The Ass Kisser:

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The things Sunny and Moon bought at the mall didn't surprise me. Sunny, of course, got a pack of earrings. It was sun and moon themed and had three pairs.

"One for youuu, one for you, and one for me! See, now everyone will know that you belong to me sunbeam!~" he giggled and handed me the earrings.

"And me." Moon's voice erupted from their collided form and Sunny rolled his eyes.

"Sunny I let you go shopping to buy something for yourself, not me!" I beamed. I quickly put in the earrings and smiled. "Thank you." I gave him a hug and he hugged back, spinning me as he did so.

"Moon what did you buy? Or is it a secret?" I asked, going over the morning checklist as I walked.

"Why don't you take a look for yourself starlight?" He said, using his side of their form to hand me the bag.

"Why? Should I be scared..." I grabbed it hesitantly and moon chuckled. I opened it and pulled out a small stuffed animal. "I didn't know you liked these?" I turned it every which way and examined the plush in my hands.

"It's for you, not me." He corrected. I looked up at them and clicked my tongue in disapproval.

"Guys!" I swatted at them and they dodged it swiftly, pulling me into another hug, setting me on the countertop.  I held their head close to my chest and they nuzzled their face into my neck.

"Sunshine..I..we, um, we love y-" Sunny was cut off by the daycare's main doors opening. It was Emma. Sunny and Moon withdrew their affection quickly and pretended to be checking something on the desk.

"Morning goddess, Goodmorning Sunny." She yawned and waved. I hopped off the counter and she strolled up to us.

"Good to have you back, I have no idea how you two do it.." she whined and massaged her shoulder.

"Oh yeah I heard about that. How was watching the kids?" I laughed. She sent me an unamused look and ran her hands through her hair.

"Amazing. I think I still have glitter glue ON MY SCALP." She gagged and plopped herself down in one of the desk chairs, clocking in.

"What's that for?" She asked, pointing to the gifts from the boys.

"Oh, these? Nothing they were just gifts...from my boyfriend." I said nonchalantly. Her eyes bored into mine before slowly blinking and going back to the computer screen. She mumbled something under her breath.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh nothing! Just talking to myself. Anyways yeah so I'm gonna go now. I have places to be and people to see so uh do me a favor. If Melanie comes by, tell her I'm here doing something important. Thanks a lot!" She plastered a fake smile on her face and gasped when Nini came through the main doors as she was exiting.

"Hey! You haven't answered any of my texts! Where have you been?" Emma giggled nervously and side eyed me. Nini looked at her like she was crazy and shoved passed her lightly.

"Uh, it was my day off. I don't answer shit on my days off." She shook her head and approached me smiling. "Heyyy (Y/N), how's it going?" She said, sliding next to me. I bit my cheek.

"Hi..Nini..what brings you by? You don't really look like you're planning on having kids anytime soon haha..get it? Because this is a daycare and- never mind." I shut myself up, stupid nervous rambling.

"Okay weird ass no I didn't come here to talk about children, I was actually coming to talk to you about something else." She said confidently.

Shit. This is it. These are my last moments a free woman with a stable job and a relationship that has actually been beneficial to me...goodbye Sunny..goodbye Moon.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now