30. Mission: Return.

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--4 Months Later--

Third Person POV

Fury sat in the conference room with several other Avengers, all in different locations "And we've scanned every base?" he asked. Tony nodded "Every base has been scanned, the only thing we've found is silver chains where she was, all we've been able to confirm is that they're moving her around a bit." he said. Fury looked to Natasha, she was behind the controls of a quinjet "She hasn't been spotted at any of the bases we're keeping an eye on. From what we can tell there's no rhyme or reason for transporting her. She's been at research bases-" Clint cut her off "-Fury we don't even know for sure she was at those places, she's left no DNA, we're just finding chains." he said beside her.

Nightwolf cleared her throat, now in human form, besides Dr. Strange "Her scent has been there, no blood but she's very pungent because of the baby" she explained. Strange leaned over "We're at one now that has some items they left behind, it seems to be a lot of prenatal care equipment, everything you'd need except a proper bed." he added then leaned back over to go through items. Nora nodded, she was also on a quinjet but in the back, now donning an Avengers suit "The one I'm at has all the same stuff, but the room she was kept in has a cracked mirror with some blood. Not hers." she said.

Fury nodded "So she tried to get out, are we surprised by that Agent?" he asked, she shook her head "No, I'm more stating that because it's on the other side." she said then turned her phone to show the glass cracked from the outside of the glass. Sam cleared his throat "I found similar things at this one, glass cracked and a scuffle, some stuff knocked over. Someone's starting to lose their temper." he explained.

They all seemed to think "They aren't interrigating her, just holding onto her, so whats to be frustrated about..." Fury said in thought, which was broken by someone else calling. He picked up to show Bucky on the line "Fury, I found another camera phone" he said, Fury walked over, crossing his arms as Bucky seemed to fiddle with it. He held it up to the camera for everyone to see then played it.

There was a woman on it in a hydra uniform, Emma, the nurse that was in charge of (Y/N) that was sympathetic to the situation. She'd been leaving video logs as to the baby's health, and she did but at the end of the videos she'd been letting (Y/N) speak in code they'd been deciphering over time. She mostly conveyed things like 'I'm fine' 'It's cold' 'It's hot' 'it's rainy' whatever she could convey about her situation. (Y/N) was sitting there on a disgusting mattress in her bra and underwear. Her hair was matted, her face bloodied, cuts along her body, and her belly was swollen.

The video shifted so it was propped up as the woman began wiping her down with a cloth as (Y/N) sniffled "Bitter." she said. She said that in the last one, before that it was two iterations of 'Spicy', we began to think it refers to the temperature of where she's being kept. Nora pressed in her lips and looked down, the guilt still heavy. (Y/N) coughed a bit then shifted "The chains get a little shinier each day" she said then winced as the woman began cleaning her wounds. Still haven't been able to decipher that one.

She pressed in her lips "I just want to talk to him..." her eyes glistening with tears. Bucky went to pause it, which usually meant the rest of the video was for Loki, as Fury sighed and looked at Thor "Any luck locating him?" I asked, Thor only sighed and shook his head "No, there was a sighting a week ago near the base in the mountains but nothing after that" he said.

After what had happened Loki just left, he disappeared off base, the only thing that could be located was the burning wreckage of Hydra bases scattered throughout the globe. They hadn't really bothered to go after him either, they sent one team that was defeated, not killed. Fury sighed as Thor cleared his throat "Shall I collect that one too?" he asked, Bucky nodded "Yeah, I'll send you the location" he said. Fury shook his head "It's just so damn hard to communicate like this" he said, clearly frustrated with everything.

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