The Application:

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Searching for jobs was a pain in the ass. Endless applications and job descriptions to double check before you apply to make sure you aren't applying for something shady. I typically search for the same types of jobs, so at least that narrows down the options. I had just sat down and pried open my laptop when my phone started to ring. It was my friend.

"Yeeees? What's up." I put her on speaker and placed my phone on my leg as I logged in.

"Hey! Nothing nothing...just wanted to see if you saw that link I sent you.." She hummed.

"Uhh..yeah I totally checked it out." I lied.

"Oh yeah? I don't really think you did."

"What makes you think that?"  I laughed and scrolled.

"Because, (Y/N), my dear fucktard of a friend, IF YOU DID YOU WOULD HAVE HAD YOUR ASS OVER HERE 30 MINUTES AGO!" She yelled into the phone.

"What the fuck are you talking about why are you so pressed?!" I did as she said and clicked on the link she had sent me. It was a job application. It read ' NOW HIRING!!! HIRING NEW EMPLOYEES FOR THE 2022 GRAND OPENING OF FREDDY FAZBEAR'S MEGA PIZZAPLEX! POSITIONS INCLUDE: NIGHTSHIFT SECURITY, JANITORIAL STAFF, DAYCARE MANAGEMENT, MECHANIC, FRONT DESK SUPERVISOR, AND MANY MORE! APPLY TODAY WITH YOUR RESUME....'

I stared at the advertisement and sighed.

"(F/N), you have a lot of nerve sending me something like that." I can't believe she fell for such an obviously fake listing.

She grumbled something as I double checked where the listing came from.

"That's super weird that that website let them post that, though. Aren't all the listings on there supposed to be legit?" I furrowed my eyebrows and reskimmed over the article.

"(Y/N). You are really working my nerves right now. You know that big ass building that has been under construction for the past 10 months?" She reminded.

"Yeah. The new mall by my place? I know you aren't trying to tell me that mall is founded by Fazbear Entertainment." I laughed at her once more.

"I'm currently...getting a stamp on my wrist so I can be on the 'Free FizzyFaz for 24hrs' list." She beamed.

"I'm hanging up now." I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. I've been obsessively playing security breach lately and (F/N) knows it. She makes fun of me for constantly talking about all the characters and talking about how cute Sundrop and Moondrop are. They're for sure my favorite, I love the conflicting personalities and their design is immaculate. I smile just thinking about them. I got another message from (F/N), this time it being a picture. I tsk and open it to see her posing next to a giant golden statue of Freddy.

"What the fuck.." I mumble to myself. She sent me an address and told me to come see for myself. I stared at the wall in shock and laughed to myself.

"She can't be serious..." I got up anyways. Whether this was all just a ploy to get me out of the house and for (F/N) to make fun of me, I didn't care. I just wanted to see. I got ready and threw on a suitable outfit for an outing. I did my hair and makeup to cover up me not sleeping in the passed 27 hours now. I stared at myself in the mirror and laughed again.

"I'm so fucking stupid." I hurried out the door and slid into my car, not even bothering to put on directions. I knew where the giant building was and I know (F/N) is fucking with me. Her picture was quite convincing, but actually going to see it would be a whole other thing. I searched for a parking spot for what felt like ages. I couldn't debunk (F/N)'s lie just yet, but the fact the giant entry sign was colorful and definitely had a bear on it was making me skeptical on what kind of mall this would be. I pulled into someone's spot as they were leaving and quickly got out of my car. I jogged to get a better look at the sign. People were pouring into all sides of the building. Lots of screaming kids and annoyed parents made me believe her even more. I finally got close enough to see it...

"You have GOT to be fucking kidding me." I gasped to myself and stared at the sign. The all too familiar four main characters bundled up together as cute cartoon characters made me shake my head. I pushed open the doors quickly and blinked once I got inside. The smell of pizza and other arcadely scents assaulted my nose as my jaw dropped. I looked all around, slowly approaching (F/N) who had spotted me first.

"I knew you'd come." She took it all in with me. Screaming kids were running all around us and I could still only focus on what I was seeing.

"Please never let me wake up from this dream." I placed my hands over my mouth and turned towards (F/N). She then pinched me in my forearm.

"Hey!" I swatted her away and flinched. "The fuck was that for?" I pinched her back.

"You aren't dreaming." She smiled and motioned her arms to our surroundings. I laughed and made my way back to the front desk.

"Where are you going now?!" (F/N) followed close behind me and stood in line with me.

"Doing an in-person application. They're more personal if you do it in person and you are more likely to get hired." I smiled just thinking to myself about working here. It being real was already too good to be true.

"You are so weird. I'm gonna apply too." She nudged my side and I gave her a confused look.

"Really? Why? I thought you said the game was weird." I pressed, walking up to the counter.

"I have my reasons~" She whispered under her breath, looking straight ahead.

"Hello ladies, what can I do for you girls today?" The lady at the counter smiled. (F/N) had her gaze set on her very intently and I laughed, pinching her leg telling her to cut it out.

"Hi, yes, we had seen the job listing online and we were wondering if we could actually apply in person?"  I tucked my hair behind my ears and mentally crossed my fingers. She chuckled and took out two pieces of paper.

"Of course we have in-person applications. We just opened but sadly we have already had quite a few applicants. The only remaining positions are...assistant manager and daycare management. Are you both still interested?" She took out some pens and handed them to us.

"Yes!" I immediately signed the form. I handed the pen to (F/N) as she tried to flirt with the front desk lady. She signed her form as well and she happily took them from us.

"I actually like you guys already, and I don't just say that to anyone." She chuckled. "How about I just offer you the job?" She smiled and clapped her hands together.

"A-are you serious? That would be amazing!" I smiled brightly and thanked her.

"Yes, that would be soooo amazing~" (F/N) hummed. The lady closed her eyes and laughed at her actions.

"Stop it!" I whisper yelled and she shot me a look.

"Hey, unlike you, I shoot my shot." She huffed and smiled when she met the front desk lady's gaze. I shook my head and she came around the counter.

"Would you guys like a tour?" She took out some keys and we followed her eagerly.

"So, We are currently standing at the front entrance. The front entrance opens up and leads us into the lobby! I am actually the manager of this fine establishment, so I'm giving you both this tour personally." She glanced over her shoulder as she walked. She lead us through the lower level, pinpointing where maps and bathrooms were located. She explained most of the attractions were upstairs on terms of games and food. She showed us the break room, locker room, and even the kitchen, saying we can help ourselves. She supplied us with cards and keys of our own after we had filled out some paperwork. The fine print for my application, regarding daycare management, seemed a lot longer than (F/N)'s. I figured it's because I have to deal with kids. I snickered at the thought. I'm not the biggest fan of kids, but I'm fine if they're really small. Toddler's and teenagers are mean.
I skimmed through the fine print as the manager explained the basics of what we would both be doing.

"My name is Mel, by the way, and I would like to thank you both for showing interest in working here with us!" She clapped her hands together, causing her bracelets to clank. (F/N) and I exchanged glances, both clueless of what is to come.

1556 Words

Thank you so much if you read part 1! Sorry for it taking a second for Sun/Moon to be introduced...but he will be very soon :)

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now