31. Home

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Your eyes slowly opened the next day, wincing at the fluorescent light a bit then groaned, covering your eyes with the light as you turned

"Good morning"

You smiled as the velvet voice entered your eyes and moved your hand from your eyes to see Loki sitting at your bedside, leaning over to you and taking your hand in his, resting his lips on your knuckles with his eyes closed. You smiled as you examined him, he had more scars now, his hair was longer and he seemed like sleep was but a distant memory "Join me, you look like you haven't seen a pillow in days" you whispered out. He opened his eyes and chuckled before crawling into bed "Kidnapped and held hostage for four months and you still think of me" he said as he adjusted, pulling a blanket over the both of you.

You snuggled into his chest for a moment then whimpered, Loki shot his eyes open feeling movement then looked down "It's alright it's alright, they're just kicking" you cooed to him. He kept staring down at your belly "Oh, Loki?" he looked up "I'm pregnant" you said with a smile making him stare then snort and start laughing as you did "Are you sure darling? I can hardly see a bump" he said, your laugh gradually getting louder as he joined you.

Loki put his hand on your belly as the laughter teetered off, rubbing you slightly as the baby kicked, the both of you just enjoying the silence together. Loki looked back up at you continuing to rub as he did, staring at you worriedly "What's the matter?" you asked. He smiled a little half-smile then leaned into your shoulder gently "It doesn't feel real yet... You being here." he murmured out against your neck.

You smiled and leaned your head on his "I know what you mean" you said softly before silence filled the air again.

"(Y/N)... I can't apologize enough for how I left you-"

"-Oh shut up, if I still cared about that I'd have left you on that ship"

He chuckled as you smiled and nuzzled into your shoulder "God I missed you" he said, wrapping his arms around you. You stroked his chest then reached up, taking a lock of his hair in your hand and twirling it around your finger absent-mindedly for a moment until there was a soft knock. You looked up to see Bruce poking his head in "There is a small army of people here to see you" he said, making you laugh a bit and shift so you were sitting up. Bruce walked in before anyone else and hugged you gently before pulling back "Loki was able to heal you a bit, and from what I can tell the tests all say that the baby is good, big too." he said.

You nodded to him and leaned back as Loki adjusted, his arm around your waist still as though he wasn't planning on moving anytime soon. Bruce stepped out and a moment later Nat and Wanda barged in, you endured as Nat looked you over and Wanda held you tightly, whispering in Sokovian while she cried. After that, Nora and Thor walked in, Nora hugged you tightly, slightly crying while she whispered several apologies into your shoulder whilst you comforted her, they were muted from Loki yelling as Thor was holding Loki tightly.

They separated after a moment and went to walk outside "Nora" she turned to look at Loki who got out of bed then walked over and gently pulled her into a hug. You went wide-eyed as Thor and Nora did before she smiled and hugged him back "You're welcome" she said, patting him on the back before dragging a star-struck Thor out of the room.

You arched a brow at him and gestured what just happened as he turned "She helped me get you back, you were inches away from being beyond our grasp" he said while walking over and sitting next to your bed. You sighed a little, holding her chest, were you really that close to being gone?

Steve, Bucky, and Clint funneled in simultaneously and hugged you, Clint brought you a pregnancy pillow (Never been pregnant, do have one, HIGHLY recommend it). Tony walked in afterward with Pepper who hugged you tightly, only outdone by Tony who held you tighter. Everyone came in and offered their own way of telling you that they missed you, many gifts were brought for a combination of you and the baby. Except for Peter who just darted over and hugged you tight.

She Burns (Final Form) (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now