The Ghost:

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The rest of the day was normal and Mel did in fact come by, knowing her niece wasn't anywhere on the property in the first place. She came by and asked me a couple questions regarding Emma and me giving my Bonnie shifts to Nini.

"Okay cool! I was just double checking to make suuure..." she scribbled something else down on her clipboard before clutching it to her chest hurriedly.

"Thanks a lot Mel I appreciate it." I said, waiting for her to leave. Sunny was frantically attending to all the children and keeping them company as Mel and I chatted.

"Don't mention it..also I'm sorry if Emma has been giving you a hard time. If you have anymore problems with her, you can let me know and I'll deal with it, okay? Just because she is my niece doesn't mean she won't get the proper repercussions for starting silly accusations. I see your hard work and appreciate the bonds you create with Sunny and the children." She gave a genuine smile and place her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly. I awkwardly stood there..very confused.

"I'm sorry what..accusations are you talking about exactly?" I pried. She tilted her head and withdrew her hand.

"O-oh I'm sorry I thought you knew? It's nothing really (Y/N) she's just young and has a wild imagination!" She chuckled and flicked her wrist as she spoke. "You know how kids are. Anyways I'll be going now! Enjoy the rest of your day sweetie!"

"What? No wait what were the-" Mel quickly speed walked to the main doors and closed them on me, mid-sentence. "..accusations?" I stood there for a while contemplating on what Emma could have possibly accused me of. I think the boys and I do pretty well with limiting our affection in front of the little shit. Speak of the devil, Sunny placed a hand on my shoulder, making me jump.

"Ohoho! Sorry sunshine, didn't mean to scare you! I just came to tell you it's nap time!~" He said, still using the tone he uses for the children. I smiled weakly and nodded. He skipped off to the light switch and I huffed as the lights flickered off one by one. I leaned over the front desk with my face in my palms. The daycare was generally silent during naptime..I think moon does a pretty good job of getting the kids to sleep. My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar sensation around my midriff. I lifted my head and hummed in response.

"Hello Moon..." I whispered. He didn't respond with words but managed to press himself up against me whilst I was bent over. I gasped and turned around to tell him to knock it off. "There are children right...there?" No one was there. Moon was busy pulling blankets over small giggling forms and looked up to make eye contact with me. His red eyes aglow as he let his feet meet the floor and stalk up to me slowly.

"You alright?" He asked, holding my face in his hands.

"Yeah Um..I think the stress is just getting to me is all." I laughed half heartedly and he kept looking at me as I looked away.

"What's wrong. I know Sunny has trouble recognizing things like this, but luckily for you I'm not Sunny. What happened?"

"'s nothing Moon just Mel said Emma had been accusing me of something and I kinda want to know what it was is all. Oh and Nini had taken my bowling shifts by the way, so that's no longer an issue." I said, placing my hand on top of his. He didn't say much, just pulled me into his arms and pulled on his gliding cable slightly. My eyes widened and I clung to him desperately.

"Moon wait no I don't like heights!-"

Before I knew it I was lifted into the air effortlessly by Moon and his stupid cable he uses to drift around the room sometimes. I buried my face in his shoulder and a deep chuckle emerged from his chest. About ten seconds of air time and I felt Moon's feet meet solid ground again. I picked up my head and looked around. We were in the tower.

"Are you serious?! We could have just walked up here!" I smacked his chest and he set me down on his bed with a grin.

"But that would've been no fun."

"I think you and I have very different definitions of 'fun'." I glared. He climbed onto the bed with me and pulled me back into his arms. I sat between both of his legs and leaned into him as he stroked my hair. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.

"Would you like me to find out what she said about you to mel?" He questioned. I repositioned myself and hugged his free arm as if it were a body pillow.

"Yes please...I don't think I've ever wronged her so it's weird that she-" my eyelids snapped open and I sat up frantically. "What if she heard?!" I asked. Moon leaned back and looked at me as if he didn't know what I was talking about. "Us." I clarified. He leaned his head back and started to cackle mischievously.

"Oh sweetheart..wasn't that the plan?" He stifled his laughter and reached up to caress my cheek. I swatted his hand away.

"No! Ofcourse not, Moon! I could lose my job over that! That was definitely NOT the plan! Oh god what am I gonna do?! It's just one thing after another isn't it?" I defeatedly fell back onto the bed and Moon propped my head up with his knee.

"What are you so worried for?"

"Uh gee, I don't fucking know, MY BOSS'S NIECE HEARING ME HAVING SEX WITH THEIR OTHER EMPLOYEES?!" I said sarcastically.

"But why are you so worried about that. She has no proof. Plus we aren't THEIR employees...she is just the manager of this location. For all Mel knows is that her crazy.." He slowly sat up and slid his hand under my shirt "..obsessed.." He inched closer and closer to my face and smirked, making me swoon "..oh so stupid, good for nothing, lazy bitch, whore of a niece is just jealous of you. I mean why wouldn't she be?" His fingers traced the outline of my body and he laid me down fully, longingly staring at my lips. His thumb slid across my bottom lip and I parted them.

"Oh what a good girl you are.." he mumbled before kissing me hungrily. I threw my arms around him loosely and he pulled me closer to close the gap between us. My body curved to fit his, my back arching. He let one hand travel down to my thigh and grabbed it roughly. His claws dug into the sensitive skin and I moaned into the kiss. His tongue teased and played with mine for what felt like forever. Eventually, he pulled away momentarily to let me breathe and I whined.

"Feel better?" He cooed and straddled me. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes. Much better, thank you.."

The sound of the lights being turned back on along with squealing kids flooded the daycare. Moon carefully got off of me and stretched, walking towards the tower's opening. I sat up to follow him, but was soon scolded.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, looking back at me.

"To do my job?" I teased.

"No. I noticed your sleep levels were lower than usual so you're staying here until you get some rest. Sunny will be back to retrieve you in a couple hours." He said before jumping off of the platform and into the ball pit.

"What?! Moon I don't need to sleep I'm fine!" I called after him. I blinked slowly before getting up and walking to the door. "You can't just keep me in here I have to work," I wiggled the handle. The locked from the outside handle. I laughed in disbelief. "This was a trap! Fine! Fine I'll take a nap.." I said aloud to myself, crawling back into the bed. I thought about Emma's accusations, whatever they were, and figured moon is probably right. There was nothing to worry about otherwise I would have definitely been fired already. It's amazing how intricate and smart they are even though they're all just machines. Whoever built them really really took lifelike to a whole new level. A make me fall in love sort of level. There was one thing still bothering me though..who was behind me earlier if it wasn't Moon?

It's probably nothing...I should..sleep now..

1459 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now