11. No Big Thing

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A few weeks have come and gone, you're halfway through the cart of books by now. When you weren't training, eating, or in the lab, you were reading up on your theory, even some lab time turned into study hall as Bruce and Tony searched for radio waves that matched yours. Loki, of course, helped when he had a moment, he had a certain schedule now and had to atone for his mistakes via whatever kind of detail they could throw at him.

Also, it was hard to squeeze in study time when you couldn't keep your hands off each other. Mostly what you two did was service each other, though you came close to having sex several times. You two had to be careful though.

You were in your room one afternoon, freshly back from a lab run of your teleportation powers, where you'd been most days now, just reading and taking notes on Sol and Mani. So far you're guessing you have one more power coming your way, thanks to Thor and Loki you know Sol and Mani didn't have actual chariots, Sol had the gift of flight by gliding on the sun's rays, as she protected the sun and Mani had the power to glide from star to star, as the cosmos themselves wanted her safe. Again, all a guess, but at this point, you took what you could get.

A knock pulled your attention "It's open!" you called, Wanda and Nat busted in "How could you?" Wanda asked, staring comical daggers at you as Nat attempted to look fake upset. You blinked "Probably easily, I'm amazing like that," you said "What are you talking about?" Nat stood by the bed you were sitting on as Wanda sat next to you "How could you not tell us it's your birthday?!" she asked.

You blinked and looked down at your phone, tapping the date "Oh shit it is..." you trailed with a shrug as Nat tilted her head "Yeah oh shit... Now get up, we're going shopping." she said. You shook your head "I appreciate it but I don't really celebrate-" Wanda and Nat yanked you up and took the book "Then let's celebrate you leaving the compound for the first time in too long" Nat said.

You blinked, walking over to your dresser "Too long? When was the..." you trailed, remembering the mission where you got kidnapped. It'd been about three months since you found out about Sol, it felt like months. You shook your head as Wanda walked over and hugged you "We're not going to think about that, we're gonna solve our problems with Nat's money." she said. You sighed a little "Nat you don't have to fund a girl's trip just for me" you said, shaking your hand. She scoffed slightly "I know I don't, now c'mon, let me spoil you," she said, taking out some clothes and shoving them into your arms.

You sighed and changed into simple jeans and a t-shirt as the two talked absently about what mall to go to. You walked over to the desk, grabbing your wallet and phone when you saw a small box that wasn't there last night and opened it to show a nice a simple-looking black and gold watch. It had a small note in it that simply said 'Happy Birthday' on it, you had to hold back a smile knowing that it was probably for Loki.

'Thanks for the present handsome.'


You shrugged 'He's probably at practice, I'll thank him later.' you thought while wearing the watch "Oooo first present?" Wanda asked as Nat examined it carefully "Was this here last night?" she asked. You shook your head, tucking some hair behind your ear. "No, I think it's from uh... someone," you said simply then grabbed your stuff. Nat and Wanda shot each other a look as you all walked out "Well, all presents are from all kindsa someones, so what kind of-" you cut off Wanda with a sigh "Someone I'm sort of seeing." you verified.

They each ran up to your side, trying to get some kind of answer before you all got into a car and drove to the mall.

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