1 - Welcome to Your New Life, Mr Wolf

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 1
Word Count: 4629

First chapter: The next generation of supernatural beings come of age in a range of unconventional ways, under the guidance of headmaster Alaric Saltzman and deputy headmaster Ariana Salvatore.

Miracle's POV

When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain, good and evil, a savior and a lost cause.

But what if the only real difference was just who was telling the story?

My name is Miracle Mikaelson. I come from a long line of the villains in the tales you've heard about vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in between.

The school that I attend protects the secrets of people like me. And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new.


No one's POV

Headmaster Alaric Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson, and Miracle Mikaelson were on their way to Atlanta, Georgia.

They had found out that a teenage male wolf had triggered his curse by accidentally killing someone. The Mikaelson twins, having been suggested to follow along to get recruits for the school a year ago by the guidance counselor, decided to tag along.

The second they pulled up in Alaric's Jeep outside a church, Miracle could feel that something was off. She and her twin sister were the first ones to get out.

The younger Mikaelson twin, Hope, came to an abrupt stop when she saw a familiar boy sitting on the church steps.


The boy looked up and noticed the two girls standing in front of him.

"Hope? Miracle?"

"Hey, lover boy." Miracle chuckled. "Long time no see."

"Two years, to be exact." Landon pointed out.

"Yeah..." Miracle frowned slightly. "Well, you're the one who moved away from Mystic Falls."

"You three know each other?" Alaric questioned, also now exiting the vehicle and hurrying around it to stand beside the powerful tribrids.

"Long story." Hope muttered awkwardly, a small blush appearing. Miracle noticed it and slightly smirked, but decided to stay silent.

A sudden yell, followed by glass coming from inside, caught the attention of Alaric, Hope, and Miracle.

"Dr Saltzman." Miracle panicked.

"Yeah, I'm on it." Alaric, holding his crossbow, headed over to open the double doors of the church, only to discover that they were locked. "Doors are locked."

Hope and Miracle exchanged a look before joining hands. Feeling their magic connect through their linked hands, they both inhaled sharply as their skin heated up from their magic doubling in power now that it was combined.

Holding up their spare hands towards the locked double doors, Hope and Miracle cast a quick spell.

"Dissera Portus!"

The chain that locked the doors from the inside snapped in half, causing the doors to swing open. Landon watched in shock and confusion, staring with wide eyes from the now-unlocked doors to the nonchalant twins. Hope turned to Landon.

"You're gonna want to stay out here, Landon, trust me."

Alaric, Hope, and Miracle then all headed calmly into the church. But as soon as they entered, they were met with a screaming boy on the ground, in the middle of his first transformation to becoming a werewolf, while a cruel man hovered over him, chanting something in Latin.

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