The Analyzer:

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After chatting with Sun a bit more on how he works and what all he takes in from meeting someone, I realized these robots are very advanced. And I mean close to being people at this point. Sundrop said since he primarily works with small kids, a lot of features have been added to his programming. He has built-in attendance and records of kids who attend daycare, he can analyze emotions and word usage to determine if someone is lying, he can also determine whether a situation looks dangerous or threatening and will immediately go into a potential threat mode. He is completely waterproof, knows 5 languages, and even has a tongue. That peaked my interest.

"A what?" I whipped my head around as Sundrop adjusted some chairs.

" A tongue!" He mused. I blinked at him twice and was tempted to ask to see.

"Why were you programmed with a tongue?" I laughed.

"So that I can relate with the children more, ofcourse! They can feed me snacks and I am able to identify what is and is not edible. Are there any other uses for tongues?" He looked at me like I was crazy and flicked his wrist playfully. I shook my head.

"N-nope..You are right, silly me..." I looked down at the floor and blushed profusely. I cleared my throat and decided to change the subject.

"So, Sundrop-"

"Please call me Sunny, Sunshine, it will make me feel lots better!" He beamed as he skipped around the room, checking for anymore messes.

"Okaaay, Sunny. Why did you take my clipboard from me?" I asked.

"O-oh! I am very sorry about that sunshine, but I always complete all the daycare's chores myself, so there is no need!" He peeled a sticker off of the jungle gym and placed it on his face instead. He seemed very happy about doing that.

"Next time let me help! You don't need to do it yourself," I smiled at him "So..what is there for me to do?" I kicked my feet and turned around to check the desk for anything else I needed.

"I can't ask you to do that, dewdrop." Suddenly he was right in front of me. I turned back around and met his face with mine.

"AHH!" I screamed.

"AHHHH!! AHHHH!! WHAT, WHAT IS IT?! IS THERE SOMETHING ON MY FACE?!!" Sun withdrawaled himself and placed both hands on either side of his face, panicking. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.

"No, you just scared me!" I had retrieved a sticker pad with sparkly stars from behind me and placed one on Sun's face. "Now there is."

"Oooh! I love iiiit! Thank you, (Y/N)! Oh thank you thank you!" He picked me up and spun me around. "I just adore when people decorate makes me feel uhh.."

"Special? Pretty?" I asked. His spikes spun and he nodded his head.

"YES! It makes me feel PRETTY!" He gushed and spun me around once more. "Sadly, no amount of sparkly stickers could make me as pretty as you, sunshine." He put me down and I stuck my bottom lip out in response.

"Aww, what? That's so sweet of you don't sayyy that. You are too cute Sunny! Another sticker for you." I put another one on his forehead and he stared down at me.

"Oh..yes! uh...sweet of me." He scratched his neck and gave me a half-hearted smile. He walked off to put some crayons and paper on all the tables. I followed him with the rest of the supplies.

"Hey, you okay?" I placed a hand on his side..not being able to reach his back, and he jumped. He waved his hands in front of himself defensively.

"Of course I am! I am always fine, no need to worry about me!" He gently took the glitter glue from my hands and smiled down at it.

"You like glitter glue, too?" I asked. He looked down at me and nodded.

"I love it, it is my favorite. Though it is the hardest to get out of my clothes." He shook his head.

"Oh! That was on your maintenance checklist. Once a week I need to check your wires and write down your performance...And every night I have to make sure you are clean and ready for the next day." I recalled.

"NO!" He yelled, dropping the glue.

"Huh? What do you mean no?" I picked it up for him and he backed away.

"Y-you don't have to do that! I am perfectly fine! I'm m-more than capable of cleaning and making sure everything is in check myself." He walked away once more. It was hard to keep up considering he walked pretty fast. Suddenly he walked behind the play structure and disappeared.

Huh? Where did he go? He is fucking giant how did I lose him?

I looked all around and didn't see him anywhere.

"Sunny?" I called out. "Sundrop where did you go?!" Shit. First day here and already lost the robot. I grunted and made sure to clock in. It was already 6:27 and I'm sure Sunny is fine. I put my ID card into a lanyard with the companies name on it and put it around my neck. I feel so special. I sat down in the chair and sighed. This all felt like a dream.

I wonder how (F/N) is doing?

I took out my phone to text her and saw the long list of messages she left after my little joke this morning. I laughed and turned my phone back off, overwhelmed. I looked around once more before deciding to lay my head down. Before I knew it, I had closed my eyes and dozed off. When I had woke up, it was only because the sound of squealing children filled my ears. I cringed and sat up stretching, remembering I worked in a daycare. I opened my eyes midyawn to see a handful of kids gathered around the desk. They were all peeking over the side with only their eyes visible from where I was sitting. When they were spotted they all giggled and ran off. Suddenly Sunny came into view, giggling as well.

"I told you guys we would get caught!" One of the children said.

"Mr. Sun, Is she your girlfriend? Is that why she is sleeping at your house?" A little girl pressed. Sundrop's eyes widened and his face turned a light shade of pink as he picked up the little girl and tossed her.

1104 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now