The Bar:

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After a very eventful night with the twins we all must have tired ourselves out. When I woke up, I was still naked. The only thing left on my body was my shirt. I blushed at the scene in front of me. I was currently laying on Moon's sleeping figure and Sunny had himself sprawled about across my legs. This is would have been the best thing to wake up to if someone wasn't pounding on the door.

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N), I know you're in there you slut! I need your opinion on something! I'm coming in if you don't respond in 3...2..oonneee..." (F/N)'s obnoxious voice flooded the room as she opened the door slowly. I quickly shuffled to throw a blanket over my lower half, waking sunny in the process.

"(Y/N) ok so I know it's early but I really needed your opinion..on..this dress? What the fuck?" She said, tilting her head. I think (F/N) woke up Emma with her loud banging because slowed footsteps started towards the room. (F/N) quickly shut the door in her face and locked it.

"HEY!!" Emma shrieked. (F/N) completely ignored her existence and squealed.

"Is this what I think it is?" She teasingly pointed to the boys and I groaned, slamming my head down on Moon's abdomen.

"(F/N), get ouuuut you're literally the worst what is so fucking important you had to wake me up at..." I checked my phone "are you shitting me?! 5:20am?! Get out." I demanded. She rolled her eyes and held up an article of clothing.

"Okay so as I was saying I need your opinion. This one.." she motioned to her body. "Or this one." She pointed to the dress in her hand. The two dresses were two different approaches completely. One was a bit more bright than the other, but still cute. And the other one was completely black.

"Depends, what's it for?" I asked through a yawn.

"Ohh nothing...just me and my sexy bestfriend taking the night off and going clubbing is all." She grinned. I sat up and started to cough.

"Me?! I know it's me actually. You have no other friends. But why are you dragging me along to your weird bar hookup sesh..for the last time I feel illegal going into a gay bar." I said.

"It's fine you have me. I'm your one way ticket to gay town."

"One way? Does that mean I'm not coming back?! What are you implying?" I laughed. She shook the dress aggressively.


"That one!~" sunny pointed to the one (F/N) was already wearing. Moon hummed in agreeance.

"If (Y/N) is going, definitely the black one..." Moon secretly caressed my inner thigh under the blanket and I tried to keep a straight face.

"Right? Black just suits her. It's emo's camouflage. Here bitch, we ride at dawn. Just kidding we actually leave at 7pm so be ready. I'll just swing by to pick you up later." (F/N) tossed the dress onto the bed, it covering Sunny's face. She wiggled her fingers as a goodbye and opened the door. "Oh and you two..Mel said you can close the daycare early since (Y/N) will be leaving with me." She told them.

"Thank you (F/N), you're the best!~" Sunny chimed, nuzzling his face into my hip and removing the dress.

"Yeah thanks or whatever." Moon waved her off and she left. Not more than 3 seconds later, her head popped back in the room. I groaned again.

"What now?!" I said annoyed.

"Your panties are on the lamp shade. Byeee!" She shut the door quickly to avoid my verbal assaults. I looked over to the lamp on the bedside table, she was right. My torn panties were indeed on the lamp shade.

"NOOO!" I yelled. I could hear (F/N)'s snickering and laughing obnoxiously as she strolled down the hallway to leave.

"What's wrong sunbeam?!" Sunny panicked.

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now