The Temperature Is RISING:

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The empty bottle was placed strategically in the middle by (F/N).

"So..who doesn't know how to play?" She started, clapping her hands together. Everyone exchanged glances as 80% of the room's hands shot up. (F/N) smirked and I shook my head.

"Oh god please no," I said. Moon and Sunny, whom of which both had their hands raised, looked at me confused.

"Shut up my educated human friend, I'm teaching. SO, when playing spin the bottle there are TWO RULES!-"

"What are they?" Freddy asked, interested.

"Well Fredman if you let me finish, I was just about to tell you! Anyways as I was saying, TWO RULES!" She held up two fingers excitedly and I snarled. "NUMBER ONE, You HAVE TO KISS whoever the bottle lands on, no take backs. NUMBER TWO, what happens in the daycare, stays in the daycare." She happily sat back down next to Roxy and Moon shook his head.

"Absolutely not. I'm not kissing any of you freaks." He glared. I chuckled to myself and looked over at Sunny. He seemed to be piecing everything together, processing slowly.

"What happens in the daycare stays in the daycare? What is that supposed to me-" Sunny was cut off by (F/N).

"AH! We have our first player. You can spin first Sunman since you want to ask so many questions." She said evilly. Sunny flushed and smiled bashfully.

"Oh goodness no I'm alright miss (F/N) I do not wish to participate!"

(F/N)'s smile faded and she glared. "Spin.the.bottle."

His eyes widened and he visibly gulped as he reached for the bottle. He spun it carefully and sat back down as it circled the group. We all eyed it anxiously except Sunny. His face was hidden in his hands.

"Aaaand...oh. Oh wow." (F/N) said. I started to laugh. It had landed on DJ. DJ smirked and extended a hand in Sunny's direction.

"M-MUSIC MAN?!?!" He screeched. Sunny hurriedly stood up.

"Don't be shy," DJ snickered and scooped up Sunny. Sunny sat in his palm nervously and Music Man pressed his lips to the side of Sunny's face. Everyone cheered slightly, clapping. Sunny was placed back in his spot gently, unharmed....for the most part.

"You alright?" I asked, placing a hand on his arm. He nodded slowly and fanned his face aggressively.

"Dj, your turn to spin."

The giant spider dilf frowned at the bottle, it was pretty small compared to his freakishly large hands, so he lowered himself down and blew onto the glass instead. To our surprise, it actually did spin.

"God what's next, do I get to kiss DJ too?" Moon retorted sarcastically. The bottle made its decision, its narrow rim pointing at me. I started to laugh nervously. I slowly rose to my feet, backing away.

"Listen, DJ, we can talk this out- oop!" In the midst of me backing away, my back hit something solid. I turned around. It was Sunny, grinning. "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!?" I asked.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)!" Everyone started to chant. DJ sat there calmly, waiting for my decision, his hand resting on his palm.

"Oh y'know me, I just stand here err..sometimes!" He said, obviously stalling. I furrowed my eyebrows and started to think.

Why would he need to be stallin-

And I'm being lifted off of the floor. I hurriedly whipped my head around and DJ pulled down his glasses a bit, revealing multiple eyes of sorts. I stared a little too long, his eyes were intense. I groaned and adjusted my footing, sitting in his palm.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now