The Explanation:

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I had been looking around the tower for about 20 minutes now and concluded this was pretty much the boys' room. It was funny that you could see the clashing attempts at decorating they both did. There was two beds, which was pretty funny. One side of the room had lots of drawings, sparkles, and even a sun shaped night light plugged into the wall. Stuffed animals littered the floor and so did some clothes as well. The other side had stars stuck to the ceiling, a couple posters from around the pizzaplex I'm guessing, and was a bit more messy than Sunny's side. There seemed to be what looked like a journal sitting on Moon's bed and I picked it up out of curiosity. It was small and blue and had a silver lock on the side, but it was undone.

"Hey Sunshine, whatcha got there?" Sun had silently come up to the tower without me realizing. I dropped the book and covered it back up with the blanket it was previously under.

"Sunny!" I approached him and wrapped my arms around his torso tightly. He was taken aback by the sudden embrace but gladly returned it.

"Ya miss me that much? I was only gone for a little while!" He lifted my chin and I smiled lightly at him.

"Yeah...about that.." I stared at the floor and Sun sighed.

"I saw the whole thing, dewdrop. I have to go keep the kiddos entertained until closing so we can talk more about this later if you'd like?" He loosened his grip and I nodded.

"That sounds good, thank you." I let go as well and tugged on his shirt. He turned around to look at me and smiled brightly.

"Yes Sunshine?"

"Hey do I get down from here?" I asked, obviously embarrassed. Sun laughed and grabbed me, pulling me into his arms.

"All you had to do was ask if you wanted to be held." He walked to the edge with me in his arms, jumping off of the platform.

"WHAT?! SUN YOU MMM- AHHHHH!!" Soon enough, we collapsed into the ball pit together. I was lifted out just as before as the children started to join in, jumping in the pit. Sundrop placed me on the outskirts of the pit and winked. His attention was then adverted to all the kids as he tossed them into the air. I closed my eyes tightly and walked away, unaware of the blush creeping across my face.

"Who does he think he is?!" I grumbled and walked away to see what was on the schedule next.

Quite a few hours passed that included playing with glitter glue, playing 8 rounds of hide and seek, decorating sun with stickers, snack time, and even painting Sun's nails. The last kid was just taken home and Sun had kind of been avoiding me all day. I would catch him staring occasionally and he would talk to himself when he was alone. The thing with moon, though, kept bothering me. Was he jealous of me talking to Sun more? If so, he had a funny way of showing it. Sun and I were practically walking in circles cleaning up. Another thing had been on my mind as well..earlier sun had freaked when I had mentioned making sure he was running okay and doing maintenance work on him. I mean, I don't blame him. I'd panic too if someone who had zero clue on how to fix a human tried to mess with me. I'm sure there is a manual of some kind somewhere...

"Sunny, you swept that spot three times now. Are you okay?" I asked, practically falling over with how many books I was carrying. Sundrop jumped and comically shuffled away.


I plopped the books down and began to organize them in their respective shelves when the lights had gone out..again. I pinched the bridge of my nose and heaved myself off of the floor. My stomach growled, telling me I needed to eat more than a pack of goldfish to survive the day. I headed over to the light switch and saw that it was on already switched on. Confused, I turned it off...then on again. Nothing. I looked around the room and found a flashlight on the front desk. There was a manual I noticed for daycare maintenance in one of the drawers earlier...ah ha! I pulled it out and shined the flashlight towards the booklet. I flipped to the page labeled 'power supply'. Skimming through, the book talked about generators and how to turn them on to restore power.

I do not get paid enough for...wait, yeah I do actually. I have zero complaints.

I closed the book and motivated myself before stepping back out into the eerie darkness of the dark daycare. Occasionally as I approached the play set, I would hear creaks and footsteps.

"Sun? Sundrop?! Is that you??" I whisper yelled. I should've known better by now that it was indeed, not sunny.

"I just got here and you already want him to come to your rescue?" Moon whispered behind me. I backed up slowly and ended up colliding with something. I froze and grabbed onto anything I could feel.

"As long as the lights are out, this is my domain, starlight~"

That's when I realized the fistful of cloth I was holding was indeed moon.

"Moon! I actually..I wanted to speak with you." I nervously said. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his torso for support.

"Hmm? You wanted to speak with me, starlight? If this is about Sun I can't help you I-"

"It's about you. I want to talk about earlier and I want to apologize if I gave off the wrong impression..of liking Sun more than you." I wrapped my arms around him as well, not thinking twice about what this could look like.

"O-oh..(Y/N)'s quite alright I'm..sorry for being rude. You did nothing wrong. I have a hard time communicating with people. Sunny is the one who gets all the socializing." He laughed bashfully and went to speak again but stopped himself.

"I forgive you." I laughed at him and he stared down at me.

"Why are you laughing so much?"

"You're glowing. Also that pet name is so gushy but it is so cute." I laughed once more and hopped down from his arms...well, tried to. I was fortunately scooped back up like I can't walk on my own.

"Moon! Put me down I have to find out what's wrong with the power!" I struggled. He held me tighter and began to walk away from the jungle gym.

"But starlight, I adore holding you like this. Trying to get rid of me so soon?"

"N-no! No that's not what I meant at at all I'm sorry.." I groaned in frustration with myself.

"You're so fun to play with...I think I'll stay a little longer."

1200 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now