The Storm:

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Sunny sighed and ran his finger down the hems of my pants. He looked up at me and giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked. He shook his head and grabbed both of my thighs. I stared at him with confusion. He lowered himself down between them and...took out the first aid kit from under the seat.

"Ta-da~ Oh gosh sunbeam, are you okay? You look awful! Your face reminds me of that one time I gifted you the sweater in your room and you-"

I smothered his mouth with my hands and shushed him.

"Sunny, just take a look at my shoulder please." I said over him. He nodded happily and went on with his job of playing doctor. He skillfully slid his fingers under the strap of my bra and pulled it off of my shoulder. I flinched at the contact of his cold fingers on my raw skin.

"Sunny!" I gasped.

"Yes? I am so very sorry if I hurt you oh goodness-"

"No, you didn't, you can't just be taking people's bras off like that though!" I snapped. I looked over at the wound and saw the imprint of where the strap previously was. He was right to take it off. It was actually in the way.

"Wh-what? Br..brawls?" He gradually peered down at my chest and politely stared. "Sunshine why are you wearing the sunglasses on your chest?" He tilted his head. I looked down at myself and picked up my shirt, covering my body.

"What are you talking about now?! Sunglasses?" Was he calling my bra sunglasses? I don't even want to know. Plus, Sunny had already changed the subject.

"Are you in any pain, (Y/N)?" He said as he cleaned the area with rubbing alcohol.

"Now I am, FUCK SUNNY!" I grabbed him out of reflex and screamed. I could've sworn I saw him smirk at first, but he quickly switched to his usual worried expression instead. I saw that. I let go of him and apologized after he scolded me for my language. His scolding must have not reached me as much as it was supposed to because I cursed a grand total of 13 times before he had finished cleaning me up.

"There. Good as new!" He kissed the bandage and placed his hands on his hips triumphantly. "Whoops- Habit, sorry Sunbeam!~" He backed out of the booth and ran off in some unseen direction. "I'll go find you some clothes, be back in a jiffy!~" He sung. I exhaled harshly and leaned my head back onto the station's wall. I closed my eyes for two seconds before the rude awakening.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay- where yo clothes at?" (F/N) tore back the curtain and stared at me, dumbfounded. I screamed and pulled her into the booth.

"Get your ass in here!" I closed the curtain behind her and she sat down next to me.

"I was about you but now I'm just slightly disappointed." She said, laying her head down on my lap.

"Disappointed? What do you mean?" I asked, combing my fingers through her hair.

"Well, one, what the fuck happened to your shoulder?! And two, you obviously didn't get your brains fu-"

Slapping my hands over (F/N)'s mouth was a lot more effective than over Sunny's. She arched her eyebrows angrily and peeled my hands off of her face.

"Stop you planet-fucker! Your grimy kid fingers are gonna give me acne ugh." She sat up and wiped her face aggressively. "So for real, what the fuck happened?" She pointed to my shoulder and I sighed.

"Moon happened."

"Moon bit you?! Shit I know they're robots but what the fuck is he into?" She drew a straight face and looked at the floor as if imagining. I pinched her side and told her to stop.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now