The Savior:

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‼️‼️Warning, at some point in this chapter there is light forceful assault to any it may make uneasy. I will put these emojis before it starts and after it ends, proceed!‼️

Bonnie was standing right in front of me. The way he walked and sat at the barstool next to me made me unsure of his motives. I couldn't read him. He was radiating with confidence and something else, but I can't tell what. He stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time before resting his head on his palm.

"(Y/N) is it? So you're the one in the daycare with Sun and Moon, yeah?" Bonnie questioned. His gaze was intense and piercing. Like a laser, his eyes made me feel hot as if they were burning into my skull.

"Yep! That's me.." I laughed. He didn't. He simply parted his lips and sighed.

"You have a very pretty smile." He praised and watched me. The memories of the teeth in the box came back to me and I frowned.

Whose fucking teeth were those anyway..not that that's the question I should be asking.

"Do you snoop through other people's things often or am I special?" He tapped his claws on the countertop and leaned back. I got distracted by the worker bot cleaning the counters and gulped. My throat was getting dry and I was really hoping he would just let me go.

"I'm actually really sorry about that I was just looking for the ice cream actually.." I blushed with embarrassment and shifted in my seat.

"Mmm I see. Why didn't you just," he motioned to the front door and then myself "Come in and ask for some?" He smirked and waved over the bot. I laughed half heartedly and shook my hands in front of me.

"Ah see I didn't want to come and bother you! W-we haven't properly met and I didn't want your first impression of me to be that I just wanted ice cream. In fact, I think I'll just go sorry for the trouble," I hopped down from the counter and walked towards the door. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I reached for the handle. Up. Instead of leaving, I was being picked up.

"AWW COME ON!" I yelled. "PLEASE?!"

"I'm surprised you were worried about your first impression and then proceeded to get caught looking through my things-"

"Aye Bonnie, the fuck ya' have (Y/N) for? Why are ya' carryin' her like a hostage?" Monty pushed open the main doors and Bonnie came to a halt. I lifted my head and looked at Monty with pleading eyes. Never had I felt so relieved to see the gator. Monty smirked and winked under his glasses, approaching.

"You are my least favorite. Especially right now. What do you want?" Bonnie hoisted me up further on his shoulder.

"Nothin'. Was bored n' came to see if ya' wanted to play some golf, but now I see ya' got yaself in deep shit instead." Monty said as he talked with his hands.

"And why do you say that?" Bonnie placed a firm hand on my upper thigh for support and I glared.

"Watch yourself." I snapped. The rabbit side-eyed me and smirked.

"Ah I'm jus' sayin'. Last time I even tried talkin' to 'er, the twins almost beat my ass." Monty shuddered and sat at the bar. My eye twitched in annoyance at how long this was taking.

"Good to know. It's a shame I don't give a shit. I think I'm gonna keep her actually," Bonnie gripped my face roughly and tilted it from side to side "she's kinda cute for a stupid human."

"Alright buddy, 's ya funeral, not mine." Monty said, ordering an ice cream. The rabbit hummed and continued on his way. I gave Monty one last pleading look and he held up his hands, signaling for me to be patient . Bonnie walked up to a small stage and pulled back the curtains. Inside I could see the typical checkered flooring that littered the pizzaplex and a hot pink rug on the floor. Bonnie gently placed me on a bean bag and strolled to the other side of the room. I was about to take this as my chance to run, But he looked back over his shoulder as if he were psychic. I glared at him and he cackled, coming back with something in his hands. I backed up from him slightly as he got closer and he raised an eyebrow.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now