The Sleepover:

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Things have been going great at the pizzaplex. I've been working with Sunny and Moon for about two weeks now and I have zero complaints. Occasionally, though, we would run into some problems. Whether it was kids getting sick from eating glue, parents complaining about various things, or my personal favorite, vomit. Why is it that small children get sick all the FUCKIGN time. I've learned a lot about the boys and the way things work around here as well. Such as sun gets flustered with small gestures of affection and moon loves to play hot and cold with me. So, as a result, I've decided to use those things against them.

"Heyyy Sunny," I sang, creeping up behind the tall animatronic.

"Hello Sunshine!" Sunny turned to face me with a wide, bright smile.

"Hey, so I've been thinking...and I've decided to fulfill your wish!" I said triumphantly. Sun stared at me blankly and nodded.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about do you.."

"Nope! Not a clue!~"

"We can have that sleepover you-"

"OHMYGOSHDIDYOUJUSTSAYASLEEPOVER?!?!" Sun dropped the googly eyes, not caring that they spilled everywhere.

"Yes. I was thinking tonight would be a good night to do it, is that okay with you?"

"Y-yes! Ofcourse it is sunshine, you don't even have to ask! You could even stay here every night if you would like I really don't mind!" He clasped his hands together happily and I laughed.
"Moon...moony says he wouldn't mind either!"

"I'm sure he wouldn't.." I mumbled under my breath as I began to scoop up googly eyes.

"What was that (Y/N)?" Sun crouched and placed both hands on either side of his face. I looked up and accidentally hit my head on Sun's face, causing a loud thonk.

"Shit, ow!"

"(Y/N)! Oh nonono, I'm so sorry! I must bring you to the nearest med station immediately!" Sun attempted to pick me up and I softly pushed him away.

"I'm fine! I'm fine sunny!" I rested my hand on his face and reassured him.

"Are you sure? Promise, pinky promise?" He held out his long thin pinky and I intertwined mine with his.

"I promise, you're so sweet. Thank you for caring." I rubbed small circles on his cheek with my thumb and he placed his hand over mine. I slowly retrieved my hand and he frowned.

"Oh! You have something in your hair, umm...Do you want me to get it out?" Sun asked nervously. I nodded and tilted my head towards him. He swiftly tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and leaned in to get a better look. My face flushed. He held up the googly eye and giggled.

"There you are Sunbeam!"

I thanked him and told him I would have to get going.

"I'm sorry, I have to go get ready for our sleepover, okay?" I went to the desk to grab my things. Sundrop did his usual spill about me not leaving and how he will die of boredom without me. I, like I did every night, assured him he would not. I had walked out of the daycare and ran into Mel and (F/N).

"Yeah pretty much, I just need the mechanics to do some touchups on the glamrock's paint, add that to the list if you don't mind..hey there (Y/N)! Headed home?" Mel asked as the mentioning of my name caught (F/N)'s attention too. She looked up from her clipboard and waved. I waved back.

"Yeah actually, but I was going to come back in an hour or so and sleep in the attendee's room in the daycare."

"Oh yeah, I was meaning to mention that to you! Things have just been so busy with us just opening and all, sorry I didn't tell you about it sooner. It really must be a drag to have to go home so late and come back so early.." she gave me a sympathetic frown and placed her hand on her hip. I shook my head and got out my keys.

"It's fine I understand. Yeah (F/N) has mentioned you keeping her busy..but she has zero complaints." I smiled smugly and she slowly lifted her head once more. She subtly flipped me off as Mel chuckled.

"You two are so adorable..Oh! That reminds me....add to the list that we need more plushes in the gift shop..." Mel and (F/N) wandered off down the hall and I took my leave. While I was at home, I ate something and changed into some pajamas. I got nervous thinking about my soon-to-be sleepover with sunny and moon.

I wonder how it will go down? Not that I'm expecting anything to I just..never mind I should stop thinking so much

I checked myself out one last time before getting back in my car. I really shouldn't be this nervous. The only thing that's been weighing my mind is I haven't been alone..overnight with the boys. I laughed to myself and smacked the steering wheel a couple of times before collecting my nerves and going inside. I decided to use the front gates to the daycare instead of the slide to see if I could scare Sunny. I always go down the slide so I'm sure that is where he will assume I'm coming from. I tugged on the doors and to my surprise, they were already unlocked. I peeked inside and smiled, the lights were still on. Not that I didn't want to see Moon, just I don't know if I'm prepared for that yet. I tiptoed inside and slowly shut the door behind me. I walked further into the daycare and heard humming coming from the distance. I ducked behind the desk as it got louder and watched as Sun passed by me quickly. He sang to himself and bent over to put down some blankets. He laid them down over the beanbags neatly. While he was distracted, I took this as an opportunity. I kept myself in a low crouch as I walked. I was halfway to scaring the shit out of Sunny when he stopped singing. He stood up straight and slightly looked over his shoulder. I quickly hid behind the play structure. I waited a few seconds before slowly looking out to where Sunny was standing previously. He was gone. I looked the other direction, confused.

"Huh?" I whispered to myself. I stood up and looked around again, scanning the room. He was nowhere in sight. "How the actual fuck do I keep losing him?! He's huge!" I nearly jumped out of my skin when Sun had gasped behind me dramatically.

"Rule breaker, (Y/N)! No bad words!" He shook his head, disappointed in me and looked me up and down. "Were you trying to scare me, Sunbeam?" He giggled and circled me. I shook my head and laughed nervously.

"No! Ofcourse not Sunny, why would I want to do that?" I watched him walk around me and he eventually stopped. He looked down at me with a pleased smile on his face.

"Well, I'm sorry sunshine, but I'm going to have to agree with moon on this one~"

"Huh? Moon? What's he saying to you?!"

"This outfit simply won't do.."

1224 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now