The Nuisance:

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"So where's the robot?" She smirked.

"-daycare." I glared. This was going to be a long night. I looked around and, thankfully, Sunny was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged and walked towards the desk.

"Dunno. He is probably IN HIS ROOM CHARGING UP OR SOMETHING AND WON'T BE COMING OUT FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT." I yelled nonchalantly, mentally crossing my fingers Sunny would hear and take the hint. I turned around and Emma was giving me a weird look.

"Okay?" She said.

I thought I had succeeded but my plan backfired. Sunny came skipping out from a door behind the desk and waved cheerfully.

"Did you call me sunshine? Oh! Helllooo new friend! You sure are here late, where are your parents?~" Sunny approached Emma quickly and plastered a bright smile on his face. I gave him a 'what the fuck did you not hear me yelling at you just now to stay in your room' look and he gave me a 'nope!' one in response. I winced at his slowness..this better not be a shit show.

"I-..o-oh...h-hi! I'm Emma..." is all the young adult could muster out. Sunny's smile suddenly seemed too happy for the occasion and he started to feel awkward by the looks of it.

"Hello Emma! It's very nice to meet you! I've never seen you here before, are you a friend of my- I mean (Y/N)'s?" He giggled. She looked annoyed at the mention of my name and shook her head.

"Her? No. Definitely not. I work here now actually so get used to seeing me around." She said, batting her eyelashes. Sunny laughed stiffly and looked over at me.

What the fuck is she doing?

I decided to intervene.

"Actually Emma I think Sunny has to charge he charges all night to be ready for the kids in the morning so let me just go ahead and get him to his room," I approached the two and she put up a hand in front of herself to stop me.

"That's literally not true. In the game the only one who needs to charge is Freddy." She looked back at Sunny and smiled as if she didn't just CORRECT his literal girlfriend on how he operates.

So she plays the game?

I scoffed and watched as Sunny pointed to his power outlets.

"I actually DO need to charge! Every animatronic does! It was..err..good meeting you! What was your name again?" Sunny asked. I stifled a laugh and tried to hide my smile. Sunny was bullying her. I know for a fact he never forgets anyone's name even if HE dislikes them.

I bet he's doing it because she was a bitch to me.

"Oh uh it's Emma. My name is Emma." She answered. Sunny nodded and waved at her. She stood there as we started towards the door that led to the tower. I thought we were going to be free from the human leach, but she called after us and followed.

"Wait! Shouldn't you just go ahead and show me where the room is?" She said in a snarky tone. Sunny raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed.

"Sure. Come on." We started walking again and climbed our way up to the hallway. I led Emma to the Employee's room and she flicked on the lights, taking it all in.

"Ew. It's so dingy in here. I don't like this one, is there another room? Preferably one closer to Sunnydrop's maybe?" She pleaded.

Sunny..drop? What the fuck is this hoe saying to me right now

"Uh, no. This is the only room. Also, his name is not sunnydrop. That's just the name of the little candies he hands out..." I corrected her in a matter of factly way. She groaned after hearing the news that she wouldn't be able to be closer to Sunny. I laughed evilly in my mind. She can stay here all she wants, I'll just sleep in the twins' room.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now