The Bar II:

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Before we left, (F/N) took an extra fifteen minutes to go and find something she forgot inside. Whatever it was she put it in the trunk..loudly. I know she's weird but yelling at objects as if they were people is concerning to a certain extent. The whole drive there I felt like I was third wheeling. (F/N) and Roquelle seemed to get along quite well as if they've known each other for years, despite me never hearing of her.

"So Roquelle, how did you two meet?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"At the Pizzaplex- OW!" Roquelle was stopped by (F/N) punching her in the arm.

"The pizzaplex? You come to the Pizzaplex often? Or do you work there and I just haven't met you. Sorry if that's the case the daycare keeps me pretty grounded in there so I can't do a lot of mingling." I laughed.

"She's only a part-timer is why. She helps out in the uhh..what was it again?" (F/N) asked.

"Raceway. Roxy's Raceway. I fix the karts and shit." Roquelle replied.

"Ohhh so you're a mechanic? That's cool. OH! That's who you remind me of! You weirdly fit the part of working with Roxy well, you guys give off the same vibe. Also the hair." I said. Roquelle laughed awkwardly and (F/N) changed the subject.

"Speaking of the daycare, how's everything going in there? Especially with Emma and all." (F/N) contorted her face into a snarl.

"Awful. Complete shit. The bitch is just there to bother the daycare attendants and doesn't even help out. Moon just about punched her the other day I had to step in and give her some random task." I massaged my temples and complained. (F/N) drifted and looped around the packed parking lot trying to find a spot. Someone right by the entrance left, causing Roquelle to pump her fist victoriously.

"SCORE!! Go there go there!" She pointed. (F/N) pulled into the parking space and we got in line to enter the club.

"God their drinks better be good because I fucking hate people. I don't know why you still invite me to these things it just ends in me third wheeling and getting dropped off at my house totally wasted and lonely." I said, adjusting my dress.

"Yeah you're right. I just figured you needed to get out and DO something. Being around kids so much is going to wear you down before you even have kids." (F/N) warned.

"Who said I wanted kids. I hate kids." I glared.

"(Y/N)..." (F/N) started and placed a hand on my shoulder "THEN WHY ARE YOU A FUCKING DAYCARE MANAGER?!" Some people in the line turned their heads to stare at (F/N). I smiled and apologized for her disruption.

"Shut the fuck up you're so fucking loud for what?" I whisper yelled. Roquelle just stood there behind us watching with her arms crossed over her chest tightly. We approached the front of the line and got neon wristbands to prove our entry.

"Damn how'd you get us on the list for such a high end place. This is like...two steps up from your normal ratchet clubs." I teased. (F/N) flicked my head and got us some seats at the bar. I sat my stuff down with them and realized I had to pee.

"Oh wait, can you watch my stuff while I go to the bathroom really quick?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. What drink do you want?" She gestured to the bartender and I shrugged.

"Anything, you know what I don't like." I waved and looked around for the bathroom signs.

I should probably text the boys and see how they're doing.

I pulled out my phone while I walked in the general direction of the bathrooms and started to text. I asked them if everything was going okay and was about to send before I accidentally bumped into someone.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now