The Punishment:

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I had a bad habit of laughing when I'm in nerve-wracking situations. This was definitely one of those moments.

"I-I didn't mean to guys I'm serious! I wasn't trying to be a rule breaker or whatever." I laughed nervously and tucked my hair behind my ears. Sunny stood up next to moon, their harsh gazes boring into my eyes. They had the same mannerisms, but were completely different. They both crossed their arms across their chest loosely and stood there, menacingly. I felt small in their presence. Yeah, sure, anyone would. They were fucking 7ft tall for crying out loud.

"Do you believe her, Sunny?" Moon looked to his brother. I smiled at Sunny. He will help me, he will get me out of this. Sunny smiled back, shaking his head.

"Nope!~ Not one bit." His smile turned more into a smirk. A mischievous smirk.

"Tell me, starlight, how do you feel about what you heard? Honestly.." Moon walked over and sat down in front of me. Sunny sat on his bed and crept up behind me, playing with my hair. I felt more relaxed than before. I can't believe I actually got scared when they mentioned a 'punishment'. I looked at Moon, reciting his question in my head. How did I feel? Moon..and Sunny in love with me? Is that even possible? Do I feel the same way? If I do...where would that even lead?

"Tick-Tock starlight. How do you feel?" He growled, slightly irritated.

"I like it." I said, without thinking. It wasn't until afterwards I realized that my voice sounded unsure. Slightly scared.

I LIKE IT?! What the fuck was I thinking?!

Moon's mouth contorted into a smirk.

"You like it?" He laughed. I blushed in embarrassment as both of the boys started to laugh at me.

"See? I told you she would accept it Moony..." Sunny giggle from behind me. I felt Sunny's hands come to a stop as he reached a hand around and grabbed my throat. I was going to turn around to look at him, but instead my head was jerked back, sunny pulling a fistful of my hair. " did so good taking our feelings towards you there anything else you're good at taking?"

My heart fluttered at the sudden change in Sunny's tone.

I've never seen him like this, did he mean that in the way I think he-

My thoughts interrupted by a sensation on my waist. I looked back down to see moon staring at my midsection.  I shivered and couldn't speak as he brushed his fingers over it lightly. I watched him as he slowly lifted my shirt, exposing my skin to the newfound cold air. He stopped and looked up at me, asking for permission. To do what, I don't know. All I knew is that I wanted him. I had no time to process my perverted thoughts after nodding. He quickly grabbed both sides of my hips, pressing them down firmly. I watched him feverishly before another yank to my head was preformed.

"Eyes up here Sunshine~" Sunny gazed down at me, holding my head in place firmly. I couldn't watch as Moon analyzed my lower torso, eyeing me. This was torture. Moon paused and eventually started dragging his tongue across my pants line. I gasped at the sensation. I had felt his tongue before but this time it felt a lot more..rough. Desperate. A light whimper escaped my lips, earning a chuckle from moon. He took that as a sign and began sucking on my sensitive skin. He sucked and nibbled right above where I wanted him to go oh so badly. My hands wandered and fell onto the back of his head, urging him to go further. He didn't like that though. He growled in frustration and plucked my hands from him. He handed my wrists to Sunny, who held them securely above my head. Sunny just kept smiling at me gently, his half lidded expression making me hot all over. He used one hand to hold both my wrists and the other around my throat.

"There you go, you're doing so good." He praised. I let my eyes flutter shut as Moon's hands travelled up my body and landed right below my bust.

"Starlight..may I?" He asked, hands slowly finding their way to the clasp of my bra.

All I could muster out was a soft 'mhm'. Moon quickly tore through my shirt, earning another gasp from me.

"M-moon!" I called. He just chuckled and took off my bra, fully exposing my chest. It was making me squirm. I felt shy and wanted to cover up, but Sunny's tight grasp was making that impossible. I groaned in frustration.

" pretty~" Moon hummed. I flinched as his hands met my breasts, slowly massaging them. I moaned.

"You like that? about if I.." He ran his fingers over my nipples, causing me to whine. This was so embarrassing and all I could do was stare at Sunny. He seemed to take notice of my restlessness and allowed my head to look down once more. I was met face to face with a very flustered looking moon. His cheeks a feverish red and his gaze low and seductive. He watched me intently as he pinched my nipples harshly.

"Fuck! Moon please!" I sucked air through my teeth and started to breathe heavy.

"Please what? Use your words sweetheart." He said.

"Please..." I looked down at my legs. Moon followed my eyes and smirked.

" it this that you want?" He placed a hand on the rim of my pants, making me nod. Sunny  whined from behind me and pouted.

"How come Moon is getting all the attention?" He cried.

"(Y/N) do you feel about"

982 Words

Haha cliffhanger, get wrecked.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now