14 - Who killed you?

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 14
Word Count: 3732

"As supernaturals, we all carry a burden. Our eyes are open to evil. And recently, you've had to face it. Some of us process these traumas by suppressing what happened. For others, it's easier to bury it deep inside and pretend like nothing's happened at all. Still, others may take a different route, such as--" But Emma's long — and boring, in Miracle's opinion — speech was interrupted when Hope decided to cut in.

"Pushing people away in an attempt to self-isolate? Because everyone they love is in perpetual danger, which often results in them becoming perpetually dead."

In that moment, it felt like every pair of eyes were glued to Miracle, making her sink lower in her seat (that was in between Hope and an empty chair) in an attempt to avoid the stares.

"Why are you all looking at me? I have a twin sister who is in the exact same boat that I'm in!"

"Thanks, Mira." Hope rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping from her words, causing Miracle to send her an apologetic half-smile.

"Sorry. But, I mean... you have a point, sis." She then turned towards Emma, dropping her smile completely. "Since Hope just finished our therapy for the both of us, can we go now? Because, uh, Landon's outside trying to fly and I've offered to help Hope with him."

"I'm afraid not, Miracle, because the point is we can all do better at processing the traumas we've been through." Emma responded, causing Miracle to huff and cross her arms, sinking even lower in her seat as she began to mumble things under her breath.

"If aunt Ana was here, she'd have let us go..."

"Anyway..." If Emma had heard Miracle, she chose to ignore the tribrid's biased words. "Dr Saltzman has asked me to conduct a special group lesson today."

"I, for one, could really use this, and I would appreciate everyone's support." Lizzie chimed in, leaning forward in her chair to look around at the Super Squad.

"Anything for you, Lizzie bear." Miracle grinned over at Lizzie, which automatically made Lizzie smile no matter how much the blonde tried to resist the grin spreading across her face.

"Honestly, I don't know why I'm here, but I'm down to help." MG offered, smiling over at Lizzie. The blonde siphoner seemed unfazed and uninterested in MG's obvious huge crush on her, but despite that, Miracle felt something stir in her stomach at the sight of the hearts in MG's eyes. Whether it was jealousy, disgust, support, anger, happiness... she'd never know.

"You will all have an important role to play in this simulation." Emma informed the group, but the group still looked bored out of their minds, just wanting to leave the room. Emma let out a sigh. "Oh, stop looking at me like that! It'll be fun!" She then pulled a large cloth off of an object that just looked like a regular old box to Miracle, but it seemed to be of much more value considering how Emma was admiring it. "This device was created by Professor Rupert Vardemus. He's quite famous in mystical therapeutic circles. It's his variation on a Chambre de Chasse. All your psychological concerns will be transferred inside to form a shared narrative. Now, the world you create together can be anything. From pirates on the high seas to spies in the Cold War. But no matter what it ends up looking like, it will be designed specifically to help you. Out here, you're unconscious. You'll have no awareness that you're in a simulation."

"So, it's like a game?" MG asked, slightly curious, but not so curious that he was actually eager to take part. Every student in there just wanted to leave.

"Uh, how do I win?" Miracle wondered, a smile forming on her face at the thought of beating all of her friends at a game in her literal subconscious.

"Simply reach the end of your story and you'll be given an escape word. Say it aloud and you'll become self-aware again, then wake up here, having discovered something valuable in the process." Emma stated as if she was speaking to a bunch of ten year olds. "Any questions?"

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