33. Perfect

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Soft strokes over your shoulder blades stir you from sleep, you could feel Loki's cold hands rubbing your shoulders gently. You smiled into the tender notions, groaning slightly "Little lower" you said, his hands simply slid down and massaged your hip softly "Right here?" he asked gently, his voice was hoarse. You blinked and turned over to face him, he sat there cross-legged with pants on, eyes somewhat glistening as he smiled at you "Loki what's the matter?" you asked while adjusting so you sat up, the sheet carefully wrapped around you.

He stared at you, nothing said, and reached his hand up with a gentle smile "Just memorizing everything about you" he said. You giggled a little, trying to peep into his head but he had his walls, everything seemed okay though, he sighed "See?" he asked. You took his hand and kissed it gently "Just being sure" you said, stroking it with your thumb before you turned, standing up off the bed with a groan.

He watched you walk over to the window and drew back the curtain, the little cottage you had was somewhat like a comfortable niche hotel room, it was nice. You sighed looking out at New Asgard as people were cleaning up after the wedding ceremony, Loki walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. He turned his head, kissing the side of your neck before huffing "You can afford to wait another day before letting Hati do this insane ritual" he said. You sighed "Loki-" "-I know I know, I'm just suggesting you wait a day." he said, you shook your head "I understand," you said then turned "But its more than just wanting to get it done and over with..." you trailed, looking down.

You rubbed your very swollen belly with a smile "I talked to them, recited stories about our adventures, my family, what I know of yours, I sang to them... I want them in my arms." you said. Loki smiled as you spoke then knelt down kissing your belly "I want to meet them too." he said, resting himself there before sighing. He looked up blinking at you "If you're willing then I'll help" he whispered, still not excited about the process but he was ready to meet his child.

You smiled and stroked his hair out of his face before stroking his face "Is my husband going to kiss me today?" you asked, he chuckled and stood "Only if my wife wants" he whispered, leaning in until he met your lips. He stroked your face softly, getting ready to slide down when there was a knock "(Y/N)? It is Thor and Hati" Thor said as Loki sighed in annoyance "That damn dog can't give us a few moments more." he murmured as you pulled away.

You opened the door to see Thor with Nora behind him "Are you ready?" "I have been awake for five damn minutes you will wait," you said defiantly. Just because you were accepting his terms doesn't mean you were on his time. He held up his hands "Of course... I would like to offer you my congratulations and sincerest apologies for intruding on your wedding day." he said. You nodded "Thank you. Also, when this is all over... You're leaving Thor." you said, he nodded "Of course, I wanted nothing to do with this possession nonsense anyhow." he said.

You nodded to him then cleared your throat then looked at Nora "and Apologize to her... The piece you interrupted is one of the most difficult in the world to perform and she was flawless until you showed up." you said. Hati sighed "There were more important matters-" he seemed to wince as you glared him down, he cleared his throat and turned to Nora, kneeling in front of her "I am sorry Lady Nora, I meant no offense to your talent." he said then kissed her hand. You nodded as Nora blushed and cleared her throat "I'll tell the others you're still sleeping" she said then motioned Hati to stand and follow her.

You shut the door and turned to Loki to see him stifling some snickers, you tilted your head as he waved his hand "Apologies... I'm just glad to see you're embracing your matronly role" he said. You blushed and pushed some hair behind your ear as you approached him "That'll buy us some time." you said, taking his hands in yours. He held yours, staring out into your face for a moment before you tilted your head "Hey" he met your face "Whats wrong?" you asked. He'd been slightly spacey between the times you weren't being taken six ways from Valhalla.

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