14 - We'll Enjoy Tonight

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 14
Word Count: 3754

Miracle lay asleep with her head resting in Josie's lap, as the latter gently stroked the tribrid's hair, smiling lovingly. When Miracle started to groan and whimper in her sleep, that was when Josie frowned in concern.

"Mira? Love, you're having a nightmare..."

But, despite Josie's efforts, Miracle continued to struggle in her sleep.

"Mira--" Cutting Josie off, Miracle let out a scream of terror in her sleep. But that one scream produced a wave of magic flying through the room, almost knocking Josie over. As she righted herself, making sure that Miracle looked restful on her lap, Josie muttered a quick spell to calm the nightmares, and relaxed as she saw Miracle do the same. And slowly, the tribrid opened her brown eyes.

"Jo? Are you alright?"

"I am. Are you?" Josie shot back. "You... you had a nightmare, and I think your magic went a little... haywire there."

"It did?" Miracle frowned. "I'm sorry. Did it hurt you? I can't control my magic in my sleep, but it has never done this before."

"No, I'm fine." Josie reassured. "What about if I make you some coffee and add in some herbs to help with the nightmares? Maybe then, your magic will stay intact."

"Thank you." Miracle sat up, allowing Josie to go and make the magical coffee.


Hope and Miracle were both sparring with Alaric. Well, Miracle and Alaric were going two against one with Hope, and they'd rotate every now and then.

"So, what's wrong with you two?" Alaric wondered as he swung at Hope, who blocked it and went for Miracle.

"Gosh, Ric, how kind of you to blatantly point out that something is wrong with us." Miracle playfully rolled her eyes, ducking Hope's attack. Alaric shot her a look.

"You know what I meant."

"Nothing. We're fine." Hope lied.

"Landon and Josie both told me about your little incidents." Alaric told. "Is it possible that you two could be having the same nightmares to cause these outbursts?"

"Twin night terrors? I doubt it." Miracle scoffed as she grabbed her bottle of water while they all took a small break.

"It seems like both of you are manifesting a little stress and anxiety." Alaric shrugged. Miracle sighed as she watched him and Hope spar individually.

"I mean, Hope watched her one true love literally rise from the dead. I'd understand her having all this 'stress and anxiety', but that doesn't explain why the same thing is happening to me." Miracle stated, putting her drink out. "Why isn't only Hope suffering with this weird magic outburst? Why me, too?"

"That..." Alaric stopped sparring to turn to Miracle. "That is a work-in-progress. I mean, with your family history, I just want to make sure--"

"We said we're fine!" Hope snapped angrily, sending a magic wave bursting out of her and right at Alaric, knocking him off of his feet.

"Wow, Hope. Badass." Miracle commented, wide-eyed, as she stared at their headmaster on the floor. "Look, Ric, don't listen to a word that Hope says. We're not fine. And by 'we', I mean Hope."

"No." Alaric stood to his feet. "This happened because Hope had gotten angry. The same thing could happen to you at any given moment, Miracle."

"Okay... w-we could stand to blow off some steam." Hope muttered sheepishly. "Come on, Mira. We should check the woods to see if we can wolf out."

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