The Bird:

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I think I slept longer than I intended to because I woke up on my own to see Sunny and Moon sitting on their knees right by the bed. Their gaze fixated on me and seemed to become more lifelike once they realized my awakening. I blinked slowly and rubbed my eyes.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked before yawning.



They said together.

"Oh okay cool- 8:23PM?!" I snapped my head their direction and Moon rolled his eyes. Sunny held up his finger and spoke in a matter of factly tone

"Nope! It is now..8:24pm!" He beamed.

"What the hell guys I didn't want to sleep through my whole shift! You should've woke me up!" I frowned and sat up, turning towards them. I hung my legs off Moon's bed and they both took that as an invitation to prop their chins on either of my knees.

"Mmm, we tried. Five times actually, right Sunny?" Moon retorted. I looked to sunny and he nodded with his eyes closed.

"Five times?! Fuck I'm sorry I didn't realize I was that tired. I'll make it up to the both of you I promise." I smiled and pat both of their heads. A mechanical purring came from Moon first and Sunny soon followed with the same sounds of approval.

"Fuck you guys are cute.." I bit my lip and their eyes opened after my compliments.

"Language baby.." Sunny's persona switched from his usual perky self to more relaxed as he reached up and cupped my cheek with his hand. My heart fluttered at the nickname. Sure, sunshine and sunbeam will forever be my favorites, but something about him saying it makes me ecstatic.

"Hey...hey what are you thinking so hard about Hm?" Moon asked, standing up and walking around the room.

"Oh sorry, did you say something?" I stretched one last time before standing up too.

"Yes! We were just asking howww you plan on making it up to us!~" Sunny spun in front of me and clapped his hands together.

" guys can pick. Anything." I said.

"Oh? Anything?" Moon picked up one of my bras out of who knows where and tossed it to me. I caught it in the air and held it close defensively.

"Yes as long as you guys stop stealing my undergarments! Is this the only one?"

Sunny and Moon ignored my question after exchanging looks and started to speak again.

"We were thinking that maybe tonight we could have a..a..." He started to build up suspense in between his giggles and Moon smacked the back of his head.

"He invited everyone to the daycare for a big movie night."

"HEY! MOONY THAT'S NOT FAIR I WANTED TO TELL HER! HMPH!" Sunny stunned away from his brother and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh okay! And by everyone you mean...?" I asked, leaving my sentence open for answers.

"Freddy, Monty, Chica, Roxy, (F/N), Nini, DJ, Bonnie-"

"YOU INVITED BONNIE?! SUNNY WHAT THE FUCK!" Moon threw his hands up and started to reach for Sunny.

"AHHH IT'S FINE I HAD INVITED NINI AND SHE SAID HIS MEMORY CHIP HAS BEEN REPLACED!!! I-I JUST WANTED EVERYONE TO COME AND WE COULD ALL HAVE FUN LIKE A..Like a big family.." Sunny shielded his head from Moon's attacks and I frowned, pushing Moon off of him. I pulled him down low enough to where I could hold him in my arms and give Moon a look.

"I'm sorry sunshine I can ban him from the daycare and then he will never be allowed in >:(."

"Shh shh it's okay Sunny I understand why you thought it was okay. As long as Bonnie isn't well..Bonnie anymore I don't mind as much." I said. Sun sniffled and looked up at me worried.

"A-are you sure? I don't ever want to make you uncomfortable sunbeam I don't know what I was thinking." He whimpered.

"It's fine don't worry."

"I didn't know I actually DID crush his memory chip. Ha, good for me. I'm not letting you out of my sight, though. Stay close you understand?" Moon picked up my chin between his index finger and his thumb and I nodded. "Good girl. Now go get ready everyone should be arriving around 9:30 so you have until then." He kissed the top of my head and Sunny pressed his lips against my cheek exaggeratedly.

"Mwah!~" he giggled.

I scrunched my nose at their affections and turned to go to my room. That was until two hands collided with my rear, causing me to squeal.

"HEY!" I turned and they both pretended to be doing something else. I groaned and opened the NOW UNLOCKED door. I didn't have much to do except shower and change into pajamas, so that's what I did. With 15 minutes to spare after I finished, I met back up with the boys in their room. Sunny was gone actually. He was busy preparing the daycare for our guests and setting up a projector for a movie. I peeked through the curtains and smiled to myself. He's so cute when he's like this. Moon taking advantage of me having my attention on something else slid his hands around my waist, causing me to laugh.

"You should go help sunny he seems to be having a breakdown of sorts." I kept watching Sunny as Moon's hands travelled around my body carefully and slowly made their way down. "Moon cmon now is not the time to- ahh~" He latched onto my neck and kissed it passionately. His hands grabbed in between my legs firmly, causing my knees to buckle immediately. I closed my eyes for two seconds and opened them again to adjust. When I opened them..I spotted Moon. Moon in the lower part of the daycare..helping Sunny put down blankets and pillows. I gasped and turned too quickly to see who, if not moon, was feeling me up. It all happened so fast my brain couldn't keep up. A woman? No. A man? No, I'm not sure. I can't see them but I feel intimidated. Physically. I have to get away from them I have to back away. One step, two steps, three, whoops. I forgot I was on a platform. I kept my eyes open as I fell for once..still not thinking or seeing clearly. Were the bunny ears to taunt me or is that really all I can see? Bonnie? No. They aren't purple like his.

"(Y/N)!!!" Moon yelled.

Oh yeah, I'm falling. Well not anymore at least, I've been caught.

My heart beat is heavy in my ears but slow. Thick almost. I think I was holding my breath as I fell, or it was knocked out of my lungs from the impact.

I bet that fucking rabbit thinks they're funny.

No. It's not funny. This is anything but, I think. Actually I'm not sure what it is but the look on my boyfriends' faces says it's not funny.

It's not but why am I laughing? Shock maybe. Who is that rabbit anyway? Wait what if they're still up there! They can be caught I just have to tell- SHIT NO!

Struggling against passing out is like fist fighting death. It's getting darker like my life was in a slomo vignette filter. I can't blink away the darkness either it's coming for my brain as well. I fell asleep..I hope.

1251 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now