6 - Mombie Dearest

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 6
Word Count: 2501

Ariana was sitting in her office, drinking some coffee as she listened to Hope and Miracle during their therapy session. At the moment, Ariana and Miracle were both listening to Hope's never-ending rambling about Landon.

"Obviously, nothing's gonna come out of it. I mean, I may never see him again! And nobody wants a phone thing. Though I do like the sound of his voice. It's low and smart-sounding and kind of soothing. And his eyes! His eyes are, like, this green-gray colour that's not really a colour, you know? Like, they're green when he wears green, and then--" Hope abruptly cut herself off, finally realising how much she was rambling on. "Oh, my god... who am I right now?"

"A normal teenager?" Ariana chuckled.

"Aww, my favourite sister's in loooove!" Miracle playfully nudged her sister, who blushed and looked down, before looking back up at Miracle with a small smile.

"One, I'm your only sister!"

"Therefore, making you my favourite. Continue."

"And two..." A mischievous look appeared in Hope's eyes. "You mean like you are in love with Josie?" That made the smile on Miracle's face drop. She looked down at her lap, sadly fiddling with her fingers. Hope noticed the change in Miracle's mood and immediately felt bad. "Oh... I-I'm sorry... I forgot that you two... you know..."

"Yes, that's a good topic starter." Ariana cut in, turning to Miracle. "Have you spoken to her since she left you that sweet letter?" Yes, Miracle had told Ariana about the letter that Josie had left.

"No." Miracle frowned. "I've... not really made up my mind yet if I want to forgive her or not! And I only have until tonight to decide..."


Miracle was wandering the halls, quietly humming a tune that had been playing over and over in her head all day, when she was suddenly pushed back by a body ramming into her.

"Woah! Hey, watch where you're goi-- Josie?" Miracle's eyes widened when she saw that it was Josie who had came crashing into her. Sticking to her plan to ignore the Saltzman siphoner, Miracle went to quickly walk away, but she stopped once she saw the dazed expression written across Josie's face. The tribrid's brown eyes filled with concern. "Josie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Josie went to leave, but Miracle's hand closed around her wrist.

"You don't look fine, Jo."

"What do you care?" Josie snapped. "You've barely said a word to me all week! Even after I left you that letter, you continued to ignore me. I guess I'll be attending my own party without a date."

"I never said that I wasn't going to stand you up, Josie. I just haven't made up my mind yet! So, I thought that keeping my distance with you until tonight will help clear my mind so I'm ready to decide if we could work out." Miracle stated. "I've... still not decided."

"Sorry... I was rude..." Josie sighed. "I've just had a rough birthday so far..."

"Come here." Miracle led Josie over to a bench and they both sat on it. "What's up?"

"Well..." Josie began the story. "It started with Penelope not being able to keep her big mouth shut. She told us that mom wasn't able to return in time for our party... so, of course, me and Lizzie had gone to interrogate dad about it! But when we arrived... we saw someone who we'd never met before but easily recognised..."

"Who was it?" Miracle questioned, genuinely curious. Josie looked at her ex girlfriend with a small frown.

"Our mom."

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