9 - I Couldn't Have Done This Without You

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 9
Word Count: 1614

A/N: Sorry that this is rushed! I had my prom last night and I'd smuggled some vodka into it, so my head is hurting 😅
These chapters/updates will get better, I promise ❤️
-L xx

Miracle's POV

Starting over, in theory, it's simple. You put the past behind you, take what you learned, and begin again. But it's not as easy as it sounds. Moving on means letting things go. Things that are familiar, easy, safe. Things that matter.

Someone once said you can't go home again. I hope like hell they were wrong.


No one's POV

Miracle walked through the halls of the Salvatore school with a box of her things in her arms. She passed Josie, who smiled at her but continued walking, and then Lizzie, who avoided eye contact all together. She couldn't blame her, though. Things were pretty tense between the two of them currently.

The tribrid was to be moving back into her old dorm room that she shared with Hope. Entering the room, she was met with Hope, who looked shocked to see her.

"Mira! I thought you were moving in next week."

"I missed home." Miracle shrugged, but before she could head over to her bed, she saw that it was already being used as someone else's things filled the bedside table and closet. "Um... whose is this?"

"Hope? Was that the d--?" A girl then came out from the bathroom, and she noticed Miracle. "Oh. It's just you."

"Alyssa?" Miracle's eyes widened in surprise. "Hope, what's she doing here? You knew I'd be moving in... you could've at least told me you already had a new roommate."

"It's a new thing! She only moved in the other day, and I was going to tell you." Hope defended. Miracle let out a sigh.

"Well, where am I going to sleep?"

"The floor?" Alyssa half-joked in her obnoxious tone. "We'll get you, like, a comfy doggy bed."

"Shut up, Alyssa." Miracle snapped, always hating the girl. "I wasn't even talking to you, so why don't you run along? Good girl." Alyssa glared at Miracle before marching out of the room. Miracle turned back to her sister. "So?"

"Um..." Hope frowned guiltily as she tried to think of where Miracle should sleep. "You can share my bed, or we can try fit one in--"

"You know what? I'll just talk to Dr Saltzman and get my own dorm. I could use the space." And with that, an annoyed Miracle turned around and walked right back out of the room to get one for herself.


"You seriously have no where?" Miracle exclaimed. "Not one single's dorm?" Alaric shook his head. "What about double's?" Again, Alaric shook his head. "Then where am I going to sleep?"

"We only have three dorms available, and they're all triple's, and two of them only consist of boys." Alaric informed.

"I'd rather stick with girl dorm mates, so I pretty much only have one dorm to choose from." Miracle said. "Fine, whatever. I'll take the triplet girl dorm. Who are my roommates?"

Miracle was honestly expecting Alaric to say the most annoying girls in the school, or some 10-year-olds, but what she got was just as worse. She dreaded the names that Alaric uttered... she couldn't face them so soon.

"Lizzie and Josie. I believe you know the way to the dorm."


Miracle was walking through the library when she saw Josie and Dorian talking, and she could hear the end of their conversation. Apparently, Josie was trying to get rid of a strange artifact or something, called a Sandclock.

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