The Wolf and the Rabbit:

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I returned to work extra early that morning to make sure Sunny wasn't seen coming in with me by anyone but the security cameras. I figured whoever watches over them wouldn't snitch, they've probably seen a lot. Before leaving, Sunny and Moon collided and became one like usual. This time around they were much more comfortable switching between themselves in front of me. Or at least I hoped. I felt special being the only one who knew about their ability to split. Was I really the only one? I mean Mel did say Moon didn't allow anyone else to get close and do repairs, so maybe that was true. I forced a very bubbly and hyper Sun into the Pizzaplex and tried to get him to go through the main doors to the daycare, but he insisted on going down the slide. I let him do his thing and started the morning checklist. Sunny came down and helped me clean. Freddy and Monty even came by to say hi.

"Goodmorning miss (Y/N)! How have you been?" Freddy approached, his ears wiggling as he stepped.

"Freddy, Monty, hey! Good good, just been doing the usual, watching kids and such. How about you?" I said, walking around the desk and holding the clipboard to my chest. Freddy bent over to talk to me as he talked about his weekend. I noticed Monty had done the same after taking notice of Freddy.

"Why are you doing that." I said.

"Doin' what sweet cheeks?" Monty sunk down a little lower. Freddy looked over at him and then himself, standing up straight.

"Are you doing that on purpose." I glared. Freddy waved his hands in defense and apologized.

"My apologies! It is an automatic feature in our programming to do that when talking to someone below a certain height! We do it in order to seem less intimidating. Monty does not have this programming therefore he is doing it to be-" Monty pulled Freddy by the ear.

"I have no idea what you are talkin' about. Why would I ever antagonize such a pretty little thing like ya' self?" Monty stuck out his snake like tongue. The light around me darkened as Sunny's shadow loomed behind me. He reached over me and pulled Monty's tongue with a grim expression.

"Get out, lizard breath, before I have you blackened or turned into nuggets." He drew back and let go of his tongue. It reeled back into his mouth with a 'snap', causing him to hiss.

"Whats ya' problem little guy, scared I might steal ya lady?" He snapped. Sunny giggled at his attempts to get to him.

"Not at all!~" He smiled as Freddy started to push the gator towards the door. "She's mine." Moon retorted and harshly grabbed a handful of my rear.

"Hey!" I said. Monty thrashed around in Freddy's arms yelling obscenities I couldn't understand with his thick accent. Moon chuckled. "I'll skin him later." He let go of me as if nothing and walked towards the tower. I blushed, honestly very confused. I cleared my thoughts and put a smile on my face before the kids started to pile into the daycare. It was actually more packed than usual, probably due to Sunny's absence. The day consisted of hide and seek, finger painting, tag, hide and seek again, nap time, and snack time. So, the usual. Sunny took attendance, tapping the heads of each child lightly as he counted. Sure, he could just scan the room, but the kids preferred it this way. I caught myself staring at Sunny as he braided some little girl's hair. He was so gentle and quick with his fingers, it caused my mind to wander.

Nope nope nope nope

I mentally scolded myself and physically smacked my head lightly.

"God I'm a mess.." I mumbled.

"Yeah, just a bit." A voice came from under me. Under the desk.

"What the?" I looked under it to see (F/N).

"She hasn't come looking for me in here yet, has she?" She said nervously. I raised an eyebrow and laughed at her.

"What are you talking about, who?"

Almost simultaneously, the daycare doors burst open, displaying an angry looking wolf. She looked from side to side and sashayed as she walked. She propped her elbows on the desk.

"Have you seen her? She's hiding from me." Roxy said.

"Seen who? Who's hiding from you, chica?" I played dumb. She seemed to see right through me though and clicked her tongue. I nervously looked to the side, then down, snitching on (F/N)'s hiding spot.

"No, not Chica. But whatever, thanks for your help. See you later, or not." She simulated the sound of walking away when she actually stayed in front on the desk, waiting. (F/N) groaned and creeped out from under the desk like a spider.

"Thanks for not blowing my cover, I owe" She turned around to see Roxy, patiently tapping her claws on the countertop.

"(F/N)." Roxy said.

"RoxAnne, heyyyy...funny to see you here!" (F/N) laughed and held her arm.

"I-" Roxy was about to scold (F/N) for whatever reason, but over came Sunny, skipping.

"Roxy!~ And (F/N), what are you two doing here? You just missed nap time, I'm afraid, sorry if you came here to nap again (F/N)." Sunny frowned.

"You come in here to nap? How have I not seen you?" I asked. (F/N) sweat dropped and looked to the side, stalling.

"Alright bitches, no time for chit chat, I have a bone to pick with you." Roxy picked up (F/N) and threw her over her shoulder. Children took notice of Roxy and crowded her. She gently walked passed them and said she had somewhere to be.

"I needed my hair and makeup done TWO.HOURS.AGO, you were SUPPOSED TO meet me in my room! Where have you been?! Also, did you steal my lipstick I-" Roxy's voice trailed off as she shut the daycare's door behind herself. Sunny looked over at me and smiled. I blushed thinking about how he, well moon, handled me earlier. I chewed my lip and pretended to work on something. He frowned and slumped his shoulders as he walked away.

1049 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now