The Premonition:

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I had just gotten home and immediately gained a headache.

Could I be dehydrated?

Not knowing what the cause of the headache could be, I decided it would be best to go to sleep early. I chugged a bottle of water and destressed in the shower. I stayed in the shower longer than I usually do, letting it lull me into a false sense of comfort. The whole time I was thinking about Sun and Moon. I haven't seen or talked to moon in a while, I guess this is what Sun meant by 'timeout'.
I leaned my head back and let the hot water soothe my skin. The steam seemed to be slightly helping my random migraine, I appreciated that. My mind began to wander thinking about all that had happened today. I can't stop thinking about that kid...something really isn't right. I thought about Sunny and him trying to comfort me. I smiled and got out of the shower. I put some pajamas on and stared over at the sweater sun and moon gave me..I decided to put it on. In an odd way, it smelled like them. They smelled nice actually despite what you might think a nanny bot smells like. They smelled like fresh laundry and vanilla. I got in bed and held a fistful of the fabric up to my nose. I began to fantasize and...

Oh god what am I doing?!?! Stop it (Y/N), you can't be serious..

I groaned and pulled my hands away from my lower torso. Masturbating to the thought of my cute robot coworker is NOT what I should be indulging in. I turned the lights off and let sleep take me captive like the guilty prisoner I was.

" callingme.." I groaned and aggressively snatched my phone from my bedside table. My phone's clock read: 5:52 AM. It also read (F/N)'s name across the screen. I answered and groggily sat up, yawning.

"Why are you calling me I know you don't have a death wish."

"(Y/N), don't freak out." She said, clearly panicking.

"Is that (Y/N), let me talk to her." I heard Mel murmur in the background. "(Y/N), it's Mel."

"Hey Mel, what's going on? Is everything alright?" The adrenaline on why the fuck (F/N) was calling me this early has almost completely woken me up at this point.

"No, actually. We had gotten a distress signal from Moon and Sun's system. One of our night guards had also reported a group of teenagers that had allegedly snuck into the daycare..and um.."

"No..what do you mean a distress signal?? Are they alright?!"

"No. I think you should come see for yourself. Get here as soon as you can, please."

"I'm on my way." I hung up immediately and grabbed my keys. There was no time to get dressed. My heart was racing so fast and hard, I could hear it. I was at the pizzaplex in 7 minutes flat. The front doors were already unlocked, so were the daycare's. Just as I arrived, policemen had a group of 4 teens in handcuffs..there he was. I saw the kid from before and approached him.

"Hey, what the fuck happened?!" I stopped him and the police officer holding him hostage. He looked at me like I was stupid.

"It was just a prank, god these big franchise companies are so fucking sensitive." He spat.

"What prank?? What. Happened?"

"Nothing! We just had a little fun with that creepy ass Sun is all..I guess we went too far tsk." The officer yanked the boy and lead him outside.

"(Y/N), you are here..." (F/N) approached me hurriedly and grabbed my hand. I followed her into the daycare and into one of the supply closets behind the front desk. Investigators were taking pictures inside the closet, along with one talking with Mel. Once she saw me, she pardoned herself and walked up to us.

"(Y/N), thank you for coming so quickly on such short notice-"

"Yeah yeah ofcourse, where's Sunny???" I panicked, looking around frantically. I went to the closet and pushed aside the investigator. I hadn't entered all the way before seeing Sun's feet..nearly detached from his body. They twitched and sparked slightly. My eyes widened in terror as I turned on the light and began hyperventilating. Sun laid on the floor, mostly lifeless. His jaw was completely broken off along with long vertical gashes in his torso, revealing his insides. As he is a robot, so he did not have organs, but he was stuffed with what seemed to be...glitter glue. I tried to control my shaky breaths as I reached out to him. The investigator left after gathering all of the pictures they needed and left me alone with the boys. I got on my knees and ran my fingers over his mutilated face. His eyes turned my direction and softened.

"Y-you're a-alive?" I hiccuped. His fingers twitched and sparked, reassuring me that he was. I smiled down at him as he darted his eyes back and forth to his hand. I looked over at his other hand, it had a wadded up piece of paper in it.

"You want me to take it?" I asked. He smiled with his eyes and I picked it up. I unwadded, it read: the manual, my memory chip

"The manual and your memory chip? You want me to..fix you?" I stared down at him.

"We were wondering if you would..try. If you can't that's alright we will have to hire someone to, but that will take a while." Mel stood in the doorway. I turned to face her.

"That's insane I've never built a whole ass robot before!" I felt a flick on my ankle and saw Sunny glaring. I could hear him saying 'Language!' In my head. I laughed and apologized.

"I know, but you are kind of in luck because we have all of the parts to and Sun and Moon are on the less complicated side as for their mechanics. I can give you the head mechanic's number if you have any questions, but I would really appreciate if you could give it a go. Since there is no Sunny at the moment..We will be forced to shut down the daycare for a while until he is back. And you as well can have the next couple of weeks off. I can get someone to help you load Sun and Moon into your car along with the parts if you are willing to try?" Mel pleaded. I haven't been so confused in my entire life. I am no mechanic, but I do know Sun and Moon like the back of my hand. I looked down at Sunny one more time before nodding.

"I'll do it."

1152 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now