again, you're on thin ice." he said then stood, easily picking you up with him. He stepped out, setting you down on the carpet before grabbing a towel, you caught the one he tossed you and began drying off "Honestly nows a good time to go to town and get food, that way we have the whole weekend." you said. He nodded, looking at you from under the towel "I suppose that would be best" he said, you nodded, scrunching up your towel nervously. You cleared your throat "We could also walk around and explore the town" you said with a shrug. He arched a brow, stepping over to you "I thought you lived here before, why would we need to explore?" he asked. You wrapped the towel around your shoulders "Because you didn't?" you asked, he sighed and rolled his eyes before meeting yours. You tilted your head "Come on, I know you don't give a shit about the planet, but you earned these rights, worked damn hard and you never use them." you said. He shrugged "I'm just working until I can go free" he said as though it were obvious, you gestured him "Then what?" you asked.

He stared you down then shifted on his feet "... I don't rightly know." he said, you nodded "And thats fine... But I will say that when the prophecy is fulfilled I still plan to fight but I'm going to come home and... As my boyfriend, you're welcome to come with me." you worked out nervously. You pressed your lips together as he blinked, his expression blank as he absorbed what you said "I'd hope so, if I can teleport I can come to see you any time." he said, stepping out of the room. You slumped, glaring out the doorway he came in 'I guess I need to be more direct' you thought then sighed and walked around the corner just to be picked up and pressed against the wall. He held your waist, pressing on the wall as he smirked down at you "You're too serious" he teased then kissed your lips as you pushed him slightly "And you're a prick" you said, hitting his shoulder. He chuckled and nodded "I don't hate the idea of staying here instead... I don't know if I'd be fighting though." he said then shrugged. You giggled at his response as he loosened his grip, cocking his head at you "Like you could stay away from the fight," you said.

You walked away, jogging up the stairs with him on your tail, you strode over to the suitcase until he side-stepped you and held out his hand. He took your jaw in his soft hold, meeting your eyes "Stay. I'll be choosing your clothes." he said then turned as you bit your lip. He hunched over your case, ruffling through it carelessly, he tossed out a red plaid skirt, you had to smirk, you packed some more revealing clothes than normal, stuff you'd never wear at the compound.

He tossed some black leggings out and a black turtleneck sweater, you nodded in agreement with what you saw until he reached over to his bag, tugging something out that was in a box. You eyed it carefully "What's that?" you asked, he continued to unload the bag, you huffed and crossed your arms. He froze hearing you huff and slowly turned to watch you out of the corner of his eye, then reached over and pulled out another container, before pulling out the last of your stuff. He stood and turned, he held the two boxes out "Eyes closed pet" he said, you nodded and closed your eyes, the distinct light shining through the window barely lighting your eyelids.

She Burns (Final Form) (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now