The Truth or Dare:

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I think at some point I had fallen asleep because I woke up on the boys' bed, alone. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I searched for my phone. I took it from my pocket and checked the time: 1pm.

"Ahh I must've slept in.." My out loud comment was accompanied by another yawn and I laid back down. I was on the verge of letting sleep take me into its comforting embrace...but no. I realized it was Tuesday.

"Shit! I'm supposed to be working!" I scolded myself and slid out from the bed. I pulled back the curtains on the tower and saw tons of kids skipping around and doing what they do best, making my life harder. A couple of the usuals recognized me and started to wave.

"Miss (Y/N) miss (Y/N)!" One called out to me. I smiled and waved hoping their tiny glitter infested brains wouldn't realize I'm standing in Sunny's room right now.

"(Y/N) you should jump like how Mr.Sun does!" A little girl clapped. I furrowed my brows and looked down at the far wasn't that far now that I'm looking at it, but I'm also not a 7ft tall robot built for this type of thing. I looked back at their cheering hopeful faces and winced. I don't want to let them down but I also don't want to scar them for life by becoming one of those human splat balls. I'm not sure whether it was me still being half asleep or me just being a dumbass, but I decided to jump in the pit. I had fallen into the pit before and it was..generously deep. Deep enough I hope. I swallowed my heart out of my throat and shut my eyes tightly, walking off the ledge. Before I could take the plunge, I was grabbed and spun around to see a familiar smiling face.

"Sunshine! Just what do you think you're doing?" Sunny asked, pulling me close and shutting the curtains.

"I was just going to...jump. For the kids.." I said. I realized after saying it how stupid of an idea that was and I very well could have almost died.

"Jump?! Into the ball pit?!" He shrieked. "Did you just wake up sunbeam? Are you feeling alright?" He frantically checked me and pressed his hand to my forehead. I pushed his hand away lightly and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm fine I'm fine, I swear. I don't know what I was thinking, though. I just had some really fucked up dreams last night is all." I yawned. Sunny frowned and cupped my face passionately.

"I bet you did sunbeam." He said through clenched teeth. I blinked.

"Are you okay? Do you need to lie down? I can go down and watch the kids-"

"Nope! Nothings wrong, I've never been better! No way am I letting you around children after you almost jumped off a ledge. You should stay here. A while. The whole day, actually, that might be better." He decided amongst himself. I shook my head and plucked his hands from my face.

"What?! No, I'll be down in a second I just need to change I'm sorry for sleeping in. Is that what this is about? Why are you being weird?" I asked. Sunny hesitated before ignoring my question and talking again.

"You're fine. Don't ever apologize for getting the rest you need.." he said sadly. He went to kiss my head but stopped, backing away. He gave me one last look before leaving his room and returning to the kids. I looked down at my hands and sighed.

What did I do now?

Sunny's words and actions bothered me. They bothered me all day, in fact. I spent today manically cleaning and biting my lip trying to piece together what it was that I could have done wrong. He can't be mad at me for the Bonnie thing, right? Music Man? Sleeping? Moon..oh. Oh no. I stood up from my seat at the front desk, making some kids turn their head in my direction. I walked around looking for sunny. I even asked a couple kids if they had seen him. The daycare was pretty open so if he was here, I'd be able to see him. I stood by the play structure and waited for him. I opened the secret door that lead up to the tower and the darkness, quite literally, pulled me in.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now