2 - Goodbyes Really Do Suck

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 2
Word Count: 1676

Alaric had gathered Lizzie, Miracle, Jed, MG, and Kaleb into his office for a kind of personal meeting.

"I wish I had better news. We don't have much time."

"Super Squad always saves the day." MG grinned optimistically, looking around at the others. "What do you need us to do?"

"Anything we can." Alaric responded.

"We should also make a plan for if... things don't go our way." Kaleb suggested, being as negative as ever. Everyone sent him a 'really?' look. "What? We got to be realistic about our odds here, right?"

"You leave the worst-case scenario up to me. In the meantime, just keep looking for loopholes. Jed, the pack should be with him right now." Alaric stated.

"The pack can't help with this, Dr S."

"Why not?"

"A dying wolf seperates himself from the pack. We have to respect his privacy, keep our distance unless he chooses to reach out to us." Jed said. Yep, you had that right... Rafael was dying, and no one knew why.

"Is that how you'd want to be treated?" Alaric asked quietly.

"Sorry. It's just our nature." Jed murmured. Alaric gave up and sighed, turning towards his blonde daughter.

"Lizzie, the witches... have them keep trying any and all healing spells."

"Already on it." Lizzie nodded. "Plus, we gave Raf an elixir that links him to the lunar cycle. It's a Band-Aid, but it will hold off his symptoms until the morning."

"When he drops dead." Kaleb added, causing Miracle to smack him upside the head.

"Shut up, you insensitive little bloodsucker!"

"Ow!" Kaleb grabbed his head, wincing in pain.

"My point is, if anyone can find a way to save him, it's us." Lizzie continued speaking, just as Alaric's office door opened.

"There's only one problem with that." Everyone turned to see Hope standing there. "Rafael took off! He's gone."


Everyone was rushing around, reading through book after book, trying to find anything to save Rafael. Miracle was reading through a grimoire that Freya had sent her when someone came up behind her.

"So, about those healing spells..."

Miracle turned around and saw Lizzie stood there, looking quite a mess, causing the tribrid to let out a giggle.

"None of them worked?"

"Not as intended." Lizzie replied with a smile.

"Well, the day is not over yet." Miracle reminded, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around Lizzie's waist, hugging her.

"Baby, we've tried everything. You know what we need to do." Lizzie mentioned, but still hugged her girlfriend back.

"If you want to link Raf to Lan, then that's the thing you should talk to Hope about. It's her boyfriend." Miracle shrugged, pulling away from Lizzie after a long moment.

"Good idea! I'll see you later, beautiful!" Lizzie quickly kissed Miracle and dashed away to look for Hope before Miracle even had time to kiss back. The tribrid let out a chuckle as she watched her girlfriend hurry off.


Hope had come up with a pretty genius plan to hopefully save Rafael. They could use Clarke's trident that they still had to transfer energy instead of consciousness, but the energy would have to be a phoenix's energy. That would mean Landon would have to become human.

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