The Competition:

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"Hey little lady, where ya rushin' off to?" Monty grinned. I laughed half heartedly.

"Sorry Monty, I was just on my way to parts and service, have to pick up a few things so..yeaahh I'll be going now, see ya!" I attempted to leave but ended up being pulled back by a tail being coiled around my midriff. He drew me closer to him and traced his claw along my cheekbone, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

God fucking damnit..

"Do ya need some assistance? Wouldn't want ya bustin open that pretty little head of yours.~" He said, partially leaned over. I pulled his tail off of me and shook my head.

"I got it thanks." I turned away and kept walking to parts and service.

Was that weird? Should I tell Moon or Sunny about Monty? Nah...

I figured that would just cause more problems ESPECIALLY if I told moon. I made it to parts and service and huffed. It was fucking huge in here. I spent 20 minutes just trying to find Sun and Moon's section, but eventually found their outfits. The box was cute, decorated in dark blue paper and sparkly yellow stars. I pulled out their outfits and slung them over my shoulder. At the bottom of the box there was another outfit, one I had never seen before. I took it out and held it up. It was a daycare uniform. I was in luck because it just so happened to be in my size. I smiled and went back upstairs to find the employees bathroom.

"(Y/N)!" Someone called out to me. I cluelessly turned and saw Roxy and Chica making their way towards me. I smiled and met them halfway.

"Hey guys it's nice to see you, are you okay? Did something happen?" I asked. Roxy looked pretty neutral but chica's face said something bad had happened.

"Uh, actually no, there's a small tiny problem..with Freddy..." Chica said sweat dropping.

"...what does that mean? What kind of problem?"

"Stupid bitch decided to come into my room without knocking AGAIN MIGHT I ADD, So I taught him a lesson is all." Roxy checked her nails and rolled her eyes smiling.

"Roxy, language! There are kids around.." Chica frowned, slightly panicked. "And I told you not to do that, Freddy is sensitive!"

"Well maybe he should've fucking listened in the first place. He needs to woman up anyways." She snarled.

"Woah okay so you beat up Freddy?" I asked. Chica shook her head and talked with her hands.

"Not only did she do that, but she tied him up and gave him a makeover, not even a pretty one!" Chica cried. Roxy groaned and covered her ears.

"You're so fucking annoying! Who gives a shit anyways?! All I did was make his face a little more bearable to look at..He he, get it?" Roxy snickered, shifting her weight onto one hip.

"You put makeup on Freddy?" I laughed. Chica nodded frantically and grabbed my hand.

"You have to help him! Please??" She squawked.

"Okay okay, where is he?" I followed the girls into Roxy's room and there he was. Tied to a chair in the middle of the room, his face painted like he was the fucking Mona Lisa.

"Damn, you look even worse than you did 10 minutes ago." Roxy shook her head in disappointment.

"Roxanne, this is extremely childish and I am very disappointed in you!" Freddy scolded. Roxy blinked at him like he was stupid.

"Hang on Freddy, I'll get the cleaner. Stay here, don't go anywhere. Oh can't." I said giggling and backing out of the room.

"Miss (Y/N), not you too! This isn't funny!-" Freddy's yelling was muffled by the soundproof door closing behind me as I set off to find the animatronic cleaner. I found it in one of the janitors closets and went back to help Freddy. Kids were pointing and laughing at his struggles through Roxy's window. She had opened the curtains just to rub it in and embarrass him.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now