21. Inevitable

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You groaned out, lifting your head off the back of the stiff couch as you sat up, a quick glance around to assess your surroundings, it was early morning, the sun was peeking over the trees. You looked down to see One-One, curled into your side clutching you like a stuffed animal. On the other side of the sectional couch you see Thor and Nora both out of it, also cuddled up on the couch, and you smirked, figuring she joined at some point.

It took you a moment to notice a guard behind the couch, he nodded to you, and you back to him "Time?" "7:49 AM" you nodded and stretched. "Thank you, sir, you're relieved. I'll be watching her until she wakes up," you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. He nodded before taking off, he'd probably been there all night, you stood and walked over to the kitchen, preparing to make coffee and breakfast.

The second the aroma started to waft Thor seemed to rise out of his seat, carefully setting Nora on the couch with the blanket and walking over "Morning Thor." "Morning my lady," he said, sitting at the bar. You handed him a cup before pouring another "So I see Nora and you are getting along" you teased, sipping your coffee as he coughed a little "Perhaps we are, what of it?" he asked, grinning at you. You laughed a bit "Nothing at all, you deserve to be happy too Thor." you said, sipping your drink "Thank you... You know you do too though." he said. You stared at the cup in your hands

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that you deserve happiness... When was the last time you left the base for something besides work and necessities?"

"The concert for Mani's Meteor-"

"That's work, try again. The last time was your birthday if I remember right."

You thought for a moment then cleared your throat "Yeah... Yeah it was" you said sadly, looking to the side. Thor shrugged again "Perhaps take your days and go on a trip, or atleast go into the city" he suggested, you scoffed "Are you trying to get me to do groceries?" you asked. He rolled his eyes "I am not, I will happily go retrieve meals for my comrades and me, however... I think you and Loki need some time to yourselves." he suggested. You blinked at him in surprise "Now I know you're messing with me, there is no way in hell Fury would let me sign Loki out, he knows we're together. " you said, gesturing where Loki's room generally was.

Thor shrugged "Brother has the cuffs still, Fury may be more inclined to help you, especially since he's gotten better since you came here." he insisted, pointing at you. You blushed a little "You're the second person to tell me that..." you trailed before turning, beginning to make yourself a second cup. Thor shrugged "Wanda I assume? We talked about that at the cabin that one weekend." he said, making you smile and nod "Yeah... That was nice." you said with a smile then frowned remembering Thor dropping you "I take that back actually, and I'm now greatly concerned for my future nieces and nephews flying lessons," you said, still annoyed.

He laughed a little as he finished his drink. "Hey you flew." he said, setting it down "Another," he said, you rolled your eyes and poured it "After the fight last night I doubt a romantic getaway is something he has in mind," you said. You set down the pot and drank yours. "You don't know Loki as I do, before he changed he was a hedonist who reveled in parties, now he much prefers to be alone. I think some time away from the compound," he said with a shrug.

You nodded a little "I guess I never thought about it... I feel like if I try to do something like that Fury'll turn it into a work thing." you said. Thor shrugged "Don't know until you try, I'm sure you and Loki have plenty of vacation days" he said, you laughed fakely "I have plenty, Loki though..." you trailed then shook your head "You know what? Sure. I've been meaning to go home anyhow and tend to everything." you said.

Thor smiled "Excellent! Would you like me to approach Fury about this?" he asked, standing up, to which you narrowed your eyes at how eager he was to get you out "Sure as soon as you tell me the real reason you're trying to get Loki and me out of here." you said, resting your hand on your hip.

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