The...I have no idea it's just THE.

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Moon stared me down intensely. I looked to Sunny and slowly placed a hand on his thigh. He vibrated under my touch and I smirked. My hand migrated closer and closer to his mid section and his panting increased. I grazed my fingers over his manhood and he whimpered. I pulled my hand away, causing him to whine.

"P-please! Please touch me sunbeam..I'm begging you." Sunny cried. He pulled me onto his lap shivering, starving for affection. I decided to stop teasing him and just go for it. Moon shifted his weight behind me, urging me to go on. He brushed my hair away from my neck as his lips collided with the sensitive skin. I bit my lip and began to stroke Sunny. He quivered with his ever growing excitement and so did I. Moon slid his leg between my own and pressed his knee to my clothed core. I moaned in surprise and Sunny grabbed my hips, rocking me back and forth against moon. I greedily stuck my hand in his pants and came in contact with his hard member. He moaned, his eyes presenting hearts when I curled my fingers around his length, pumping it slowly. He leaned his head on my shoulder and moon kissed the other lovingly. Moon's hand explored my body and the other he used to fondle himself. The more excited he got, the deeper he hid his face in the crook of my neck. I placed a hand on the back of his head as he moaned.

"F-fuck.." sunny whispered.

Did sunny just CURSE?

"What was that? You want to say it again?" I asked. Sunny shook his head and I tightened my grip around him. He yelped.

"Say it.."

"FUCK! God...god fucking damnit oh please don't stop ahh.." Sunny pleaded.

"You're doing good starlight keep going.." Moon whispered huskily. I could feel myself building in arousal, becoming more and more wet with their interactions. I caressed Sunny and quickened my pace, squeezing his tip slightly.

"Do it need to be gentle with him." Moon lowered himself and lifted my shirt, kissing along my shoulder blades. I moaned and pressed myself against his leg harder, my heart beat resurfacing between my legs. Sunny took note and grabbed my sensitive parts, rubbing me in circles along my wet slit. My breaths grew heavier and moans increased with every reposition of his long fingers.

"Sunny..." I moaned his name. That must have been enough to send him over the edge, though, because a warm liquid shot up and coated my hand and arm. I pulled my hand away and analyzed what the fuck just happened. I looked down at the sparkly substance and watched sunny mumble constant apologies under his breath. Moon busted out laughing and I started to giggle as well.

"S-sunshine i'm sorry I-"

"Sunny...don't you think she deserves a reward?" Moon pulled me back, laying my head on his lap. Sunny grabbed my hand and sucked my fingers clean of his juices. My eyes catching a glimpse of their 'attachment' for the first time caused my breath to hitch in my throat. Moon grinned at my reaction seemingly pleased and pulled it out completely.

"Say ah~" Moon's laugh and words dripped with seductiveness. I stuttered and propped myself up on my elbows.

"M-moon! I can't...that's..way too big.." I reasoned. He seemed to not care as he pressed his thumb to my bottom lip.

"Would you like to try? You did so good on my fingers the other night...what's a couple more inches?" He cackled and I opened my mouth willingly. Apparently a couple more inches is a lot. Just the girth and thickness of his shaft made me struggle. He shivered with pleasure and gently grabbed a fistful of my hair. He pushed my head further and further down his length until I gagged, making him pull out and repeat his actions. I slowly started to get the hang of it when Sunny's fingers hooked around the waistband of my pants. He looked up at me asking for permission and I let him remove my clothes fully. Sunny struggled removing my undergarments and grew restless, tearing them off aggressively. I moaned at his sudden change in approach.

" every part of you this pretty sunshine?~" Sunny murmured, admiring my bare bottom half. Moon's thrusts became more aggressive and needy as he reached his peak. Everything became less synchronized and more sloppy. Only wet slaps and Moon's gravelly groans filled the room. Everything was hot and sticky and I needed more. I whined as moon removed himself from my mouth and lifted my shirt without asking. I gasped when he unloaded himself onto my chest and caught his breath.

"Mmm fuck (Y/N)'re such a good little slut for me.." he groaned as he removed my bra single handedly and tossed it off of the bed. A newfound sensation alerted me as Sunny pressed his lips to my folds. I panted and pushed his head down slightly, urgently telling him to proceed.

"I-I don't know what I'm doing.." Sunny stuttered. I smiled down at him softly and his tongue fell out of his mouth once again.

"Use that.." I gestured to his tongue and he nodded. He wasted no time and began to lick and insert his tongue inside me.

"Ahh~" my walls tightened and relaxed at the feeling of him inside me. He inserted the rest and got to work, sucking and moving himself around seeing what I liked best. He played with my clit and massaged my g-spot with his tongue. Moon lowered himself to my chest and cleaned up what he had previously unleashed. The overstimulation was overwhelming. I didn't know how to use my words to tell them I was coming close.

"I-I...fuck I'm..oh yes! Oh my god please...right there, don't stop don't stop!~" my hushed screams echoed as well as the boys' silent groans. I felt Sunny slide a hand under my back and Moon pressed down on my lower stomach as the knot inside me started to unravel. One last lap from sunny was all it took to send me over the edge, releasing on his tongue. My orgasm lasted longer than they usually do, causing me to twitch and pant with exhaustion. Sunny swallowed every drop that came out of me and wiped his mouth, sitting up fully.

"Did I do good?" He asked cheerily. I looked at him wide eyed and nodded.

"You did so fucking good."

1105 Words


𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now