The Roomate III:

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Sunny/Moon POV

"But I-if I remove my hand you'll-" (Y/N) closed her eyes tightly and started to laugh. I looked down at my hand and back up to her. She looks so pretty when she laughs.

Sunny I know you can hear me, let me out.

"Not know moony, (Y/N) is having an episode of some sort.." I examined her thoroughly. Nothing about her vitals or body language said she was having a mental breakdown or a panic attack..why is she laughing like something is funny?

"I'm not having an episode you dork, and why the fuck is my bra on your head?" She asked, stripping me of my squishy goggles. "Please just give me a minute Sunny. Oh! And before you leave, can you hand me that?" She stood up and pointed to a pink box on the top shelf. I grabbed it and handed it to her.

"Did you fall trying to reach these Sunshine?"

She glared and snatched the box. I giggled at her actions and decided to tease her slightly.

"You shouldn't put things where you can't reach them sweetheart..."

"OUT SUNNY, OUT OUTOUT!" She pushed me by my lower back and I left her alone.

Sunny, you're a real fucking idiot. (whatever fem product you use), did you do a search on them?

"Ofcourse I did, not like I needed to though." I chuckled and stretched as moon and I went outside (Y/N)'s room.

What do you mean 'not like I needed to'. You already knew?

"Moon, please. I know everything." I smirked and sprawled out on (Y/N)'s couch.

Sunny you fucking genius. You did that on purpose? Who even are you, are you still my innocent brother or have I tainted you.

"Tainted," I clicked my tongue "You're forgetting something."

And what's that?

"We share the same brain."

(Y/N)'s POV

After that VERY EMBARRASSING interaction with Sunny, I decided to start locking the bathroom door. I have also decided to take..everything off of the top shelf. He was right, anyway. I can't even reach the shit. Aside from me starting my period, now Sunny and most likely Moon know, how will I explain that to him? I'll just..leave it up to moon. He tells him everything else, he might as well. I walked into my room to get a change of clothes because obviously these ones are fucking ruined. I didn't see Sunny on the bed, so I peeked around the corner. He was on the couch.

"Hey I'm almost done, okay? If you want you can..oh. How did you figure out how to turn on the Xbox?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He told me." Sunny said, eyes glued to the screen.

"The...Xbox..told you?"


"What are you playing?" I laughed.

"I'm not sure sunshine but it's kinda scary..." He squinted his eyes and pulled his knees to his chest. I came out of my room and looked at the tv. He was playing..Hello Kitty Roller Rescue. I slowly retreated back to my bathroom and let Sunny give himself nightmares. I changed and rubbed my temples.

"It is going to be a loooong week.." I walked into the living room and stopped in my tracks. It was no longer Sunny on the couch, but Moon.

"Moon!" I sat next to him and gave him a small hug. He smirked and looked down at me.

"Did you miss me starlight? Or did Sunny's touch make you attached alread- OW!"

I smacked his arm.

"MOON YOU KNOW DAMN WELL SUNNY DIDN'T MEAN TO! He was just trying to help.." I blushed and looked off to the side.

Moon/Sunny POV

..Yeah Moony, you know damn well it was an accident >:)

"Sunny I swear to fucking god."


"Anyways, why did you and Sunny switch?" I asked, going to the kitchen to get a caprisun.

"Because he owes me. Also, it is dark as fuck in here, why do you literally have zero light in your house?" Moon looked around and looked back at the tv.

"Because I like it to be dark."

"Then get used to seeing me more often~" Moon purred. I jumped at the sudden feeling of hands being coiled around my waist.

"Moon! Don't do that, you scared the shit out of me!"

He picked me up and brought me back to the couch with him. I sighed, at this point there is no used refusing. He sat me on his lap and looped his arms around my body. He snarled at the Hello Kitty game currently on the screen and turned on Dead by Daylight instead.

"That's a good one." I said.

"I know, seems more fitting for me."

"A game about killing people?!"

"Yeah," He chuckled darkly and ran his fingers through my hair slowly. I shivered and leaned back into him. He felt warmer than the last time we met. I could hear the clicks and low whirs coming from within him, it was comforting. He wasn't wrong, I could get used to this. I watched the screen as he navigated through the game easily.

"Have you played this before?" I asked, stabbing the aluminum juice pouch. I watched him seamlessly rise to victory, hunting people down and hanging them one by one.

"Nah, I'm just good with my hands,"

I nearly spit out the drink and started coughing, earning a deep chuckle from moon.

"Careful. Is your throat okay?" He swiftly and gently placed a hand around my throat. I gasped and grabbed onto the fabric of his shirt.

" seem fine to me, starlight. Don't pretend to be hurt just to get me to check on you..naughty naughty~"


"What? Does that feel good or something?" He whispered.

"You're losing."

"WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!" He started grumbling and continued the game he was playing. I began to laugh and get up to throw away my trash.

"Hey." Moon said, causing me to look back. He yanked me aggressively back into his lap.


"What? I didn't say you could leave. Sit, stay. It's too cold without you here.." He said softly, a light pink glow emerging onto his face. Was he..blushing?

1045 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now