The Mall:

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I already knew it was late in the day, but not late enough for Mel to have called me 5 times and texted 12 asking where Sunny and I was.

"Shit! Ah.." I sat up and grabbed my phone, laying back down. I was still sore from last night and slightly groggy. I hit the call button under Mel's contact and she answered after one ring.

"(Y/N)!! Where ARE YOU?! Your shift started SEVEN HOURS AGO and I can't even find Sunny either! He's probably hiding in that tower or something but I have no idea how to get up there and my only guess is he isn't coming out because you aren't here!" She yelled. I winced and pulled the phone away from my ear. Thanks to my morning voice and the strain put on my throat from last night, my sick voice came naturally.

"Hey Mel," I coughed away from the phone and the boys started to stir "yeah I'm so sorry..I'm just not feeling too well today. I think I'm coming down with something." I coughed again and Mel sighed on the other side.

"Oh it's alright. Sorry for disturbing you just try to tell me beforehand next time okay? Do you think there's anything I can do get sunny to come down? Right now Emma and some newbie that works in Bonnie Bowl are holding up the fort.." kids screaming and the sound of crashing could be heard in the background.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you! I'm so sorry but yesterday Sunny had a big malfunction, I hope you don't mind but I brung him home with me to fix it..."
I waited for the scolding but it never came.

"Seriously?? Wow (Y/N) that's very..thoughtful of you. I really appreciate your strong work ethic and how dedicated you are. When do you think you can bring him back? Tomorrow possibly?" She asked.

"Yes! Yes I'm already uh..finishing up the repairs." I looked to the two fools sprawled across me sleeping peacefully. I smiled and accidentally tuned out Mel when she was talking.

"...does that work for you?? It would be a big help! I can give you a raise as well for doing it." She said.

"Huh? Oh yeah sure that's fine." I said yawning.

"Okay great once Bonnie is repaired, I will get that schedule to you and you can let me know if that works. Okay well I'll let you get back to resting, get better soon! Bye!" She chimed.

"Wait what about" She hung up. "Shit," I said under my breath and looked at my phone. "What the fuck did I just agree to.." I bit my lip nervously and threw my head back.

"Goodmorning everything alright?" Sunny looked at me with his head on my pelvis and drew hearts on it with his index finger.

"Yes don't worry Sunny everything is just fine-"

"What were saying about Bonnie?" Moon rolled over to face me and slid his arm under my head.

"I'm actually not sure. Mel had just called and asked me about something but I zoned out and didn't hear her and agreed to..working with him?"

"No. I forbid it."

"(Y/N)! You know you can't work with Bonnie! That's..that's crazy!" Sunny reasoned, sitting up.

"I know guys I didn't mean to agree to it I swear! I'm sure she will send me more details later and I'll let you know as soon as I find out.."

" have to tell her you change your mind. I don't trust that blue balled bitch within six yards of you."

"I understand that but I..I feel bad going back on my word y'know."

"But sunshine Bonnie is forceful and a bigger rule breaker than moon! Wha...what if we can't reach you in time?" Sunny stuck out his bottom lip and sniffled.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now