The Prelude:

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Going home felt weird. It was 9:45pm and I was going over all the events of today in my head. My heart pumped faster every time I thought about starting...tomorrow. I was only trying to go to sleep because I had to start my shift at 7:30 but clock in at 6. The pizzaplex opens at I don't know why being there super early is that necessary, but I didn't question it. I wonder how long my shifts are and if they have something to do with me getting paid 35 an hour. I kept thinking about starting my job and it completely slipped my mind...are the animatronics actually going to be there? My eyes shot open and I sat up in my bed. Even though I love the game, animatronics scare the shit out of me. And these animatronics walk around...on their own. I attempted to calm my nerves and put a pillow over my head, groaning. I guess at some point I fell asleep because my alarm started to go off, telling me it was 5am. I was so tired but so excited. Mel never supplied me with or said anything about a uniform, so I put on my normal clothes. I made sure my phone was charged, I had my keys, and I was heading out the door. I got in my car and slapped my cheeks to stay awake. I drove to the pizzaplex and parked in the reserved parking in front by the front doors. I used my keys to unlock the doors, and locked them back once I got inside. The place was dark except for a couple of emergency lights they legally had to keep on. I rubbed my eyes and ventured off to find the daycare's doors. I eventually came upon them and braced myself..nothing. The doors were locked. I tried using my keys, but there was like 50 and only one was labeled. I groaned and kicked the door for good measure. Regretted that. I huffed, already frustrated, and searched for the slide. If I couldn't open the doors, I knew what I had to do. I found the slide. I stared at it, second guessing my life choices. I sat down slowly, gripping the edges of the slide to keep me from falling. I took in a deep breath and almost went down the slide from jumping at my phone notification. I placed a hand where my heart was and cursed under my breath. I took out my phone to see who the fuck..oh. It was (F/N).

(F/N): goodluck on ur first day...and with sunny. Lmk how moon is, too. 😘

Me: goodluck trying to get w ur cougar boss.

I chuckled evilly at the destruction I've caused. I put my phone in my pocket, laughing at all the message notifications coming in simultaneously. I dropped my guard while texting (F/N) and lost my balance at the slide's entrance. I screamed all the way down and grunted when I fell into the ball pit.

Oh no, I don't like this

I couldn't find solid ground to push myself out of the pit. I panicked as I sunk. I flailed my arms trying to grab onto something, anything. I felt saved when a grabbed onto something cold and solid. Before I knew it, I was being lifted out of the pit and tossed in the air.

"A-ah!" I grabbed what was in front of me and closed my eyes.

"HEEELLO NEW FRIEND, YOU SURE ARE EARLY! WHERE ARE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS?!" The sun shaped animatronic beamed below me. My mouth was slightly ajar as I stared at him. He looked to the side and back to me, waiting for a response. I realized I had both hands wrapped tightly around the spikes surrounding his face. I retrieved my hands and held them to my chest. He put me down and scratched the back of his had.

"OH, I KNOW! SAY, NEW FRIEND, CAN YOU NOT SPEAK?! I HAVE RECENTLY JUST BEEN PROGRAMMED WITH SOMETHING NEW CALLED," he built up suspense for no reason "sigggnn language, ooohh!!!" He held back his excitement and started to shake. I smiled and started to laugh.

"No, no, I can speak, sorry." I held my hands up in front of me. He stood up straight, allowing me to see the full extent of his height. My eyes widened. He feet tall. I stared up at him and he started to get nervous.

Can animatronics get nervous?

He must have realized I found his height overwhelming because he went back to slouching.

"I'm sorry, new friend, but I never caught your name?" The spikes around his head spun as he looked at me.

"Um, my name is (Y/N). Oh! I am the new daycare management." I showed him my card. He looked me up and down and walked around me, circling me a couple times. Now I was the one feeling nervous.

"HELLO (Y/N)! What a pretty name, but how about a nickname instead?? What abooout..sunshine?! Or sunflower..or dewdrop...ahhh I love them all, can I call you them all?  Can I can I, oh please say yes!" He danced around, hopping from one foot to the other.

"A-anything you want is fine, I don't mind," I gulped. He stopped and stared at me once again.

"Oookay sunshine, your profile in my database has been updated! You're the boss!" He gave me a thumbs up. I felt so intimidated and surreal that I was really standing in front of and talking to Sundrop.

"My profile?" I asked, fidgeting with my keys and walking towards the front desk. I kept looking over at Sun, who was closely following behind me. He took long steps to accommodate his long ass legs and barely made a sound while he walked.

"Yeppers! I am programmed to keep a file of what all the employees look, sound, and sometimes feel like to notice any intruders right away! I can contact the authorities and-"

"Wait wait hold on, did you just say what employees feel like? What the fuck does that mean?" I picked up a clipboard that read 'morning checklist' and assumed that was for me. Sunny gasped and dramatically threw his hands over his mouth.

"(Y/N)! Language, please! And to answer your previous question, me picking you up was to determine your height and weight for your profile, so that I can also be adjusted to fit your needs as a partner!" He stood courageously as he boasted about all his unique features. "What did you think I meant?" He leaned down to meet my face and smiled. My eyes widened once more and I backed up a bit.

Oh right. I forgot he is in charge of children. Oops.

"Oh, nothing! I was just wondering because you worded it a bit funny is all." I reassured. I walked around the desk and went over the list before it was snatched out from my hands.

"Hey! Sundrop, I need that!" I jumped to try and get it back and tripped over the rolley chair behind me. Sun quickly leaned over the counter and caught me before I fell with his arm around my waist. I quickly gripped onto his neck ruffles out of reflex. He scooped me up and placed me to sit on the counter.

"Whoopsies! Looks like you almost had quite the fall there Sunshine! Please try and be more careful!" He reminded. My face grew hot with embarrassment and I nodded.

1278 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now