The End:

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I bit the tip of my thumb nervously. Yes, the fire was spreading and no, we still don't have a way out. The barriers enclosing the glass entrance doors are too tough to break, DJ has been at them for a while now. The longer I stand here the more I realize how collectively chaotic and stupid we all are as a team. Moon and Bonnie had no luck, shortly after leaving had returned to the group once more, unsuccessful.

"It's going to be okay Sunshine, don't worry about it!" Sunny said, hopefully aiming to increase my sense of security. I frowned. Fire doesn't wait for you to come up with a plan or to feel secure, it just keeps growing.

"Uhh DJ? how's that door coming?" Monty asked, a hint of fear in his tone.

"Not looking good, it's bending, but it's holding up better than I'd like it to." DJ replied.

"Monty, you're good at fucking things up, GO HELP!" Roxy shoved the gator towards the closed-in entrance and he turned around, offended.

"AYE! I do not fuck things up I-"

"THERE'S NO TIME FOR THIS SHIT YOU LIZARD, OPEN THE DOORS!" Chica yelled. Monty nodded and shut himself up, starting to ram his body into the metal. All I could do is wait. My mind was racing:

What if I die here? What if I can't get out? What about Sunny and Moon...(F/N)? Where is (F/N)?

I swiveled my body around, frantically looking for her.

"Roxy where is (F/N)?" I placed a hand on Roxy's arm, instantly regretting that decision. "FUCK!!" I reeled my hand back and grabbed it with my other hand impulsively.

"SUNBEAM! Be careful! A-Are you alright? Maybe I can find a med station-"

"NO! Sunny, no! You aren't leaving me here by myself." I spat. The anxiety and the burn seeping farther into my skin caused me to snap. Sunny's face was contorted into a sympathetic smile.

"Okay, (Y/N), I won't leave you. Neither will Moon, right Moon? MOON?" He looked around and I did as well. Freddy and the others were prying the metal barriers away from the floor in hopes of making a hole big enough for our exit. Moon and (F/N) were a little ways away, on (F/N)'s phone. They approached us excitedly and announced the police had been called and have already been on their way. My anxiety seized, a grateful smile gracing my lips, theirs as well. Anxiety soon returned and caused us all to start retreating towards the semi-accessible exit. Chunks of the ceiling's beams and light fixtures fell aggressively to the floor with a 'thunk'. (F/N) grabbed my arm and Nini was trying to hurry up the process of us escaping. I watched in terror, partially frozen as the synthetic hairs of the arcade's floor sinched and caught fire quicker than the many materials in the pizza plex. My lungs started to struggle, the fire was gaining and collective voices on the other side of the entrance were heard.

"HELP! HELP, PLEASE!!" (F/N) partially coughed between her pleads. I looked over to Sunny and Moon. They both smiled down at me comfortingly, but in their own ways. They had smiles that were uniquely theirs, somehow making me feel double the butterflies. Now was no time for butterflies and nature made sure to make that pretty obvious. The fire was stalling, now, where the carpet met the checkered tile. It was slowed down by the floor's sudden opposing switch and started to go around instead. I watched the posters on the wall burn quickly, distorting the once colorful shapes and figures that were printed on the front.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) COME.ON, WE DON'T HAVE TIME!" (F/N) pulled my forearm aggressively and I snapped out of my daze. Firefighters, or whatever governmental help that had come to our rescue, had cut a hole big enough for us to slide through the metal. Nini crawled through, eventually being pulled into the outside world. I shoved (F/N) next, telling her to go through. As she got on her hands and knees, it started to gain on me. The hole was barely big enough for us. I looked around at everyone, horrified.

"Wait- what about you guys?" I winced, the crackling and suffocating heat of the flames sinched my nose hairs and started to sting my eyes as well.

"Miss (Y/N), don't worry about us. We are merely animatronics. Please, exit safely and we will do our best to meet you on the other side." Freddy said calmly. I shook my head, (F/N)'s feet disappearing, hands reaching through the hole, presumably for me.

"B-but," I stuttered. Sunny and Moon started to frown, unable to hide their emotions any longer.

"Starlight you don't have much time, go.." He directed me, pushing me towards the exit. (F/N) and others were screaming my name, but something else was preventing me from letting myself escape.

"No, you guys can fit! Try, you have to try!" I coughed. I jumped, another mass falling too close for comfort. I got down on my hands and knees, looking up at everyone one last time. They gave me supportive smiles, their metal exteriors struggling against the heat. I was wasting time. I forced the upper half of my body through the cramped space, relieved when my hands met others. Voices were speaking, yelling in fact, all around us outside.

"ARE THERE ANY MORE PEOPLE IN THERE?! ARE YOU THE LAST ONE?!" Firefighters were working on getting inside the building as well as attempting to extinguish the fire that had managed to leak out. I coughed, the air still not clear of smoke, but definitely cleaner than before. (F/N) and Nini pulled me through fully, the glass from the doors scraping my skin.

"The animatronics, they are still trapped inside-"

"HUMANS ma'am, are there anymore HUMANS INSIDE?!" The man asked. We all looked at each other and back down at the one even attempting to escape.

"SUNNY?!?! SUNNY, MOON COME ON!" I got down on my knees once more, looking through the hole. I looked around, left and right, unable to see. The fire had reached most of the plex now, a mix of orange- and charcoal-colored blurs was all I was able to see. Squinting my eyes, I continued to search. Nini and (F/N) explained to them there was no one alive left inside while I desperately looked around for the two, very much alive, boys I had grown so attached to.

Why did it have to be this way? No. I won't let it be this way.

Before I could think, I was forcing myself through the hole. I felt Two sets of hands grab my ankles.

"LET ME GO!" I kicked them off and shielded my eyes from the smoke. I covered my nose and mouth with the neck lining of my shirt. I hurriedly searched.

"SUNNY! MOON! SUNNY-" I burst into a coughing fit and backed up against the wall. It was unbearable, my lungs started to collapse. I gagged and gasped, nearing the hole once more. I slid my legs through and consequently, started to lose my consciousness. My body fought against the sleep enforced panic mode my brain wanted to punish me with for not inhaling enough oxygen. Brains are funny like that, though. They make you do stupid things like going back into a burning building to save the ones you love...and then punish you. Why am I being punished? Where did they even go? And why is that fucking rabbit looking at me like that?

1248 Words

The sequel to this story is out now on my page, please check it out if you haven't! Title: Consigned To Oblivion. Love you all, thank you for all of your support on this story and I hope you like the continuation just as much! It will be a little different than this one, though. More of a soft slow burn. So if you're into suspenseful-romantic-slow -burn-thrillers, please check it out! Thank you again! -Nini (≧◡≦) ♡

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