The Sleepover II:

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"That outfit simply won't do.." Sun said with a grin.

"What?? What's wrong with my outfit..What exactly does moon mean by that?" I glared and hugged myself in defense.

"Weeeell~ We may or may not have a surprise for youuu!~" Sunny grabbed my hand gently and started to pull me. He led me behind the play set to a secret door.

"Ooooh, is this why you always disappear?" I felt stupid. I've been around this part of the daycare tons of times, how did I not see this? Sun covered my eyes with his hand.

"That's a secret sunbeam," He lifted me up with his free hand as he climbed. He pulled away his hand after some more walking and revealed the spare room that the attendee's were granted. So far I'm the only one, so this decent sized room will just have to deal with me being its only occupant. Sunny put me down and quickly turned on the lights. I looked around in awe. The room really was for me. It had a (F/C) comforter on a queen sized bed, a couple cute posters, a kitchenette, what looked to be a bathroom, and many other random room decor that I myself would buy. The bathroom was littered in my favorite color as well and wasn't even a half bath, it even had a shower. I gawked at the sight, was this really all still in the daycare? I turned around to a loud whirring sound and a familiar squeal coming from Sunny, currently about to explode. He held both hands up near his mouth and was shaking with excitement.

"Sunny, did you do this?" I asked, walking over to him and grabbing his hands. He blushed immediately and started to wiggle.

"DON't yOU LOVE IT?!?! DO YOU??? Be honest, be honest!!" He had a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I love it." I repeated.

"YES!!! OH I'm so happy you do! Moon, (F/N), and I did this for you!! Moon and I did the actual decorating but (F/N) was a huuuuge help! She is very sweet yes yes!" He rambled on about how happy he was.

"Thank you Sunny, and you too Moon, I really do like it." I yanked Sun's arm and made his face meet mine. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and his spikes rotated accordingly.

"O-ooh, (Y/N) hehehe..." He giggled and picked me up, placing me on the bed. I watched him intently, confused. He hovered over me and it seemed like he was thinking. That was until he looked down and a smirked. I eyed him nervously as he lowered himself onto his knees and moved my legs apart from one another. My heart was racing so fast I was certain he would hear it. He reached under the bed, by my feet, and pulled out a box decorated in glitter glue and stickers. He held it out to me, extremely excited.

"Ta-da~ O-oh- Sunshine you don't look too good! Your heart rate is extremely elevated, I must take you to the-"

I placed a hand over his mouth and he continued to speak. Me, feeling stupid, just realizing covering his mouth can't shut him up. He's a robot.

"Sunny, I'm fine." I said with a shaky breath. He stood still for a moment, seeming like he was thinking again. He gasped more dramatic than he ever has before and slapped both hands over his mouth almost simultaneously.

"Oh dear...Oh no, goodness gracious (Y/N) I- I-," He stared at me, wide eyed. It clicked. Moon must have said something. I reached out to Sun to reassure him he did nothing wrong. He stood up and began to back away. He looked for somewhere to run away. He was about to dart out the door when I grabbed the side of his pants. He stopped in his tracks and attempted to peel me off. Which resulted to Plan B. I clung to his leg. He panicked and flailed his arms around.

"(Y/N)!!! Stop this right this instant!!...please?" He whined. I shook my head aggressively.

"NO! Stay with me! Tell moon I said I will kick his ass when I see him next for making you panic." I threatened. Sun hugged himself and sat down criss-cross. He maneuvered me into his lap and I immediately hugged him.

"Sunny, I forgive you. Now please, did you have something to show me?"

His eyes filled with hope once again and he nodded. He reached over me and grabbed the box he had taken out from under the bed. He happily plopped it in my arms and waited for my reaction, slightly rocking. In glitter glue it read, 'To my one and only Sunbeam, luv Sunny( ur favorite )' and allll the way at the bottom in tiny letters and pencil it read, 'and moon too i guess >:('.
I laughed and admired his dedication with the sloppy glitter glue letters. I opened it up to find a piece of clothing. I held it up and gasped. It was a fuzzy Moon&Sun sweater from the gift shop. On one side it was yellow with an adorable small illustration of Sun and on the back it was black with Moon on it. I held it to my chest and stuck out my bottom lip.

"Thank you Sunny!!" I threw my arms around his neck and he returned the embrace, slowly tightening his arms around me. I felt so small in his grasp...His arms themself could probably wrap around me two more times before actually becoming the slightest bit snug. I moved closer to him, pressing our bodies against one another. Sun pulled away a bit before visibly gulping and pulling at his neck ruffles.

"I-I'm glad you like y-your gift sunshine!" He leaned back, propping himself on both of his arms and shoved me towards the bathroom.

"You should change! I would love to see how amazing you look in it.." He stood me up and pushed me towards the bathroom once more.

"Okay, okay! I'm going you spazz." I shook my head at him and went inside to change. I quickly changed my top and looked at myself in the mirror. I changed my hair three times before coming back out to see sun sitting in the same spot he was before.

" look..." His big eyes that were once filled with anticipated excitement were now filled with adoration for how well the sweater looked on me. He did that thing with his eyes where he examined me, his stare shifting from up to down. I walked towards him and gave him a spin. He quickly stood up and placed his hands on his knees to remotely mock my height.
" look ravishing. You look really cute in that sweater starlight." Moon spoke. Without warning, Sun and moon were doing halfsies on who got to experience this moment. Sun's appearance was still halfway out while moon's voice and eyes were throwing me off. The lights being somewhat dim probably allowing the half switch. My breath hitched in my throat as Moon tilted his head. He stood up and chuckled darkly.

"Aren't you going to follow through?~" His eyes settled on my figure and he wore a half-lid expression.

"Follow...through?" I backed up into the wall.

"Go ahead. Beat my ass, starlight."

1246 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now