The Sleepover III:

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"Go ahead. Beat my ass, Starlight," Moon's deep voice vibrated my ears. I had backed up fully against the wall, now being cornered. I usually am not one to back down from a fight, but..I know when my chances at winning are slim. This is one of those moments. I pursed my lips and gave moon a closed-eye smile.

"Mooon, buddy! I'm so happy to uh..see you! Unfortunately at this time I will not be partaking in the beating of your ass. Apologies." I nodded to reassure myself as moon looked at me with unamused eyes. He sighed and shrugged, wrapping a hand around my throat loosely.

"Moony! This is not what we agreed to!" Sun's voice chirped. I didn't know they were capable of this, this was interesting. Both eyes were illuminated but with one of each of their eye colors. They both seemed to be present but moon seemed to be in control. And sun let him?! I grabbed their wrist, making them advert their attention towards me again.

" hurting me.." I coughed.

"You naughty liar, (Y/N). Even sun knows my grip isn't even that tight." He said as a matter of factly. I sighed and gave up, accepting my fate.

"Moon is right sunshine it is physically impossible he is putting you in such distress, but I can tell you're scaring her Moony! Enough!" Sun managed to pull his arm away from my throat and I ducked between their legs. I ran for the door, not standing a chance. I didn't even know where I was. I went down the hall and made it to the boys' room. I looked out the tower's entrance just in time to see (F/N) walking through the daycare's main entrance.

"(F/N)!! HEY, UP HERE!" I waved and yelled to get her attention. She saw me and started approaching the tower.

"Hey (Y/N)! I came to say goodnight, imma head out. I take it Sunny or Moon showed you the room?" She winked. I waved her off and nodded.

"Yes, what exactly did you help them with?"

"Your favorite color and such...the little things..oh.." Her smile drooped into a frown as she started backing away.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I looked down to see if I had shapeshifted or some shit because she sure was looking at me like I did. She pointed as she kept backing away towards the door. I turned around to see a very angry Moon. I turned towards (F/N) wide eyed and reached out.

"(F/N) WAIT!! SAVE ME!!" Moon lifted me by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"(F/N) YOU TRAITOOOR!!!" I kicked and thrashed around.


"Just so you can run away and get out of being punished? Naughty, Naughty." He chuckled and hoisted me up further onto his shoulder.

"Punishment?!" I shrieked.

My reaction earned another laugh from Moon as he shut the door behind us and locked it.

"Was that necessary?!" I squirmed.

"No interruptions, starlight~ I have been wanting to try something with you.."

He flipped me right side up and gently placed me on the bed. Unlike Sun, moon actually scared me. He sat down near the headboard and pulled me closer to him, putting me between his legs. I stayed still as he caressed my hair. I inhaled deeply and jumped every time his fingers would brush against my skin.

"I saw what you did earlier.." He spoke up.

"What are you talking about?"

"You kissed Sunny," He replied, almost sounding sad. I would have actually given into my feelings of guilt if he hadn't aggressively turned me around to face him. "I don't think that's fair. Do you?" He cupped my face in his hands and gently ran his finger over my jawline. Flashbacks from that night when moon and sunny accidentally switched flooded my mind. I looked up at him and got on my knees to be slightly taller. I hesitantly placed my hand on the side of his face and kissed his cheek. I don't know why, but this one seemed to linger a bit longer than the one I gave Sunny.

"You missed. Your lips were supposed to touch mine, you dumbass." He quickly turned his head and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes were wide in surprise..but I didn't want to pull away. Instead, my eyelids fluttered shut and I kissed him back. His hands moved quick to stand me up and allow me to be at level height. Me standing was almost level height when he is sitting. I smiled at the thought and he pulled away.

"Your lips are extremely soft starlight. I could kiss them all day." He licked his lips and tightened his grip around me.

"Your lips are surprisingly warm!" I said. Moon stared at me and eventually began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I crossed my arms and Moon threw his head back.

"Sunny has no idea what he is missing.."

"He can't see us right now? How does that work?" I at least felt a little safer knowing Sunny was watching, but now that I know he isn't I tensed up slightly. I know Moon wouldn't hurt me, he is just unpredictable.

"I'm in control and I'm not allowing him to see. What? You think I should let him join in on the fun?" He teased. I shook my head.

"No! No no no, I love sunny, but he would be scarred for life."

" think? You might be right. Then he would probably get all flustered and embarrassed and avoid you."

"Yes and I really don't want that-"

"What if I do?" He grinned mischievously, his red eyes flickering to a heterochromia state.

"Moon why would you do that?"

"Because. Maybe then I'll have more time with you to myself." He flicked his tongue and carelessly dragged it along the side of my neck. I shuddered and placed both hands on his chest, attempting to shove him away. He looked up at me with multi-colored eyes.

"Sunshine..." Sun spoke.

"Sunny! Sunny please don't watch Moon is being...a rule breaker and he is trying to make-" I was interrupted by moon shoving his thumb in my mouth.

"Tsk tsk, what a mouthful starlight. What do you think Sunny?"

"Moony stop it! (Y/N) are you okay?" Sun pulled his hand out of my mouth and watched as a string of saliva from my mouth connected to his thumb. My face was extremely hot and Sunny became flushed as well. Moon took control again and grinned as he licked his finger and bit his lip.

"You are no fun, sunny."

"Shut up Moon! You are a dirty rule-breaker!! You are going into timeout until you decide to apologize!" Sun turned on the lamp on the bedside table and was able to take full control. He stared at me and sat me down, trying to read me.

"A-are you alright sunshine?" He looked into my eyes sympathetically and with the slightest hint of regret.

"I'm okay Sunny. I feel like I'm always having to tell you that." I laughed softly and hugged him. He smiled back and rubbed circles on my back.

"I'm sorry,"

"For what? Moon?"

"Yes. He had convinced me to let him spend more time with you and I didn't expect him to be this..this.."

"Pushy?" I added.

"Yes, pushy. Ugh! That Moon! I am so not happy with him at the moment! Later I will give him a piece of my mind for you sunbeam, don't you worry!" He pouted. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and nodded.

"Thank you.." I was really conflicted. A part of me wanted sun to tell off moon and to tell him how out of line he was. But the other half of me, I can't let Sunny know...I kind of liked it.

1339 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now