The Dark Side of the Moon:

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Someone knocked on the door, alerting all of us.

"Expecting someone, starlight?" Moon glared. I shook my head and slowly got up. Sunny peeked out from the bedroom and tilted his head. I told him to wait there and held a finger to my lips. As I approached the door, the knocking got louder. It soon turned into banging. I looked through the peephole and couldn't see shit. Whoever this was was covering it with their thumb.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Open.the.FUCKING DOOR, (Y/N)." They shouted.
"You want to FUCKING BLOCK ME AND BE A CHILDISH BITCH, GO AHEAD, BUT YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME FOR GOOD YOU WHORE, OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR NOW!" They kept banging. I sent a worried glance to Moon and Sunny and they both frowned. Moon immediately pushed himself off the couch and snarled. They both approached me and stood behind the door. Moon motioned for me to open it, I shook my head. Sunny placed a hand on my shoulder to reassure me and moon even reached for the handle himself. I held him back and told him to let me open it. I carefully unlocked the door and opened it. There they were, in all their pathetic glory.

"What do you want?" I asked flatly. They smirked and hiccuped. "Are you...drunk?!"

"How abouutt..nooo..I am not, just had a couple drinks on the way here~" They pushed passed me and came inside. They looked around and hiccuped once more. " always were so BORING." They spat and spun towards me. I scoffed. "Evvverything is still...the SAME."

"Yeah, you're one to fucking talk. Says the one who's only personality trait was getting off to seeing me cry." I spat back. They glared at me and laughed sarcastically.

"What'd you just fucking say? Oh, that's right, I forgooot you looove victimizing yourself, right?!" They pointed at me and slowly approached me. I looked behind me to see Sun and Moon were no longer there. I turned to face my ex again and shook my head.

"No. You are just a piece of shit." I said. My eyes scanned the room nonchalantly. I don't see them anywhere. Eventually I was backed up onto the wall.

"You little fucking bitch, I GAVE AWAY EVERYTHING FOR YOU!" They yelled, taking a knife out of their pocket.

Shit! This isn't a very fair fight..

"No, you lost everything because you're a fucking LOSER WHO CARED MORE ABOUT FUCKING OTHER PEOPLE THAN FIXING YOUR OWN RELATIONSHIP!" I screamed back. I was actually starting to get pissed off. The next thing I knew, they launched themselves at me.

"THREAT DETECTED: Safety Mode: Activated." They froze. I slowly looked to where the sound had came from. Up. Sun and Moon were on my ceiling. Quicker than I could process, they pounced on the knife wielding assailant and worked together to get rid of the threat as soon as possible.

"W-Wait, Wait wait please! I WASN'T ACTUALLY GOING TO HURT HER, PLEASE- Mmmph MmPh!" They struggled in Sun and Moon's arms. Sunny giggled and placed a hand over their mouth. I've never seen him look this way before...full of hatred. Sunny held one end of them and Moon held the other.

"Nighty Niiight~" Moon chuckled and ripped the knife from their grasp and snapping their wrist effortlessly. I winced at the loud crack. I hate to admit, actually no, I love to admit the crack was very satisfying. I watched with my hand hovering over my mouth as Sunny opened the door and moon pulled them under his arm as if they were weightless. They flailed and moon threw them outside. Moon extended his full height, his body cracking with the sudden fixture. Moon walked outside calmly and shut the door behind him. All I heard next was screaming and then silence. I looked over at Sunny and he smiled.

"Do not worry Sunbeam, Moon won't kill least I hope," He mumbled that last part and pulled me into a hug. "Are you alright?" He grabbed my face and turned it every which way. I nodded and waited for Moon to come back.

Moon came back ten minutes later with a scowl.

"They won't be back," He stalked passed me and sat on the couch. Blood lightly covered his knuckles and fingertips. My face softened.

He just beat the shit out of someone for me

I laughed to myself. Moon and Sunny looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing nothing, just I can't believe you beat them up for me like that," I sat down by him and Sunny followed, standing behind the couch and playing with my hair.

"What can I say? Only I can shit talk you." He joked.

"Well if I didn't know any better Moonothy, I'd think that you actually like me." I teased.

"Shut the fuck up you don't know any better than a coked-up 2 year old." He flicked my forehead and got up to wash his hands.

Sunny hummed and tucked my hair behind my ears. I leaned back and looked up at him. He smiled and bent down, placing a kiss on my forehead. I acted surprised and he gasped.

"O-oh no sunbeam, I am so sorry!! I-I-"

I pulled him down by his neck ruffles and gave him a kiss in return. He fanned his face aggressively and let out some sort of high pitched squeal. He ran around and Moon appeared in front of me.

"My turn," he clasped his cold, now wet, fingers around my face and pulled me close to his face. He molded a cynical grin and stuck out his tongue. My eyes widened at the length.

There's no way

"Moon I-I,"

"May I?"

"W-well I-I Umm..You see, I..uhh.."

"Damn, okay, nevermind. All you had to say was no if you can't handle it sweetheart." He mocked and licked the side of my neck. I shivered and slapped my hand over where his tongue previously assaulted.

"I literally want to set you on fire right now." I said.

"You enjoy what I do to you-"

"CONSENT IS IMPORTANT, verrrryy important >:(." Sunny yelled from the other room.

1052 Words

𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕝𝕦𝕖 - Sundrop/Moondrop X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now