The Suspicion:

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"O-oh I'm sorry I don't think we have ever met before.." I stuttered. I shook her hand and she shrugged guiltily.

"Yeaaah probably because I'm always busy. I assume you are as well, being a..daycare..."

"..Manager. I'm the manager of the daycare. Along with Sunny and Moon of course." I finished her sentence. "How exactly do you um..know about their human forms?" I asked lowly. She tucked her hair behind her ears and laughed at my question. Her moving her hair revealed a small scar above her right cheekbone.

"I just said I'm a mechanic. I'm the head mechanic actually, today is one of my days off so it's ironic seeing you..and you..and you here." She gestured to the three of us and Sunny glared at her suspiciously.

"Everything okay Sunny?" I asked, placing a hand on his bicep. He nodded and Nini took notice of my display of affection. She grinned and took out her phone.

"Actually I've been meaning to talk to you to help you navigate their repairs a little better. When that whole emo kid demolishing sunny event happened, Mel gave you my number just in case you needed any assistance. I know they both kinda like to keep to themselves and dread repairs, so I was really surprised hearing they let you do all that shit. I figured you must be something special..I guess I was right." She sang. This all felt kinda surreal, likes a fever dream. I was trying to read her to figure out where she was coming from, but it was hard.

Is she a potential threat?

She thinned her lips and looked to the side, breaking eye contact. I must've been staring too long.

"I'm not going to blackmail you or anything if that's what you're thinking..." she blurted. We all relaxed a bit and Sunny chuckled.

"Oh goodness I was starting to get worried!" He admitted. She waved her hands in front of herself and reassured him.

"Sorry I don't mean to come off as strong I was just excited to see you is all." She said. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You were excited to see me? Why?" I asked.

"Because! I thought if you are close enough for them to let you do repairs, you probably also know about..." she motioned to the boys, indirectly talking about their human disguises. "Not too many people know other than me and that other girl who is dating Roxy." She said.

So she also knows (F/N)?

"Oh okay that makes sense." I laughed and took out my phone, texting her a random emoji. "This is you right?" Her phone dinged almost simultaneously and she smiled softly.

"Yep! Sorry again for scaring you by the way...I'll let you get back to you little daaate." She teased. I stiffened and my face flushed.

I guess this is kind of a date...

"Feel free to text me if you ever need anything, I'll see you around...?" She paused, waiting for my name.

"(Y/N). It's (Y/N)." I filled in. She gave me a double thumbs up and began walking away.

"Gotcha. Bye (Y/N)!" She waved. I waved back and looked up at the awfully quiet and thoughtful looking moon.

"Moon?" I asked. He snapped out of his trance and looked down at me, letting me know he was listening. "Cmon is she that pretty you have the indecency to stare right in front of your girlfriend?" I pushed him playfully and he cringed.

"She isn't remotely as attractive as you starlight..she just looks familiar is all." He explained. I grabbed his hand and my fingers ran over the plastic handles of his shopping bag.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now