The Intruder:

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I sighed, starting to unravel.

Finally alone

I placed my things on the counter and looked in the fridge for something to eat. I decided to heat up some leftovers and put it in the oven while I went to shower. Once in my bathroom, I started the shower. I stripped quickly and got in, feeling refreshed already. I avoided getting my bandage too wet and did my nightly routine. Halfway through my shower, the lights in the bathroom went out and my water ran cold. I felt around in the dark until finding the handles and turning the water off. I groaned in frustration.

"Damn storm, don't you have anything better to do?" I shivered and got out, wrapping the towel tightly around my body. It was so dark I had to use my phone as a flashlight. I could see outside through the skylights in my living room and through the sliding glass doors that led out to my backyard. Outside seemed to be brighter than in my house. I remembered the food In the oven and took it out. Thankfully, it was heated well enough. The rain picked up its pace and
clattered on the glass rhythmically. I love being alone but for some reason right now I felt...uncomfortable. I was pulled from my thoughts by a gentle knock on the door.

Who in their right mind would be out in this storm and coming to see me nonetheless?!

I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of scared right now. If it was someone I knew, they would have texted beforehand. I thought back to earlier when my ex was texting me about my house and such. I swear to god if it's them I will be committing a crime today. I looked through the peephole and could barely see. I bit my lip nervously, debating on opening the door.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"Hey sunshine..uh.."


I've never opened the door so fast in my life, I almost ripped it off the hinges. I opened it to see sunny with a weak smile and absolutely drenched.

"H-hi! I..I um..I just missed you and I'm really sorry to show up here like this I just.." he sighed and I pulled him in the house.

"Sunny, what the fuck are you doing here?! Are you CRAZY!" I yelled at him. He looked at the floor and kicked it lightly. I frowned at him and went back to my bathroom, grabbing a towel. I jumped to throw it over his shoulders and almost lost the one currently covering my body. I readjusted it and analyzed the situation.

"Is your power out sunbeam? Moon is-"

"Hellloooo starlight," moon chuckled. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"No. Now isn't the time, moon. Why the fuck are you two at my house right now?! And how did you get here, did you walk all the way here in the FUCKING RAIN?!" I scolded.

"I told you she would be mad Moony! This was all your idea!" Sunny panicked. I was just trying to wrap my head around all of this.

"Pff, okay sure sunny, we will go with that." Moon retorted and separated himself from his brother. I couldn't see it too well because I was using my phone flashlight, but I knew they were now two separate bodies.


"I-I'm really sorry sunshine we wanted to tell you but-"

"Quiet sunny." Moon snapped.

"No, continue sunny. Please." I said. Sunny seemed to be conflicted and ran off somewhere in my house.


"I'll tell you why." Moon whispered in a gravelly voice behind me. I gasped and turned the light towards him, seeing him drinking my caprisuns.

"Please do."

"I will, but first put some clothes on and show me where your fuse box is. I'll fix the lights sweetheart." He chuckled and playfully twirled a piece of my damp hair between his fingers. I swatted him away and showed him where it was. I went back to my room and put on some pajamas. I was looking for my favorite bra and I couldn't find it anywhere. I decided to not wear one and continued. Just as I finished, the lights flickered back on. I smiled to myself.

Damn do they know how to do everything? I might keep them at my house more often.

I laughed to myself and turned around to see Sunny sitting on my bed, criss cross with three of my bras and some glitter glue. He had one on his head, one upside down on his chest, and the last one he drew smiley faces on the buds of them. I stared at him and he stared back, smiling innocently.

" long have you been-"

"The whole time!~"


"There you are starlight I- what the fuck." Moon loomed In the doorway and stared at sunny. I pretended I didn't see that and walked out of the room, ducking under Moon's legs.

"What are you doing?" Moon asked Sun.

"...these sunglasses are plain..I thought they could use some.." he inhaled deeply "Spaaarkle~" he giggled and continued on with his work. I sat on the couch until moon took notice of me, sitting by me.

"So about...this," he motioned to himself "you weren't supposed to know.."

"Yeah, but I do. So please, tell me why you or no one else bothered to tell me you guys could separate this whole time?" I asked, genuinely curious. He smirked.

"Are you sure you're ready for that answer?"

I don't know what he means by that but yes, I definitely am. I nodded confidently and listened.

" do I say this without scaring you.."


"We were created this way starlight. Two different vessels able to merge and become one, or to be vastly different individuals. And no one told you because no one else knows." He shrugged.

"That's it? You're just going to sit here and lie to me like that?" I laughed.

"I would never lie to you. It's true."

"You are lying because I've been inside you! I've seen your exo and your blueprints, it says nothing about being able to separate in there, that's why I'm so confused!" I reasoned. He looked at me vacantly.

"What makes you think those are the real blueprints if you've seen us split yourself." He said. I thought about it. It can't be fake who the hell would put a fake-

"I know you're confused. I know you're probably trying to reason with yourself and say why would the instructions be fake. It's because I made them."

"You..made the blueprints?" I asked.

"I did. The real ones I keep hidden."

"But why go through all the trouble?"

"Because, we-"

Someone knocked on the door, catching everyone's attention.

1185 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now