The Tease:

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"Moon..I'm not gonna lie, I'd love to spend more time with you, but my shift ends soon and I have to go home." I said. Moon had told me there was actually nothing wrong with the power..and that Sunny accidentally turned the lights off in the hallway, allowing moon to take over and unplug the main generator. He had taken me back up to their room and was now shamelessly trying to con me to stay by not giving me my phone.

"What was that starlight? You'd love to spend more time with me? Then stay.." He pleaded. I sighed and sat on his bed next to him. I took my phone from his hands and gave him another hug. He hugged back gently and it got progressively more tight.

"Moon?-" He laid me down on the bed. My phone slipped out from my hands and fell onto the hardwood floor. He leaned over me, his eyes trailing my face and down my neck. My heart beat sped up rapidly. He gently pressed his thumb down on my bottom lip..then down my neck. He stopped at the collar of my shirt. His eyes met mine and he grinned devilishly.

"Moon...." I whispered and placed a hand on his chest. Without warning, the lights were restored. I closed my eyes and reopened them shortly after, allowing my eyes to adjust to the brightness. Moon was gone and in his place was Sun.

"(Y/N)?" His smile quickly disappeared when he examined our situation further. The placement of his hand practically on my chest, me laying down on moon's bed, and the angle of our bodies. He looked down slowly and immediately took his hand away. He stood up and gasped, an intense red glow edging onto his face.

"(Y/N) I'm- I'm so so SO sorry I don't know what happened moon was preventing me from seeing, are you okay?" He quickly pulled me up and I adjusted my shirt, laughing awkwardly.

"I'm fine! I'm fine Sunny, I's okay shh shh.." I attempted to calm him down In his obviously panicked state.

God damnit moon what the fuck even was that?

"(Y/N)?! (Y/N) are you still here?! I came to check on you since you aren't answering your phone!" (F/N)'s voice echoed from below the tower. Sun gave me another apologetic look before taking us the same route as last time.

"IS THIS REALLY NECESSARY AHHHHH!!!??" I screamed as we fell into the ball pit once more. Sundrop lifted me out that bitch the lion king style and I sighed, stepping onto the ground and approaching (F/N).

"Woah what the fuck, that was uh..quite the entrance you have going there." She stared at me and also happened to notice Sunny.

"Wowww, you look so much cooler in real life!" She crouched and began to flick his head spikes, earning a giggle from him. Sun stayed in the ball pit, probably not to alarm (F/N).

"Wait come out for a second. Does he understand when I talk to him?" She asked, obviously unaware of the animatronics and how advanced they are. I blushed thinking about what happened with moon...a little too advanced if you ask me. I shook my head and watched as Sun exited the pit, towering over the two of us. (F/N) stared in awe.

"Holy shit."

"Language!" Sun gasped. She looked taken aback but also impressed at the same time.

"He is...extremely smart. They understand everything." I told her.

"That's so cool, wait, everything?" A grin crawled across her face as she poked Sun.

"Yeah, deadass."

"I haven't been able to see any of the robots today, sadly. I've been doing paperwork and being rejected by my one and only..." (F/N) comically swooned and Sun lent her a hand for support. "What have you been up to? The kids really have you so busy you can't answer my texts?" She laughed and sat down in one of the small chairs. I slowly looked over at Sundrop...he was looking at me as well. We both quickly looked away and collectively decided to shove that moon thing one needs to know about that.

"(Y/N)? You okay? You seem to be in deep thought.." she raised an eyebrow. I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm fine...sorry about not answering you, it was a long fucking day-"

"Language!" Sun panicked. I laughed softly and apologized.

"Anyways, it was a long day. And no, the kids are fine. Nothing I can't handle." I said heroically. (F/N) stared at me quizzically and grabbed my hand. She pulled me down, making my ear level with her so she could whisper.

"Are you high?" She asked. I pulled away from her and smacked her leg.

"No I'm not, for your information, I'm just sleep deprived. Now if you both excuse me, I think it's time I go home and shower." I shuddered and looked down at my glitter glue infested clothes.

"You're leaving so soon??? What about a sleepover instead?! I-I don't want you driving when you are so sleepy, I mean..." Sun anxiously followed (F/N) and I to the door. I smiled softly and waved him to come closer. He leaned down and I kissed him on the cheek. His spikes rotated around his flushed face.

"O-ooohh hehe! Okay then, well...I will see you tomorrow Sunshine! Think about that sleepover??! Maybe another time?!" He called out and waved.

"Goodnight Sunny, tell moon I said goodnight as well. I'll see you tomorrow, don't worry." And with that, (F/N) and I exited the daycare and headed towards the front doors.

"Sunshine?" (F/N) teased and linked her arm with mine. I laughed and shoved her slightly.

"He gives everyone a nickname, don't be weird." I said. Knowing damn well I was the only one with that kind of nickname.

"Uh huh, don't be falling for a robot (Y/N),"

"(F/N)!! (F/N), wait up!" A voice called from behind us. We turned around to see Roxy waving us down with something in her hand. I watched the encounter as Roxy flipped her hair and huffed as if she was out of breath. She grabbed (F/N)'s hand and turned it over, placing a wallet in her palm. Her hands lingered there for a moment while (F/N) stared up at her in amazement. She looked down at the item and smiled.

"Oh! Thank you...uhh.."

"Roxanne." Roxy helped her out. "I'm Roxanne, but you can call me Roxy." She grinned.

"Yes! Yes, I'm sorry we haven't properly met yet that's why I couldn't recall..your name..." (F/N) said, staring at Roxy once more. Roxy ruffled (F/N)'s hair and turned the other direction to walk away.

"It's no biggie, don't worry about it cutie. Mel had told me to run and give you this before you left..probably because I'm the fastest," she nodded at her self affirmation and locked eyes with (F/N) one last time. "Goodnight~" She jogged back to her room. (F/N) was frozen in place. I sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be faLLING FOR A robOt," I mocked her and started towards my car.

1231 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now