5 - Like, a Date

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 5
Word Count: 3768

Practically feeling the booming music vibrating through the floor from the Salvatore house, Miracle stared up at the large school with her eyes glassy with tears. Her mascara was slightly smudged from the tears. She didn't know how it happened... but it did. It was happening all over again... memories being erased, trying to persuade everyone that she was who they'd always known. But no one seemed to remember.

Miracle never believed that she had gotten PSTD from her time in Malivore, but now that the same thing was happening all over again, she was experiencing a whole lot more than déjà vu.

She drew in a shaky breath, shaking her hands in an attempt to calm down, wiping her face and fixing her mascara. Then, a now determined look spreading through her chocolate brown orbs, Miracle headed into the Salvatore house, the music so much louder now that she was closer up. All she could hear was the loud cheers and she maneuvered her way through the students. Her peers...

She spotted Hope with a drink in her hand nearby, dancing, and sighed in relief. If anyone was going to remember her, it had to be her own twin sister... right? Hope seemed to remember her during her first Malivore trip. Miracle headed over to Hope, bumping into many of her classmates as she passed, and tapped her sister's shoulder. Hope spun around with a smile, but it dropped into a confused frown once her bright eyes landed on Miracle.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

And just like that, Miracle's heart fell into her stomach, cracking right down the middle. Not even Hope remembered who she was.


"This is all very confusing." Alaric slurred his words, clearly drunk. But Miracle knew to expect him to get drunk at a party. He was an alcoholic and everybody knew that.

"Because you're drunk." Miracle didn't even try to sound nice about it, rolling her eyes. "And I really need you to focus. This is a matter of life and death." She looked around at the group that Hope had gathered once Miracle promised she'd explain who she was. That group consisted of Alaric, Lizzie, Josie, and Kaleb.

"First things first... I'm only buzzed." Alaric said, and before Miracle could argue against that statement, he'd spoken again. "Secondly, you haven't told any of us why we should believe anything that you said, Miss... Miracle, right?"

"Mikaelson, actually. Klaus and Avery's daughter."

"You're a pretty bad liar." Hope scoffed, crossing her arms. "Is Miracle even your real name? 'Cause Mikaelson sure isn't. Klaus and Avery only had one daughter! Me. You should have done your research if you intended on going by this story."

"You think I didn't know you were also a Mikaelson, Hope?" Miracle snapped, and Hope looked mildly surprised that the older tribrid knew her name. "You're my twin sister, okay? But... but I'm the older one, so I always saw you as a baby sister instead, and you have always been my best friend more than my sister, and..." But Miracle trailed her rambling off, knowing that if she continued, she'd end up bursting into tears.

"That's absurd... liar..." Hope muttered under her breath, but something in the back of her head was trying to convince her to believe Miracle.

"Anyone else thinking she's a monster?" Lizzie chimed in, and Josie raised her hand, causing Miracle's heart to ache painfully.

"I know why you'd think that, because I know that Malivore monsters exist. I know that the reason why you're celebrating is because you just defeated them." Miracle stated, and then glanced at Lizzie. "I always know that you're a witch." And then turned to Kaleb. "You're a vampire." Then, to Alaric. "I'm doubling down on drunk." And next, Miracle glanced at Hope. "You are all three. As my twin, we are the only two tribrids alive." Lastly, she turned towards Josie. "Also a witch."

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