The Question:

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"T-two.." I looked at Moon then back at Sunny. "" I asked.

"Think about it sunbeam, it's twice as good as a regular boring human mate!~" Sunny said excitedly.

"Boyfriend, Sunny. The term was boyfriend." Moon reminded.

Boyfriend? Are they implying I date BOTH OF THEM?!

"Oh yeah! My bad hehe." He giggled.

"Twice the fun~"

"Double the hugs ooooh~!" Sunny shook his hands out in front of him.

"Twice" Moon caressed my shoulder and let his hands travel down to my thighs, rubbing circles on them with his thumbs.

"And you don't have to choose! Ohhh this is so exciting!"

They both sat there, waiting for my reply.

"Yes." I said. I didn't think it through, I just said what my brain was repeating over and over again. It just felt right. I'm always at work and when I'm not, somehow the boys come and find me anyways. I like them both a lot. They both definitely hold a special place in my heart. Moon looked shocked to hear my answer. Especially so quickly.

"Y-yes?" They said almost simultaneously.

"Yes. Wait just to clarify..are you both..asking me out or?" I asked.


"We are."

"If it's too hard to choose sunshine just choose me- ack!" Moon flicked Sunny in the head and he pouted. I laughed at their immaturity.

This is going to be fun.

I grabbed both of their faces and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Their faces flushed instantly and they looked at each other as if they both had a connected realization. I regretted my decision when they both grabbed me. I almost forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt..or..anything. Moon's hand returned to my chest, gripping it roughly. I yelped once more and out of reflex grabbed his arm. Sunny suddenly appeared on the other side of me, face flushed and a determined look on his face. His stare was focused on my other breast and he laughed anxiously.

" I just.." he slowly reached for my chest but yanked his hand back when Moon made fun of him.

"Sunny seriously? You're so slow. Stop killing the mood." He snarled, retrieving his hand. Sunny crossed his arms and looked frustrated.

"Moon! Stop being mean, he's trying." I glared at moon and grabbed Sunny's hand gently. He watched me as I placed his hand on my chest. His blush spread infectiously and the fans within him went into overdrive.

"Ugh! I could pretend to be dumb as shit too, would you also baby me (Y/N)?" Moon whispered in my ear.

"No, you can figure it out." I hummed. Sunny froze when his fingers met my skin. He looked up at me and back to his hand. He squeezed it slightly. I shuddered in response and something seemed to click inside him at my reaction. He squeezed a little harder and his tongue flicked out of his mouth. My eyes followed as he lowered himself and kissed what he was gripping. My mouth hung open but no sound came out until he grazed his teeth over my sensitive buds.

"Oh fuck..." I leaned my head back against Sunny's bed and moaned. Moon scoffed and copied Sunny's actions, making the heat between my legs almost unbearable. "Shit keep going..." I sat back up and smiled as Sunny looked up at me to make sure I was okay.

"Am I hurting you sunshine?" He asked, pulling away from my breasts. I shook my head and he continued, slowly kissing and biting down my torso. As he got lower, moon got higher, kissing up my neck and licking it passionately. Sunny stopped at my pants button, wondering how to proceed. I placed my hand on his cheek and made him look up at me.

"You're such a good boy~" I said. Something new happened to Sunny as he melted in my hands. Hearts replaced his pupils and he shook slightly. I felt Moon do the same as he pulled away. Their heart filled eyes looked scared when they stood up together, turning away from me.

"What? Did I say something wrong, are you guys- oh..Oh~" I laughed at them as they struggled to hide the hard mass forming in their pants. Low curses were exchanged between the two of them. My thoughts shifted back to the time I read their anatomical instructions.

"D-don't laugh! Sunshine, please!" Sunny whined and hid his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I stifled my laughs and pulled my knees to my chest, turning around. More low curses were spoken and the sound of shuffling could be heard throughout the room.

"You can turn around now Sunbeam." Sunny said. I turned around and looked at them both, their eyes still noticeably different and their stances still kinda awkward. I used one arm to drape across my chest and picked up my shredded shirt with the other.

" do either of you have a-"


"Wait what?! No, Sunny! Your clothes are boring and colorful she wants to wear mine!" Moon chased after Sunny as they went through each other's clothes. I laughed and took out my phone while I waited for a shirt. I pulled up my messages with (F/N) and had to double check to see if I misread her texts.

(F/N): hey I need your help with something idk who else to ask because this is really embarrassing and shit hang on I'll come to you 11m ago

(F/N): wya bro are you even at work still? I'm in the daycare 8m ago

(F/N): I'm sitting in your swivel seat if you don't come out here. 5m ago

(F/N): now I'm eating ur snacks 5m ago

(F/N): where is that crying sound coming from? Do you hear that too or? OH MY GOD LMAO IS IT YOU 2m ago

I pressed the screen to my chest and put my bra on quickly. I unlocked and opened the door to the twins' room. I was met face to face with a grinning (F/N).

"Fuck.." I mumbled.

"Hey planet fucker, whatcha up to other than FUCKING TH-" I slapped a hand over her mouth and used my other arm to put her in a headlock.

"You pervert why are you here?!" I whisper yelled and pulled her into the room. "How did you even get up here?!" She pried my hand off of her mouth.

"You left the door that lead up here open, dumbass. Also I helped decorate your room that you...are too busy to use apparently." She snickered evilly.

"Damn, still that doesn't answer my question, why are you here? What was so fucking important you creep." I unhandled her just as the boys came back. They froze and stopped their bickering.

"Hello (F/N)!~" Sunny cheered.

"What's going on here?" Moon asked, gesturing between the two of us.

"Relax solar system, I'm not stealing your girlfriend." She teased. The boys looked stunned at her comment not realizing she was just joking.

God could they make it anymore obvious

I mentally facepalmed and gave them both a look saying stop that. They pulled themselves together and Sunny handed me a shirt. I slipped it over my head and we all waited for (F/N) to explain herself.

"Anyways I came to ask for your help my robofucking friend-"

"Stop calling me that you weirdo." I pinched her side and she laughed.

"Yeah whatever anyways, I have a problem.." she looked at the ground shamefully.

"Yeah? What is it?" I asked. The boys sat there watching as if we were a movie.

"Roxy, come in." (F/N) called out. I looked towards the door as Roxanne walked in grumpily.

"Roxy? What is she doing here?" I laughed. Roxy looked to the side embarrassed as she opened her mouth. Her tongue fell out of her mouth, in knots. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"What happened?!" I asked. We all read the room, looking between Roxy and my friend.

"Oh...oh no you didn't! Oh my god.."

1354 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now