The Solicit Meeting:

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I know this bitch isn't serious. Her stupid fucking face staring at me with her stupid fucking eyes asking if she can sleep in my boyfriends' room. How shameless can she get.

My eyes twitched themselves into closing and I bit my lip. "You can't. I meant one of the ones in the daycare." I said in annoyance.

"I'm sure my aunt won't care! You can have your room back I'll just crash in their room, See ya in the morning goddess." She smirked and let herself into the boys' room, brushing my shoulder as she passed. I stood in the hallway with my fists clenched at my sides for a long long time. After accepting my defeat, I went back to my room..trying to forget the fact another girl was in my boyfriends' room. I wonder how they're handling that.

Im surprised they haven't kicked her out.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Emma knocked on the door and I told her to come in.

"What." I asked.

"Do you know where Sunnydrop is? I looked in his room and can't find him anywhere. Do you think he's like...hiding from me or something?" She laughed nervously and..a bit psychotic in a way. I shook my head and the vent is my room started to rattle. I mentally smirked.

Smart boys.

"Oh yeah, they wander off sometimes. Go to see the other animatronics and stuff, I wouldn't worry about it you can just go to sleep." I gave her a shit eating grin and she looked hurt as she left. Once she closed the door and her footsteps faded, I spoke.

"Come out come out wherever you are~" I sung. No response. "Oookay I guess I will just go to sleep-"

"No! Nonono! Wait for me!" Sunny's voice flooded the vent and suddenly it was kicked open, the grill falling to the floor with a loud clank.

"Ugh. Don't EVER make me go through those dusty old vents again, they're so dirty." Moon crawled out and grabbed Sunny's hands, removing him carefully. I smiled at their display of brotherly love and opened my arms.

"Sunbeam!~" Sunny approached me doing his happy dance and jumped on the bed, into my arms. I hugged him tightly and littered his face with kisses. He giggled and placed his hands on my wrists gently. I held his face in my hands and looked over at moon who was just watching. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him onto the bed as well, making him face plant. Sunny slid himself between my legs and laid his head down on my upper thigh. I gave him another head kiss and moon received one on his neck. He rolled over and stared at the ceiling. His No reaction made me give him another one.

"What is this?" He asked, placing two fingers where I kissed.

"Affection." I responded. His eyes rolled to look at me.




"Do it again." He demanded. I did what he said and gave his neck another kiss, but this one was more passionate and lasted a bit longer. I pulled away slowly and giggled at his now glowing face.

"Oooh Moony are you blushing?" Sunny teased and poked Moon's face.

"What? No."

"Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass moon to blush?" I joined in on the poking.

"No. It-It's the cold."

He wasn't lying. They literally broke the vent, it is hella cold.

"Oh. It's the cold? It's not the fact I just gave you a kiss on your neck and you liked it?" I smirked evilly and moon swatted our hands away.

"NO!" His voice cracked and he blushed harder.

"Oohhohoho! Moony you're in looove!~" Sunny made a rainbow with his hands and poked fun at his brother.

"What about you Sunny Hm? Are you in love?" I cupped his face with one hand and used the other to stroke moon's...

...cheek. Sunny stuttered and tried to avoid my gaze.

"Can I try something?" I asked. Sunny hesitated before nodding and scooting closer to me. I felt my fingers enter something cold and wet. I looked down to see moon placing my fingers in his mouth and doing with them what he pleased. I blushed and looked back at Sunny. I pulled his face closer to me and whispered, "You're such a good boy," Sunny reeled back and slapped a hand against his mouth. His blushing face gleaming through his fingers. He grabbed a nearby pillow and placed it on his lap.

"You like that?" I asked. Sunny, humiliated and flustered, nodded eagerly. I pulled my fingers from Moon's mouth and examined him.

"What about you?" I pressed. I wanted to know them better than I already did. I want to know what makes them tick. Moon raised an eyebrow and sat up.

"Me? Are you asking what turns me on starlight?" He chuckled darkly and pushed me down onto the bed. "Dominating the fuck out of you..seeing you writhe..seeing you helpless, vulnerable," he tucked a hand under my lower back and another in my hair. I fell captive to his words and let him speak. Something in me felt..disobedient. I wanted to test the waters.

"Is that so? Because from what I recall.." I sat up and placed a hand on his chest. "You also got hard to me saying you're such a good boy.." Moon frantically avoided my confrontation and shook his head. Sunny removed his hand, revealing a freakishly long tongue he couldn't control.
The tongue dripped with saliva and he seemed to be having trouble getting it back in his mouth. I stared in awe at Sunny's complication and felt inspired.

If only a couple words did this to him..I wonder what actual physical touch can do.

I frowned at him and pulled him closer. He looked at me helplessly and whined.

"Do you need help?" I asked. He nodded and removed the pillow from his lap. I needed A MINUTE TO CATCH MY BREATH. I thought his tongue was big I was MISTAKEN. My eyes widened and I started to fan my face, now regretting teasing them both. I looked to my right. We have a very horny Sunny and on my left we have a horny, angry, and flustered moon.

"What's the matter starlight? Bite off more than you can chew?" Moon cackled and pushed me closer to Sunny. Sunny was squirming and panting in his spot. "Go ahead. Fix'd better hope you don't choke."

1092 Words

Lawd y'all it's getting steamy in here PLEASE. Emma listening in getting ideas for her fanfics like 🤔😲😦😏✍️.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now