The Attachment:

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At some point during moon's gaming sesh I had drifted off to sleep. I know this because when I woke up at 4:22AM, I was in my bed. I sat up and was quite surprised to hear the sound of mumbling coming from the living room. The door to my bedroom was slightly open and allowing me to hear such hushed conversations. Not going to lie, I nearly pissed myself, but that's because I forgot Sunny and Moon were currently my roommates. I remembered after seeing my yellow bra just placed on my comforter. I rubbed the corners of my eyes and yawned as I stumbled out of bed. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the sudden progression of the conversation halted my exiting of the room. I placed my hand softly on the doorframe and cupped my ear.

"Sunny, we can't keep doing long do you think we could keep this up for? I mean she even examined our endoskeletons, we could've been caught," Moon whisper yelled.

"Don't worry! That's precisely my point moony! She didn't notice, we are fine, trust me."

I didn't notice what?

I made a confused face to the nothingness surrounding me and kept listening in.

Moon sighed, " you think she loves us?"

"What do you mean, Ofcourse she does moony!"

"No no I mean both of us. I can definitely tell I fluster her, but you do too. Do you think she sees us as the same person or.."

Huh? Ofcourse I don't, anyone who got remotely close to them would realize they're two very different individuals.

"I think she loves both of us the same amount. This wouldn't change anything brother, I guarantee it. Are you having second thoughts about keeping it from her?" Sunny asked.

"Mmm..I'm not sure. I don't think so. Are you?"

"M-me?! Pshh, no way friend! I would never! Nope nope nope that would be breaking a promise and breaking a promise is against the ruuuules!~" Sunny sang nervously.

"Sunny. You only start singing when you're really happy or nervous."

"I am obviously just veeeerrryy happy..H-hey, stop! Don't do that give it back! Stop it right this instant before you wake up (Y/N)! Give it back to me moonothy!"

I decided to peek around the corner, not prepared at ALL for what I was about to see. Sun was leaning over the arm rest of my couch...grabbing at moon. Sunny and moon, two separate bodies. Moon held his arm up high, playing keep away with sunny's neck ruffles. Sunny pouted and looked over at me.

"Oh hi sunshine!" He beamed, still halfway off of the couch. Moon froze and slowly turned his head a 360 to look behind himself. His usual half lidded expression upgrading to wide eyes, clearly surprised. He quickly snapped his head back into its rightful position and grabbed sunny's hand. I watched as moon slowly disappeared, fusing into sunny, then becoming one. My jaw dropped. I couldn't wrap my head around what kind of black magic I had just witnessed.

"Hey wait a minute, what the fuck did I just see?!" I marched out of my room, finger pointed at sunny. He looked around nervously and pointed at himself, asking me physically if I was talking to him.

"I don't know what you're talking aboooout!~" He giggled awkwardly and picked up his neck ruffles, snapping them back on.

"No no, don't try and play dumb! Moon, get your ass back out here!"

"No." Moon switched quickly and gave the lead position back to Sunny.

"Sunny, what the fuck is going on here? Is this what you've been keeping from me?" I asked, kind of hurt.

"Wh-wh-what? N-noooo I...I uhhh...LOOK! IT'S DAVE! HELLOOOO NEW FRIEND!~" Sunny quickly pointed at my Roomba, making me look.

"Dave? Are you naming my- HEY! COME BACK HERE!" I turned back to see Sunny opening my back door and darting outside.

"SUNNY! YOU CAN'T GO OUT THERE!" I chased after him, half asleep. I looked outside and he was gone. I huffed angrily, walking back inside. It was cold as shit. I shut the back door behind me assuming at some point he'd come back. That's when I heard footsteps and bells jingling down my hallway and into my guest room, slamming the door. I locked the back door and ran to the room.

"SUNNY COME OUT!! Explain to me what the fuck I just saw! Please?! You can't hide in there forever!" I hit the door a couple times hoping it would open, it didn't. I kicked it lightly one last time in defeat and trudged back to my room.

"We will talk about this tomorrow..because right now.." I yawned "I'm too tired to even think.."

Walking back to my bed felt like eternity and my feet felt like literal weights. I made it, though. Later that morning my phone started to ring. My head felt fuzzy as memories from what happened last night flooded in, feeling like a fever dream.

"Hello?" I said, not bothering to see who called.

"Hey (Y/N), did you see my texts?" (F/N) asked.

"God your voice is not what I wanted to wake up to, No why?"

"Because, you asshole, I'm outside." She hung up. I sat up and groaned as I made my way to the front door. I opened it for (F/N) and she handed me my favorite (Tea/Coffee). I glared and took it from her skeptically.

"Come in, thank you." A yawn escaped my throat.

"Ofcourse! Anything for my bestie~" She shut the door behind herself and looked around.

"Ok, what do you want?" I plopped down on the couch and sipped the drink she had given me.

"Nothing! What makes you think I-"

I blinked slowly at her, unamused.

"Ok ok fine I came to check on Sun and Moon, how are things holding up?" She peeked into my room.

"Actually they are not talking to me"

"(F/N)!!~" Sunny skipped down the hallway towards (F/N), making her smile. I shot sunny a glance and he fiddled with his hands nervously, deadpanning away from my gaze.

"Hey sunny! How are you feeling? You look great! Especially in that crop top." (F/N) raised her eyebrows and sipped her coffee when she looked down at me.

Sunny gasped and did a little twirl for her. "Thank you thank you! Do you really think so?! It's (Y/N)'s and it makes me feel oh so pretty!~" he giggled. I waved (F/N) off. She does this thing where she thinks she can tell who's gay and who's not, she was giving me the 'this mans a little fruity' look, which I didn't accept. I in fact knew they were not, but ofcourse I can't tell her that.

"He's not gay, (F/N)."

She looked at sunny and laughed like she had no idea what I was talking about. Sunny just kept smiling and staring at the both of us, unphased.

"You said it not me." She looked to side slyly and sunny giggled once more.

"I'm not what?" He blinked.

"Nothing sunny, ignore her she was just leaving." I started to push her towards the door and she groaned, dodging me.

"Okay okay but for real, Mel asked me to come see how Sun and Moon were doing to see when we can start opening the daycare back up." She said, sitting down.

"He's good to go, he can go back whenever-"

"NOOOOOO!!!" Sunny shrieked. "NO NO NO SUNSHINE PLEASE, I-I'LL DO ANYTHING! I WANT TO STAY HERE WITH YOU AND AND WE CAN DO FUN THINGS. I'll be good I promise please!" He slowly started to back away into the hallway and I sighed.

"Sunny I would love for you to stay, but you have to go back at some point and I have to work to pay rent." I reached for his hand and he snatched it away. He ran back to the room he had came from and locked the door.

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME >:(." He yelled. I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked over at
(F/N). She pursed her lips and then thinned them out.


"You're telling me."

1391 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now