The Bed(s):

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Sunny, not understanding he hasn't seen EVERYTHING and Moon understanding he hasn't and still WANTS TO is beyond me. But I know one thing for sure and that is that tonight, it's not happening. I'm not even mentally prepared. My legs were starting to get tired and so was I. I was standing in Sunny and Moon's room, still arguing about the shower.

"You can stand OUTSIDE THE DOOR." I said as I walked to my room.

"That ISN'T good enough, starlight."

"Wh-what if you fall?! What if you slip? What if you forget which one is shampoo and which one is conditioner...I do that sometimes." Sunny sighed sadly and pretended to have a meaningful flashback. I eyed him, not questioning it.

"I won't! Just stand out here and I will be done in a minute. You guys are so clingy." I laughed and backed into the bathroom. Their tall figures slouched and plopped onto my bed. I shut the door and didn't bother locking it. As I undressed I had remembered the last time I didn't lock the door while showering. The little escapade with Sunny made me second guess locking the door.

...nah it'll be fine. probably.

I started the water and let the hot substance wash away tonight's uncomfortable events. I did what I usually do and got out, no problem. I hummed and wrapped the towel around my body tightly. The condensation on the mirror kept me from seeing the imperfections on my face. I preferred it that way. Nonetheless, I still wiped the settled steam with my hand and examined myself. I take back what I said. I'm actually hot as fuck. I admired my reflection and acted out random bits that had resurfaced in my head. I was enjoying my weird alone time when the vent above me started to make small noises. I paused mid concert and looked up. The sounds had stopped. I still felt uneasy, though. I heaved myself onto the toilet's lid and stood on it to hear better. All that could be heard was small clanks and pitter patters that reminded me of rain. Satisfied that there was nothing, I stepped down from the toilet. Once both feet were on the floor, the noise returned. I snapped my head back up to glare at the giant vent.

"I'm not playing no games." I whispered..hopefully to myself. The noise stopped AGAIN. I slowly looked away, it reappeared. A look of disbelief and mostly me ready to fight the vent heathen crept across my face.

"Stop it!" I said. The sounds got a little louder and ended with a clank. I squinted my eyes and definitely saw something in there.

"Hello?" I whispered. Another clank. A tiny figure quickly approached the vent's entrance and hopped. "What the fuck are you?" I said, intrigued. It simply collided the small instrument in its hands and wiggled. "Awww whaaat? What's your name tiny vent baby?" I stuck out my bottom lip and stood on the toilet again to get a better look.

"Sunbeam are you alright?" Sunny asked through the door.

"Yeah just one second!" I called. The vent gremlin vibrated eagerly as I got closer.

" you want to come out of there?" I asked it. It shook its head and reeled back into the darkness.
"Nooo come back! You look so cool wait-"

"Ahh thanks man. Sorry to bother you, but have you happened to see another one of these little guys anywhere?" A voice emitted from the vent. I screamed.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN THERE FOR?! WHO ARE YOU?!" I asked. Moon opened the door and looked around for signs of anyone. The mysterious vent inhabitor came into the light and smiled. From what I could see, he was massive. A spider-like man emerged from the darkness. He was a sickly white. The vents thudded under his massive weight and he showed off his four arms in all their glory. He had sunglasses like Monty, but his were more opaque and circular. Moon picked me up without warning and held me close to him, covering me.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now