The Imperceptible:

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Nini lead the way. All eleven of us followed her throughout the Pizzaplex as she took us to a weird space behind the main attraction. She unlocked the door and it opened with her badge, we followed. There was a singular swivel seat in the middle of the room along with many different screens presenting all of the different cameras. Somewhere near the bottom I noticed the daycare's feed. Nini sat in the seat and started to type something on the weird looking keyboard. She clicked the screen and began to rewind it.

"How long ago would you say your fall happened (Y/N)? It's..uhhh..10:32 right now." Nini turned her head towards me and everyone waited for my reply.

"It was right before you all arrived I think? You were all supposed to be there by around then?" I said nervously. I leaned in behind her chair and supported my weight, my palm on the desk. My eyes scanned the rewinding footage frantically. I felt either Sunny or Moon place their hand on my lower back for comfort. It helped a bit, but not much. I watched so intently my eyes squinted automatically because of my focus.

"There! Stop go back!" (F/N) said, pointing at the screen. Nini did just that and rewinded to where I was visibly on the platform. She clicked play.

"FUCK YOU CAN'T SEE SHIT!" Nini slammed the mouse on the desk and I tapped the screen.

"Try zooming in."

"Good idea." Roxy complimented.

"Still too dark, DAMNIT!" I hit the desk with my fist out of frustration.

"There's nothing on any of the other cameras either?" Chica asked. Nini clicked through all four and sighed, unsuccessful.

"What's the point of a fuckin' camera if it doesn't pick up shit?" Monty snickered.

"Why don't we all just calm down and head on back to the daycare?" Chica offered. I felt my blood start to boil. Not because of Chica or the unsettling probability that no one fucking believes me, but because whoever this was knew what they were doing and they are doing it on purpose. If they want to get cocky and lurk, be UNSEEN, I can play that game too. They're clearly only after me..but jokes on them. I'm only ever in one place. The daycare. And where better to play a game of hide and seek than in an area I know better than the back of my hand? My eye twitched in annoyance and I smirked.

"Yeah. Let's just go back, sorry guys." I said.

"It's quite alright miss (Y/N). We were just all concerned for your safety and we are very glad you're alright." Freddy said politely. I thanked him and everyone else who comforted me. Then, we went back.

Dj Music Man had to sit outside the he was too big to fit. Sunny anxiously followed me around and Moon just kept looking back at me, partially to glare at Bonnie. Speaking of Bonnie, poor Bonnie...he has no idea why Moon wants to bop it pull it twist it on his insides. 

Once inside the daycare, everyone's mood slowly turned back to normal. Going from concerned about my mental health to forgetting what happened by the end of the night. 


I heard it once, but I was zoning out so it was quickly dismissed.

"Pssst!" a slightly more aggressive noise broke my concentration. I turned my head to face the source and nearly pissed myself.

"Ack! Shit you scared me!" I said.

She clicked her tongue and glared at me. "The fuck you mean I scared you? Is my makeup that messed up?" (F/N) quickly took out her phone and checked her reflection.

"Nah you're just that ugly." I snickered. She pinched my arm and I went to hit her.

"Wait wait, before you assault me, think about what you could gain." She said suspiciously.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now