The Ribbon:

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I sat up gasping for air. My mind took a second to keep up, resulting in me not knowing where I was. Sunny dabbed a cold rag on my face and snatched his arm back when I showed signs of consciousness.

"(Y/N) you're okay!" (F/N)'s voice isn't really the first one I wanted to wake up to, but whatever. "You bitch don't scare me like that!" She shook my shoulders aggressively and I shoved her off.

"I didn't know you'd all be here so soon..." I rubbed my temples and looked around the daycare. Freddy, Bonnie, and Monty were all grouped together chatting about who knows what. Nini and Chica were on the play structure eating pizza-

The light around me suddenly darkened due to the giant shadow, looming over me. I tilted my head back and saw DJ Music Man smiling down at me. I must've displayed my frightened feelings because he frowned and squatted down to seem less intimidating.
"Oh my, apologies little one, didn't mean to frighten you. Was just checking on you s'all." His voice was deep and comforting like how I remembered from the previous time we had met. I started to laugh and apologized.

"No you didn't do anything I appreciate you caring.." I collected my wits and looked at Sunny and Moon once more.

"How do you feel sunbeam? Are you doing okay? If you want I can tell everyone to come back another time.." He brushed my hair out from my face and I shook my head.

"It's okay, really, I'm okay."

"What even happened why the fuck did you all of a sudden jump from the platform like that?" (F/N) asked. I gasped. It was all coming back to me. The rabbit.

"Shit!" I ran to the hidden door and made my way up the tower.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?! Fuck first you think you can fly and now what?!" (F/N) squawked. I ignored her and began to search frantically. Footsteps trailed closely behind me and I ignored those too. The boys' bedroom door was wide open, providing evidence of my assaulter's existence. I slowly crept around the corner and tiptoed around the room. They aren't here. I checked under the bed, the closet, everything.

"Did you lose something?" Sunny asked from outside the room. Moon accompanied him and examined his room thoroughly.

"No..No someone was in here. When I fell, that is. I fell because someone was in here and I thought it was Moon but he was down there with you." I pointed to the curtain and made eye contact with Sunny. He tilted his head and slowly started to shake it.

"That's not possible Sunbeam..there's only one way in and out of the daycare and Moony and I..Moony? What is it?" Sunny asked.

Moon walked into the room without saying a word. He walked right passed me and bent down, picking something up and examining it between fingers. He turned to face us and held it up for both of us to see. I stepped closer and identified it to be a ribbon. I looked at them both and Sunny took it from Moon's grasp gently.

"I'm guessing this isn't yours?" Moon questioned me. I shook my head. Sunny analyzed the fabric strip and tucked it away in his pocket.

"Who did you see? What did they look like? What did they do..did they hurt you?" Sunny's innocent prying and worried questions took a turn, his face grimaced.

"I um..I didn't get to see much. All I can recall is that they had Bunny ears and-"

"That FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!!" Moon yelled, leaping off the balcony.

"No! No moon wait it wasn't Bonnie!! MOON NO! SUNNY, DO SOMETHING!" I said hurriedly. Sunny followed after his brother. I was going to watch them, but as soon as I stepped onto the platform, my breathing felt shallow. I retreated back into their room and waited. After about 3 minutes, I decided to go back down to make sure Bonnie wasn't scrap metal. Nini would freak.

"There she is, (Y/N) what color would you say this person was wearing? You said you saw bunny ears too right?" Chica rushed over to me and grabbed my hand, leading me to where everyone else was standing. Music man sat down to be relatively closer to hear the conversation. Luckily, Bonnie seemed fine. Moon still seemed a little pissed off, but Sunny was doing a good job of keeping him calm.

"I-I don't know I'm not sure I can't tell you what color they were wearing I didn't get to see. I can't recall the color either it was too dark to see." I said. Everyone took that information in collectively and Chica nodded with her fingers on her chin, thinking.

"About two weeks ago a little boy had ran up to me and said something strange. Something along the lines of 'he really enjoyed our show and next time we should let the rabbit sing more'. At first, I thought he was probably talking about Bonnie since Bonnie sometimes sings for fun..but then he gave me this." Chica reached somewhere in her feathers and pulled out a note. I took it from her and read it aloud.

"Do you ever feel like you're being watched?" I looked up from the paper and everyone muttered. "Okay? I mean yeah that's creepy as shit but I work with the kids all the time they're definitely weird like that." I handed it back to her and she shook her head.

"No! I mean no, sorry for yelling," she said in a hushed voice "it wasn't one of the kids..the other night I was tuning my guitar and I don't tell many people this but I like to sing..when I'm alone. I was singing to myself and then I heard someone tap on the glass to my room. I got up to check and no one was there,"

"And then?" Monty asked.

"And then I turned back around and...the strings on my guitar were cut. Along with a note. Want to guess what it said?" Chica said.

"That you smell like ass because you eat out of the fucking trash?" Roxy snickered. Monty shoved her and she growled, shoving him back. He looked offended and they began slapping at each other. Freddy pushed them apart and held both of them in either of his arms in a headlock.

"Just finish the story!" Freddy said, slightly panicked. "I hate scary stories they make me want to  cry..." he frowned and sniffled while the wolf tried to reach the gator.

"It said I should sing more often." Chica finished.

" there's a rabbit on the loose pushing people off ledges and eavesdropping on us? But why of all people would they push (Y/N)?" (F/N) asked.

"Yeah it seems like they were giving Chica a compliment and they also sing to the children, but push human employees off platforms? Something's not adding up." Nini glared. "OH SHIT!"

"Language!" Sunny warned.

"Sorry, THE CAMERAS!!" Nini concluded. Our attention adverted to the cameras in all four corner of the daycare.

They have to have caught something.

1223 Words

Sorry if there are mistakes, I'm extremely tired and wanted to get this out for you all ily goodnight.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now